In the Traveller univerce with all the glory going to the military,scout and,trade ships every one forgets the others. Mainly the salvage and mining ships. I have made a nice(in my opinon) salvage/mining ship. I dont have the specs on hand but I'll tell you what I rember. It is a 600 ton Classic Traveller ship(I've got the reprints).It's not fast (1 or 2G Tops)but if your salvaging a ship it's probably not moving. It has 4 Double turets (I think)for when a pirate wants to releave you of your hard earned cargo. Also multipule ships lockers with tools,(laser torches and electronic tools) Vacc suits, and guns guns guns(you never know what is on board or WHY the crew before you left or didn't leave
). If any one can come up with some adventers or even other Forgoten ships I'd like a reply.