Those royalties were based on possible sales, and if all targets were reached then my take would more than double, so yeah, its an issue. However, given that it is based on sales figures, it's hard to say how that would have worked out, and so hard to use as a lever. In any case, if Hunter is not returning his emails, there is very little I can do.Originally posted by TWILIGHT:
to say I'm pi**ed off is an understatement. I, like others, have been waiting YEARS for more 2300. :-(
If you are due royalties then surely he's failing his end of the bargain? That sounds bad but I don't mean it to be... He's had some terrible problems but maybe it'd give you a talking point with him? I was quite prepared to go out and buy EVERYTHING that wouldve been produced for this game... even though I have everything there is to have (to my knowledge) for 2300AD. Sorry...just a bit fed up about this.
As for releasing any part of it, the playtest files are available on the Moot. However, given that I don't own the material anymore, there is little else I can do to release any of it.
I understand your frustration. It echoes mine. However, Hunter has been, and likely still is, going through a very hard time. I do not hold anything against him in this situation, and indeed wish him all the best. I just wish things had gone diffferently.