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MGT Only: THe Improbable Career of Lt. Michael Zembrano


Lt. Michael Zembrano
admin 0, Language 0, athletics 0, art 0, electronics 1, drive 0, Vacc SUit 1, Broker 0, Steward 0, PErsuade 0, Investigate 1, Streetwise 1, Melee (Unarmed) 2, Survival 1, Jack-of-all-Trades 1, Gun Combat (slug) 2, ENgineer (Electronics) 1, Leadership 1, Recon 1, Mechanic 1
CR 10000, implanted neural comm (audio-visual, computer/0)
Term 1: Tried for navy school but was soundly rejected. Applied for merchant marines instead. Barely survived a vacc suit accident and was subsequently thrown into prison, (on trumped-up charges?)
Term 2: Prisoner no 24601. He just tries to survive. He’s disgraced at home. His sentence ends earlier than he expected, but he still gets a lot out of it.
Term 3: Tries to join the navy, fails. THe army will happily take another warm body though. He is assigned to an engineer corps, which seems to suit him. He has a powerful friend in Imperial Intelligence, who gives him a leg up due to some quick thinking on his part.
Term 4: Lightly injured in battle, but it was still enough to force him from the service.

THis guy was a lot of fun. I rolled him up using a couple of the optional rules in the Traveller Companion, since he's intended to be a solo protagonist. I wasn't clear if I got my merchant benefits from the first term or not, but decided to rule no. Still, I think he turned out okay. I wonder what the imprisonment was all about…

Merchant, you say?

Smuggling, human trafficking, material witness on a far away world, or just hijinks at the XT line, and the locals wanted to make an example of him...
Some Errata

It looks like Electronics might not be an engineer specialty, though it gets mentioned in a couple examples in the book. Similarly, I need to pick an Electronics specialty, which escaped me during the process last night.

ELectronics (Comms) it is, just because. I guess I'll go with engineer (power))
For ship repair I allow/require electronics, mechanical AND engineering.

Mechanical is not an issue you say? Well then we'll have this valve stick in feeding the fuel lines to the drives and see how that works out.

Be kind of like how the work divisions align on nuclear navy vessels- nuclear propulsion guys for the reactor and related propulsion, engineer/mechanic ratings for everything else.