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The Irilitok of LAIR, T^5 Sophont

The Pakkrat

SOC-14 1K
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Viewers we now take you to the Living section of our Net-7 News cast.

Tonight's topic IMT^5U: The Irilitok of LAIR/Grnouf (Provence 2402), about their G5 V stellar primary. Lair A8859B9-E Cx Ga Hi Pr Pz [Vargr], see your local Library Data for more info on the Vargr home world.

The Irilitok are a sub-species, intra-species race (if you prefer), and an ethnicity of the Major Race of Vargr from the same LAIR as other Vargr originate. They are found generally in the Mendan, Amdukan, Arzul, Empty Quarter and Star's End Sectors, but often range into Meshan, Gashikan, Trenchans and Antares Sectors. Irilitok Travellers range even further as they are far more compatible with Humaniti on average, (see Library Data for the history and culture of the Irilitok).

Here are some technical measurements:
Niche and Subniche: Carnivore Chaser
Environ Flux: +1
Native Terrain: Forrest with high foliage The Irilitok found homes and sustenance in the gentler Forests of temperate and sub-tropical regions on Lair.
Breathes: Air-8
Genders: FM Female and Male
Morphology: Forest Walker
Castes: n/a

Characteristics: SDEIEC (Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Intelligence, Education, Charisma)
C1 Strength: Male 2D-1 Female 2D-1
C2 Dexterity: Male 2D+1 Female 2D+1
C3 Endurance: Male 2D-1 Female 2D-1 Irilitok are very much like typical Vargr save for outer appearances and stance more compatible with preferences of Humaniti.
C4 Intelligence: Male 2D Female 2D
C5 Education: Male 2D Female 2D
C6 Charisma: Male 2D Female 2D
C7 Sanity: Male 2D Female 2D (not rolled at Chargen)
C8 Psionics: 2D+3-Life Stage (not rolled at Chargen but Awakening)

Vision: V20-RGB
Hearing: H20-8483
Smell: S18-4 Vargr sense of smell is slightly more Sharp than Humaniti, but less than other Vargr sub-species.
Touch: T14-3
Aware: A16-3 Irilitok are less Aware, but far more sociable than other Vargr sub-species due to their history under Humaniti control.
Perception: P20-44 Under Humaniti control, Irilitok perception has dulled slightly.

Racial Scent: VAR-UGW

Head with Brain & Senses
Torso present
Limbgroup1 Arms
Limbgroup2 n/a
Limbgroup3 Legs
Limbgroup4 n/a
Tail present

Skeleton: Bony Interior
Fluids: Blood
Skin: Furry Pelt Irilitok have been chosen by Humaniti, often by their pelt coloration for aesthetic preference.
Weapon: Fangs-1, claws no extra damage
Manipulators: Hands
Grip: 0
Preferred Controls: 0
Optimized Controls: 0
Alien Controls: -1
Configurable Controls: 0
Touch: 0
Stance: Vertical

Special Abilities:
Talent: Male Empath-2, Female Empath-3
Trades: Male Mechanic-3, Female Mechanic-2 Possibly a conditioned or a learned response, the Irilitok tend to busy themselves with their hands when not otherwise occupied. A nervous Irilitok can wring their hands when nervous or distracted.

Gender Consensus: Female 50% Male 50%

Voice: Guttural
Language: Verbal The Irilitok have their own Vargr language related to the others but with speech that is especially tuned to Charisma of the speaker versus the listener. It is soft and is less powerful especially to Humaniti listeners.
Poice: Common

Irilitok Average Size: Male 71kg Female 71kg
Irilitok Typical Height: Male 1.7m Female 1.7m

Irilitok Psionics: Default 2D+3 - Life Stage, The Irilitok have a slight, conditioned advantage with sensing emotions, but otherwise have the same potential as typical Vargr. Fewer learning centers lessens Irilitok Psionics frequency in their region of Charted Space.

Irilitok Tech Level Cap: 33
Gravitics: 9
Fusion Plus: 13
Event Branc Manipulation: 32
Jump Drive: 9

Quite removed from Irilitok contact, this Anchor-rat is open to discussion with those sophonts whom have made contact enough to merit updating the above data. Send your notations to Serue (Knoellighz 1221) immediately.

For the Living section of Net-7 News, this is the Pakkrat live via satellite from Roethoeegaeaegz (Knoellighz 1726).
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Interesting that Irilitok have Awareness and Perception - two senses that humans lack. My understanding is that the mainstream Vargr species does not have these either. Are the Irilitok perhaps an engineered sub-species?
Humaniti, Awareness, Perception

The Vargr tell us that they have always had the senses of Awareness and Perception to varying degrees. One Travelling Irilitok told this field reporter that Humaniti generally ignores their Awareness and Perception senses on average unless the outside stimuli are too acute to tune out.

The Irilitok, having been enslaved by Humaniti with very little rights in the beginning, were forced or conditioned to "read the airs" around them. While they aren't as Aware as other Vargr, being subject to their masters' wills, one has to keep his wits and attention to every detail one can in hopes of surviving that tumultuous time. So, their Awareness and Perception are genetic, bred (presumably by the Ancients spoken of in the Solomani Hypothesis), and conditioned by their time under Humaniti control.

Today, the Irilitok senses of Awareness and Perception are declining in light of their equal status in that region of Charted Space thanks to the Menderes megacorporation and the Julian Protectorate polity. When one does not fear for their life on a daily basis as a slave, the need to remain Aware and Perceptive begins to drop off.

This is another reason why the Irilitok have more compatibility with Humaniti than other Vargr subspecies. They have become so attuned to them as a survival mechanism. Other subspecies may look down on them with pity or quiet envy that the Irilitok understand Human cultures with an open mind. Early Terran canines could sense various diseases and neurological pathologies before the Terran was aware of their onset. This awareness comes through their olfactory sense mainly.

Do you agree? Continue your feedback and help Net-7 News shed more light on this bridge between Humaniti and the Vargr.

Via satellite, this is the Pakkrat.
Fascinating. I had heard of a sort of perception by canidae that works with humaniti. This indeed must be a carefully cultivated talent among the Irilitok.
Referee Adjustments

Referees: If Vargr in possession of Awareness and Perception senses is overbalancing your game, feel free to reduce or drop entirely both senses from all sub-species of Vargr. Do consider keeping each sub-species' Special Abilities as they mark distinctiveness of development over millennia of evolution and adaptation to environment and nurturing.