2-4601,Originally posted by Employee 2-4601:
Middle of the island, western shore; the wind usually goes from west to the east, but there are some low mountains in the middle of the island. The base also dealt with wet navy activities (a major factor on such a world).
Okay, that looks like good planning by the Matriarchate. They destroy the marine 'bunker' with their ground/ground penetrating burst and 'crap up' the surrounding area with all the 'nice' irradiated dirt. The area, including the wet navy base, will be useless until decontaminated and that may take some time. Depending on the amount of fallout - which is your call - the ships may be salvagable via decontamination also.
Check out the Bikini tests, the US discovered that ships have to be damn close to ground zero to sink immediately, but radiological decon problems will pose all sorts of repair and salvage problems. In a few cases, portions of the vessels became radiologically 'active', that is they became rad sources themselves.
As you surmise, you can fiddle the weather. Winds usually blow in one direction, not all the time. How about a winter morning? Land heats faster than the sea, air over it rises, and wind blows in from the sea from east to west Your dirty plume has just been blown inland.
Well, if they hit it hard enough the plant will be offline forever because it won't be worthwhile fixing it when compared to building a new one. That's one option, but you also want a little Chernobyl in the mix too. I'm still trying to figure a way to 'crap up' the area around the plant well enough to significantly slow a rebuilding effort.The Matriarchate wanted that power plant offline for atleast several years; they should\ve done whatever needed to do so, and my setting assumes that they've hit it well enough to do this job - what needs to be destroyed for this is probably your call as you are the professional here.
Trying to hit the fuel bundles inside the reactor vessel inside the containment dome and spread enough radiologicals about to 'crap up' the site is going to be tough. If you hit the dome that hard, you're more likely to collapse the dome on top of the reactor vessel and entomb the fuel! You'll have to really 'stir' the resultant rubble to release what you want.
Spent fuel rods may be our answer. They'll be stored somewhere on site. From your descriptions of the planet, rather low population and low tech, I seriously doubt that fuel rod processing(1) occurs there. Instead, the rods are shipped back and forth between the planet and whomever supplies them.
Let's say the Matriarchate times their attack for just after the power plant's refueling outage. Spent rods are stored on the site, in a building or facility Matriarchate intel has identified! The conventional missiles now have several targets at the plant site:
- The containment dome. Damage it and damage the machinery inside it.
- The turbine hall. I doubt the planet could easily repair or replace this item either.
- The location of the spent fuel rods(2). Smash it and spread the rods with their radiological materials around. This will 'crap up' the site and significantly slow or delay any repairs.
As I pointed out earlier, smash things enough and it might be cheaper/faster to build an entirely new plant somewhere else.
Well, my advice should be watered down some. You're looking for ways to help your campaign and not for ways to precisely model reality. Where to draw the simulation vs. reality line is up to you!That's one reason I am so thankful for your advice...
Have fun,
1 - It's beyond the issue at hand here, but 'spent' fuel rods contain quite a bit of fuel that can still be used plus other nasty bits.
2 - In the US, this usually inside the containment dome too. But it needs o elsewhere for your campaign's purposes.