
Whoops I missed this bit, but I do like it. I think I may have to swipe it.I agree. For at least the system/planetary assault end there are several phases to work one's way through, each with it's own distinct goals that if not achieved may/will cause the whole thing to fail or be highly risky.
1) Jump-in/assembly/refueling phase: fleets arrive, secure a refueling/resupply assembly point, organize for system assault.
2) space battle phase: secure system from system space defenses (SDBs, defensive fleets) in space battles....planetary assault divisions will be in reserves here until system is secured
(Before next phase is entered a reserve rear-guard can be deployed in case of relief fleet jump-in by opposing forces. The planetary siege can take a while so this could be important if no other reserves are expected to join the attacking fleet soon.)
3) Planetary bombardment: any orbital defenses should be destroyed before assault orbit achieved for bombardment and landings. Monitors, close orbit defenses, and any other planetary space defenses must be reduced before continuing attack.
4) Planetary bombardment: reduce surface installation defenses to allow for drop and/or soft landing of assault forces. Failure to reduce sufficiently reduces chances of success though trying again later after resupply with reserves is possible.
5) Physical ground assault begins: seize control of what defenses are left, including any deep meson batteries. Before this is achieved soft landing of troops and equipment is costly, but casualties reduce as landing sites are secured so larger, slower supply ships can land.
6) Surrender of world and deploying new ground defenses in case of enemy relief arriving. Move reserve fleet forces closer to world and set up orbital defenses.

Ah, the beauty of chrome, it dresses up the plainest of things. Hells, yeah I dig chrome. More importantly, you really don't have a role-playing game without it.As to the insanity of invasions, Germany had millions when we invaded with hundreds of thousands. America had hundreds of millions when Germany invaded with a few dozens. Insanity has a way of repeating itself.
I think that having an operational backdrop to what the characters are going through. If the repo man is the biggest moving part in my campaign I might as well hang it up.
For Traveller being a roleplaying game, operational art and military science are chrome. I like chrome. Can't get enough. Anyone else like chrome?
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