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Absent Friend
Talking about my moribund merchant campaign on another thread made me dig out the specifications for the 400 T unstreamlined merchant I designed for the occasion. (I made it unstreamlined because I will not design any ship with GT's 'streamlined design' volume penalty ;) ).

Anyway, I thought someone might get some enjoyment out of this. I apologize for how ugly it looks; it's the best I can do with the tools available. I suggest you copy and paste the design and view it in Courier or a similar font.

And I guess I should include an: This is all IMTU.

GOLDEN GRYPHON-Class 400 T Merchant (TL10)

................Spaces..Hull Area.....Mass....Cost....Crew
Hull 400 T USL...400.0.....25,000.....25.0....1.25
..Armor DR 100.......0..........0....125.0....1.50
Basic Bridge......-2.5..........0......8.6....4.00......1-5
Maneuver Drive...-35.0..........0....119.0....5.60.....0.5
Jump-2 Drive.....-12.0..........0.....48.0...37.20.....0.5
Jump fuel........-80.0..........0....104.0...12.80......0
Fuel Processor....-1.0..........0......1.1....0.85
16 staterooms....-64.0..........0.....38.4....0.19
8 low berths......-1.0..........0......4.0....0.44
Shuttle bay......-31.5..........0......0.5....0.01
Cargo bay.......-170.0..........0...(940.0)...0.00
...................0.0...............532.6 68.85

GOLDEN GRYPHON Customized Cargo Shuttle
................Spaces..Hull Area.....Mass....Cost

Hull 30 T SL......24.0......4,000......4.0....0.48
..Armor DR 100.......0..........0.....20.0....0.24
Cockpit Bridge....-1.0..........0......4.9....2.50
Maneuver Drive....-4.0..........0.....13.2....0.64
Passenger (12)....-1.0..........0......0.6....0.08
Cargo bay........-18.0..........0....(90.0)...0.00

Golden Gryphon-Class merchants are named for mythological monsters. Early names are alliterative and euphonious, like Silver Sphinx and Red Roc. Later names are more awkward, like Heliotrope Hydra and Magenta Manticore. Later still alliteration was abandoned and names like Silver Dragon and Blue Harpy used.

Layout: The ship is an oblong box roughly 30 m long, 15 m broad and 12 m high. It is a so-called belly-lander design despite being unable to land. Deck 1 has the bridge and crew quarters foreward and passenger quarters, sick bay and low berths aft. Deck 2 has the engine roon aft. Fuel tanks are distributed on decks 1 and 2. Deck 3 is twice the height of the other decks and contains the cargo hold. The shuttle is mounted aft on Deck 3.

Note 1: The cargo bay has an 18 T collapsible fuel tank installed. When collapsed, it takes up 0.9 T (effectively 1 T). Effective cargo capacity of the shuttle is thus 17 T.

Note 2: The cargo bay of the shuttle may be used to carry cargo; this makes the effective cargo capacity of the ship 187 dT. If full, unloading requires a minimum of 11 round trips by the shuttle from orbit to surface; more if the cargo has been stoved awkwardly.

Note 3: Life support system is rated for 32 human-sized individuals or the equivalent number of oxygen-breathing aliens. Passengers in low berths do not count towards this limit, but if the ship carries 32 passengers and crewmen, reviving a low passenger is technically not legal. System can be overloaded 10% for several months and 20% for several weeks.

Note 4: As is the case with many designs, crew and passenger quarters are separated by a pressure bulkhead and an armored door. On the Silver Sphinx, a second armored door has been installed a little way down the central corridor, allowing the two aftmost crew staterooms to be used for passengers. This will require that some of the crewmembers double up, of course.

Crew: Captain*, astrogator*, pilot*, sensor operator, communications operator (aka signals officer), steward/medic/cargomaster, 2 engineers. One of the crew must double as shuttle pilot. The Silver Sphinx carries an extra engineer to help out with the routine maintenance. The two engine hands share a stateroom.

Position........Rank....Pay.....Shares..Minimum requirements*
Captain**.........5....2,200.......5....Limited Master's License
1st Mate**........4....2,000.......4....Limited Mate's License
2nd Mate**........3....1,800.......3....Limited Mate's License
Chief Engineer....3....1,800.......3....Chief Engineer's License
Purser............2....1,600.......2....Cargomaster's Certificate
Signals Officer...0....1,000.......1....Communicator Operator's Certificate
Sensor Tech.......0....1,000.......1....Sensor Operator's Certificate
Engine Hand.......0......800.......1....None
Engine Hand.......0......800.......1....None
(Medic...........NA.....+800......NA....Medical Technician's Certificate)
(Shuttle pilot...NA.....+500......NA....Shuttle Operator's Certificate***)

*Formal requirements only.
**Watch-standing officer.
***Included in any Mate's certificate.

Note on shares: These determine the way any profit or bonus is shared by the crew. Legal entitlement is by day the bonus or profit is paid; someone serving for 364 days and leaving the job the day before a bonus is paid is not entitled to anything while someone who joins the day before is.

Statistics: EMass 532.6, LMass 1,472.6, Cost: MCr68.85, HP: 37,500. Size modifier +9.

Performance: Accel 2.6 G empty/0.95 G loaded. Jump 2. No Air Speed (Cannot enter atmosphere).

The ship is 40 years old, but has just had a major refit; it is worth about 62.5% of its original purchase price, or MCr43.03.

When new:
The jump drive requires 135 man-hours of maintenance after each jump. Maneuver drive requires 30 man-minutes of maintenance for each hour of use.
Shuttle requires 20 man-minutes of maintenance for each hour of flight.
Rest of the ship requires 16 man-hours of maintenance per day not in port.

The jump drive requires 170 man-hours of maintenance after each jump.
Maneuver drive requires 40 man-minutes of maintenance for each hour of use.
Shuttle requires 30 man-minutes of maintenance for each hour of flight.
Rest of the ship requires 20 man-hours of maintenance per day not in port.

Note: 'In port' means parked on a planetary surface or inside a starport
Nice design.

I have only one question one it, however: how does this do wilderness refueling? Or does it only go to planets with a highport?
Originally posted by daryen:
I have only one question one it, however: how does this do wilderness refueling? Or does it only go to planets with a highport?
It doesn't do real wilderness refuelling (that is, gas giant skimming), but the shuttle can carry 18 T of fuel at a time, which means that it can refuel in 5 round trips. Thus it can visit any world where fuel is obtainable. This means that with its fuel purificator, it can visit even Class E starports.

If the owner procured a shuttle with fuel scoops, it would even be able to do gas giant skimming. Of course, it would have to be a shuttle that fitted into the shuttle bay.

Enclosed is MCr 200 to purchase two models of the class... Outstanding!

I wonder how they would do with automated maintennace crews?
