Possible high guard tournament???
I heard through the grapevine(Or X-BOAT ROUTE...)That there was a HIGH GUARD tournament 'bout a few months ago,Is this SO???...And if it is,would the COTI host the tournament? What would be the PRIZES???(If any...)I'd like to see this sort of thing occur more often(Perhaps there could also be a STRIKER/COACC tournaments in the future as well...Sort of , Like a POCKET EMPIRES type situation...I was thinking that HIGH GUARD/STRIKER/COACC designs still be made with ANDREW MOFFAT-VALLANCE(Kinda sounds like GRAND MOFF,NO???...Sorry Mr.VALLANCE,I had to throw that in there!!!...)SHIP DESIGN PROGRAM(An AWESOME PROGRAM IN ITSELF!!!...Good show,Mr.VALLANCE...!!!)And utilizing the same type of program(Sort of like an "AUTOMATIC BATTLE/OUTCOME PREDICTOR...If such a program did exist, It would certainly be a definite BOON to all GM'S everywhere who play TRAVELLER...!!!)The victors could easily be decided...Ah well, just another perverse TRAVELLER fantasy I suppose(LAUGH!!!)...DEATHSKULL...eihwazrune@hotmail.com