The Hinterworlds Rambler
SOC-14 5K
It would give the opportunity to gradually introduce the scope of the Traveller universe, and also let the show get its "sea legs" and generate more intrest and bigger advertising sales, and therefore more money to spend on production. The TRaveller Setting would be what binds the show together, and would grow as the show goes on. But small bites would be used.
Consider: The Ferengi in the early seasons of Star Trek: NG had fairly complex makeup but a crappy prop situation (Sonny bono vests and "energy whips") Later, they get a sort of standard uniform, and ships, etc. SO by the time it came round to start doing "Ferengi Episodes" for DS9 they had a firm footing. (I support the idea of this, but not the execution in this case, I found the ferengi to be excrutiating!)
I for one, would love to have a full sized Scout/Courier But a strategy would be needed to get there. Too many shows make the mistake of bombing the viewer with too much background too soon. They need to relate to the characters first. The OTU would be an ideal backdrop.
Consider: The Ferengi in the early seasons of Star Trek: NG had fairly complex makeup but a crappy prop situation (Sonny bono vests and "energy whips") Later, they get a sort of standard uniform, and ships, etc. SO by the time it came round to start doing "Ferengi Episodes" for DS9 they had a firm footing. (I support the idea of this, but not the execution in this case, I found the ferengi to be excrutiating!)
I for one, would love to have a full sized Scout/Courier But a strategy would be needed to get there. Too many shows make the mistake of bombing the viewer with too much background too soon. They need to relate to the characters first. The OTU would be an ideal backdrop.