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MGT Only: The Traveller Release Schedule


We have had lots of emails and a few forum posts asking pretty much the same thing - 'where is X for Traveller, eh?'

When we started work on the new edition of Traveller, we made a decision that books would go to print only when we felt they were ready and the Design Schedule we had in the office would be a set of guidelines rather than deadlines. Predictably, books now take longer to produce - however, we also feel their quality has soared over the past year. Happy with this process, we are going to continue it into 2017.

However, that still does not answer the question - where is all the cool Traveller stuff? Well, we have not been idle...

We have crunched through a few projects recently, burning the midnight oil, and we have brought Hannah on board, a new full-time graphical person (Referee's Briefing 4: Mercenary Forces was her very first publication and, I think you will agree, she hit the ground running!). We have also been busy beavering away on the writing and editorial side of things, and we can now announce a brand new release schedule for Traveller that carries us into 2017. You can find it here:


So, how reliable is this schedule, you will want to know!

As with all schedules, the further you go into the future, the more like fiction it becomes. The one question mark I have is the new Pirates of Drinax mega-campaign set. This set is a Big Ask overall (one 200 page book, one 256 page book, and a huge poster map, all in glorious full colour) and it is going to suck editorial and graphical resources like they are going out of fashion. However, we have also done a lot of prep work already on it.

Everything else though... is looking pretty good for those dates!
Hell, I'd buy his grocery list. ;)

I'll pass that on :)

We still very much want to do a Guide to the Imperium, but we have two massive canon-heavy projects in the works right now (revisiting Drinax, and Rob's FFW epic) that need full attention background-wise. Once they are done (and bearing in mind some lunatic suggested the FFW could be a trilogy spanning three years of real time...), we'll have another look at the Guide.

However, those two projects alone will have a lot of OTU/canon material.

Should point out though that while Drinax is a Gareth Hanrahan special, Martin has already written about 100 pages worth of new supporting material for it (the first part, covering Theev, will be appearing in 2-3 weeks or so), plus he is currently working on a brand new (multi-part) Expedition to Zhodane that we will be releasing next year as a primer/run-up to the FFW...
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Agree on the grocery list thing.

Matt, this is understandable and I appreciate your focus on quality over quantity.
I have indeed been quite busy lately, with material for the Marches and the Reach as well as the Expedition to Zhodane adventures and other stuff besides.

I also have a new novel out. It's SF but not Traveller. It's called Nightfall in Avalon.

I mention this only because I'm a filthy self-promoting shill.
I really hate to post something off-topic, so I apologize. But Matt, I've tried contacting someone at Mongoose via the "Contact me" button on the Mongoose forum a month ago, and sent you a PM here a week ago. I've never received a response to either. I understand that you're a busy man, but if you could read either of those messages and get back to me at your convenience, I would appreciate it.
Thanks for the update, Matt.

We still very much want to do a Guide to the Imperium, but we have two massive canon-heavy projects in the works right now (revisiting Drinax, and Rob's FFW epic) that need full attention background-wise. Once they are done (and bearing in mind some lunatic suggested the FFW could be a trilogy spanning three years of real time...), we'll have another look at the Guide.

Are the FFW releases included on your timetable, or are they going to be announced later (when you have decided what they will look like)?
I really hate to post something off-topic, so I apologize. But Matt, I've tried contacting someone at Mongoose via the "Contact me" button on the Mongoose forum a month ago, and sent you a PM here a week ago. I've never received a response to either. I understand that you're a busy man, but if you could read either of those messages and get back to me at your convenience, I would appreciate it.

Ah, I saw a PM here but I think your mail box is full so could not do a response :)

Drop me a line at msprange@mongoosepublishing.com, and I'll be all yours!
I'm liking the new style and layout of the books. Some of the art in the supply book I think is a bit iffy, but maybe that's just me. Loving the idea of garden worlds and such. Books of planets would be such a time saver for the lazy amongst us. MORE!
what, that it disintegrates after tumbling and exploding since that's a really unstable way for a non-streamlined ship to enter an atmosphere? ;)