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The Type S Scout Ship


If you want' I can also post your deckplans on my yahoo group site. Got one ship up there already and always looking for more.


(sites in my profile)
I once saw a set of tables in a magazine (_Dragon_?) that had a longish list of quirks for older ships (scouts and free traders). The quirks ranged from the plot/atmosphere hook types (air filters, grav plates, food dispenser) to the more dangerous (-1 to fire control, +1 to misjump) and even some useful ones (+1 to fire control, etc).

Unfortunately, I can't remember which magazine it was in, let alone find the issue. :(

Perhaps, someone would like to come up with a new table?

Originally posted by Ron Vutpakdi:
I once saw a set of tables in a magazine (_Dragon_?) that had a longish list of quirks for older ships (scouts and free traders). The quirks ranged from the plot/atmosphere hook types (air filters, grav plates, food dispenser) to the more dangerous (-1 to fire control, +1 to misjump) and even some useful ones (+1 to fire control, etc).

Unfortunately, I can't remember which magazine it was in, let alone find the issue. :(

Perhaps, someone would like to come up with a new table?

I think I remember something similar in StarDate/StarDrive - just after they published the Traveller... I mean, Trader Captains and Merchant Princes supplement for Star Trek. I'll dig in the collection and see if I can find it.

In the meantime, check out http://www.estarcion.com/kaleja/77quirks.html
you want beat up? In the T20 game I just got underway, our engineering wunderkind got "unlucky" with his mustering rolls and ended up with a ship in a campaign that didn't need one (yet, anyway). The result, being left up to the Ref (Me), is an old Type S that had been converted to a Type J, used for some years, then *half* converted back. The jury-rigging necessary just to get it to the long-term berth pad it sits on involved more people than the ship normally carries, and our wunderkind is now on a perpetual hunt for budget parts for his ship, which sits on a pad several parsecs away with the Rebellion just starting up...
To be honest, I never understood how someone could 'muster out' with a ship. It didn't make any sense and I don't know of any equivalent in any service.

So what I would do is to say that the characters got a 'bid' from a ship in the scrap yard. They basically got the downpayment on what the ship would cost on the open market for free (assuming that it worked well). This way the service got money back on a ship it bought and didnt' have to pay for mothballing, *and* they ahd a ship that could be recalled.

I've run a number of adventures where players end up on a planet with a ship that won't work and they have to conduct a LOT of work just to get it space worthy.
A buddy of mine just reminded me of a nasty trick I played on the players. They recovered a ship out of mothball per their mustering out benefit. Only this one had a double beam laser turren installed. There was a note by the mothball techs that they couldn't remove the weapons without cutting the turret out of the hull, so they left them there.

The ship had sufferred a collision so there was a problem with the weapons and the turret if a '2' is rolled on the 2 hit then the weapon blows up destroying the turret (we had the gunner in the bridge firing from a station).
I'm thinking of having a go at the humble wedge-shaped Type S. Some of you will already have seen my Type-S based on the classic stats:


Now, I've always been a great nay-sayer of the traditional wedge-shaped Type-S but I've recently been thinking, instead of whinging about it, I should try and design a scout that works (ie - all the areas actually fit inside the wedge shape properly) but still retain the wedge shape. I'll probably do it in 3D again (though most likely only the external view) and probably do a design that averages out the GURPS and D20 stats so that - within the 20% margin - it can be used for both.

Originally posted by Scarecrow:
I'm thinking of having a go at the humble wedge-shaped Type S. Some of you will already have seen my Type-S based on the classic stats:
Wow. That's gorgeous. Is there a site for deckplans somewhere?


Hey 'crow, you've been holding out on us! When do we see the rest of the interiors on that scout of yours? :D
Originally posted by Vargas:
Hey 'crow, you've been holding out on us! When do we see the rest of the interiors on that scout of yours? :D
Sorry, yeah, it's progessing slowly (like most of my projects). I have, however been beavering away on the interior and I should have a major update soon. I've built and rendered the cockpit, staterooms, corridor and I'm in the middle of building the Recc Room. That leaves the airlock, washroom and gun-well to build and the upper deck will be complete.
If anyone wants to see more of this ship, there's an on-going work-in-progress thread at scifi-meshes though you'll have to sift through it to see all the interior shots.



Originally posted by Scarecrow:
Well, I now have a Sylean Wedge in the works too =)

So many things to create... so little time!!!!

As regards your latest Type S work and making it compatible for T20 and GT by some averaged stat magic, good idea and good luck.

As for the T20 version itself (haven't got GT so no comment there) remember it represents the stripped model sold as surplus or assigned to ex-Sccouts on detached duty assignments. If you build it (as I just did, still tweaking) as the active service version the deckplans will be IMO quite different from those posted, and much closer to the old CT model (without the attic).

To bring it back to service specs I added a mission suite (8dT : configurable as lab, sensors, commo, or other), more power (3dT : +2 EP for whatever), and a fuel purifier (7dT : for wilderness work of course), leaving a little room for cargo (extra missions/life support stores) or electronics upgrades (2dT : which is very close to the CT 3dT for cargo).

Anyway I'm looking forward to seeing your take on it, now quit goofing off here and build it already ;) If you'll excuse me, I need to get back to finishing my time dilation field generator so I'll have time to do everything else I want to do
I hear what you're saying. It'll probably be the bog standard version and, as you say not far off the CT version.

The two stats average out quite reasonably, though it's going to result in a set of plans that aren't strictly accurate for either system. The way I figure it is if this isn't good enough for you then don't use them :D .
I think, they'll fit within the CT 20% rule. I think they'll work fine and I think you'll only really know they're wrong if you take out your ruler and calculator.
Of course I could do two sets of strictly accurate plans, one for each system but the simple matter is, I can't be arsed!
The biggest problem I've come across so far is the M-Drives. T20 and GURPS volumes are very similar in most respects except when it comes to the M-Drives. Gurps has something like 20 tons of M-drive whereas T20 seems to think you can fit an M-Drive in your shirt pocket. Just a measly 2.5 tons!!!!

What I've done is add up the Jump, Maneuvre and Engineering and average that out. It results in an engineering/drive space a little too small for GURPS and little too large for T20 but substantial enough to be believable and should work fine.

I have the volumetric block model made up and it's all working rather neatly. Best of all, all the habitable areas fit inside the wedge shape which was my primary objective.

Sounds like you have it well in hand. I've had to do similar things with engineering through Travellers previous incarnations, lumping it usually works. Juggling the powerplant fuel between the powerplant itself or the big tanks sometimes helps balance the numbers a little better between different versions. One translation I did worked out perfectly just lumping the powerplants and maneuver drives into a single unit.

I'm with you 100% on the like it or leave it attitude and I for one will not be putting a ruler anywhere near the finished plans, I'm confident it'll be very close, and beautiful to behold. I'll try to wait paitiently now :D