Except I don't see how that would work. Even if you redesign the Kinunir to be a heavy cruiser, 24 ships is still a very small production run and four of them is still only a minor fraction of the ships stationed in Regina Subsector. And as for the Battle of the two Suns, is a single heavy cruiser, even with a black globe, really going to to sustain four hours of steady attack (presumably by Zhodani cruisers of comparable size) before screen failure? Are we talking about a battle between a few cruisers on each side or about an actual fleet engagement?A retcon is required.
Your two choices are:
redesign as a battle cruiser under HG2 rules (a proposed replacement for the aging Atlantic class that is being removed from service)
This choice allows you to keep the Battle of the Two Suns fluff and transfer to the Vegans.
As for the transfer to the Vegans, I've indicated two possibilities to explain that.