It's great stuff, agreed.
Asimov's jump was instant, though, wasn't it? It wasn't a week.
I wonder how some of his atomic blasters would convert to Striker...
There are huge doses of Niven and Pournelle. Heck, Bk 4 is almost a tribute to Falconberg's Legion.
There also is a strong dose of Starship Troopers.
From Asimov, we get the Psychohistory, and the indifferent commercial empire.
From Niven & Pournelle, we get the constant speed drives in the 1-6 Gee range. And the Black Globe (It's from Mote in God's Eye). And the nobles who are more noted for banking than fighting.
From Pournelle on his own, we get the emphasis on mercenaries; Hammer's Slammers, by Drake, is a slightly later influence, but what we get there is merely reinforcing the Mercenary aspects of Pournelle's Falconberg's Legion. (It's worth noting that Falconberg's is one end of the history of the CoDo setting, Mote & sequels is the other end.)
Dune gives us the structure of the Imperium as a non-democratic republic, bound to corporate interests and whose nobles get moved to lower their power. CHOAM is a prototype for the Moot of the 3I.
Both Pournelle and Herber give us an "Imperium"... Nobles with Corporate interests, and
Traveller is a blend of these and more... Bill the Galactic Hero, Stainless Steel Rat, Assorted Heinlein novels, Some hints of Niven's Known Space... And also Doc Smith's Lensmen (Psionics, including mention of the Lens). And the Alien Modules show a strong Doc Smith influence in richly thought out aliens. (See Little Fuzzy and sequels.)
To "See Traveller in" any one as if it's the totality is patently absurd, in the same way that judging a Roman home from a square foot of the mosaic floor... what you see might be truth, but it's not enough to make a judgement of the whole.
It's not like Vance to D&D. Vance is patently (and by Gygax's own words, explicitly) the primary source, LOTR the secondary, with the Appendix N being "Additional Inspirations"...
While Marc's explicit statements are that it's a blend of classic 50's to mid-70's space opera. Which explicitly includes Asimov's Foundation, Heinlein's Starship Troopers, Falconberg's Legion, Mote in God's Eye, Stainless Steel Rat, Star Trek, and (with Bk 5) Star Wars. Marc has repeated denied any one source being primary. Hell, open the back of Supplement 4: Citizens of the Imperium... and look at the NPCs in the back.