Supplement Four
SOC-14 5K
OK, I've already roughly outlined my Talent idea for CT in another thread. Talents are a method I'm looking at using for adding character growth and improvement to my Classic Traveller campaign.
But, there should come a time when a character can earn a skill improvement or learn a new skill.
That's the topic of this thread.
I'm looking at getting away from bookkeeping. I had an experience point idea (see the earlier thread) that I've been using in my campaign for the last couple of months, but now I've decided that I want to drop the whole "you-get-X-amount-of-experience-points-each-game-session-based-on-how-you-played-and-what-you-did" idea. That's a hold over from most other RPGs (probably having it's roots in D&D).
I want something simple. I want something that makes sense. I want something that fits Traveller...specifically Classic Traveller. And, I don't want any bookkeeping. I don't want to keep track of experience points (or Action Tallies, or Character Points...whatever you want to call them), and I don't want to have to award them after every adventure or game session.
And, I'm willing to think outside of the box a little too.
Given that, here's what I'm thinking....
There are two basic ways a person learns: (1) Through Practical Experience , or (2) Through Study & Practice .
Let's look at Practical Experience first....
A Critical Success on a task roll (Remember, I use the latest version of the Universal Game Mechanic in my game) is the alert-light that indicates that the character just may have learned something new (may have improved his skill level).
When CS is thrown on a task, a check is called for:
To obtain a Focus Skill through Practical Experience: Roll 2D for INT or less
+ Experience Penalty
+ Skill Level
Note that the DMs will make the throw harder.
If this check is successful, then the skill becomes the character's Focus Skill . Put a tick mark or a star next to this skill on the character's sheet to designate it as the character's Focus Skill. A Focus Skill is the skill the character is attempting to improve, and a character can only have one Focus Skill at a time.
As a Focus Skill, the skill is immediately raised 1 level...but this level increase may not be permanent. The skill may fall again to its original level.
Any Critical Failure thrown on the skilll, during it's time as a Focus Skill, will require a new INT check (as above). Success on this check is required or the Focus Skill is lost (meaning that the skill returns to its original level, and the character no longer has a Focus Skill).
When a second Critical Success is thrown on the character's Focus Skill (could be the next time a task is thrown using the skill...could be the next game week...or even a couple of game years down the road for the character), the character may attempt to make the skill increase permanent.
Making the skill increase permanent is done by a throw exactly like the throws above, except EDU is used instead of INT.
Permanent Skill Increase: 2D for EDU or less
+ Experience Penalty
+ Skill Level
If this check is successful, then the skill is permanently increased one level. The character can pick up a new Focus Skill the next time a Critical Success is roll on a task roll (and, if he chooses, the character can start the long process of improving that Focus Skill with a permanent level increase).
What is the Experience Penalty?
Classic Traveller says that a character's INT + EDU is his Experience. Add up a character's total skill levels, subtract that from the character's Experience score, then divide by 2 (rounding fractions up). This is the character's Experience Penalty. It's half the number of skills the character currently has that exceed the sum of the characters INT and EDU stat.
A character with INT-A and EDU-7 would have an experience score of 17. If that character's total skill levels summed to 19, his experience penalty would be +1.
What this means is that characters with A LOT of skills....a number of skills exceeding the total of that character's INT + EDU....can still improve and gain new skills--it'll just be harder for this character to do so (thus the penalty).
This mechanic keeps the spirit of CT's "you-can't-have-more-skills-than-the-total-of-your-INT + EDU", yet still allows character improvement, albeit more slowly.
Note that the checks mentioned above ALWAYS succeed on a roll of 2 (snake eyes), allowing even characters with a butt-load of skills (or a character with low scores in INT or EDU) a chance to improve or learn a new skill...they'll just do it very, very slowly.
What about the Skill Level penalty?
I added the character's current skill level to the DMs on the throws above for one reason: to make it harder for high level skills to improve.
Because the character's current skill level is used as a penalty DM to the throw (making the roll higher when you're trying to roll low), it will be much harder for characters with high skills to improve.
This will keep CT's method of Skills ranging, typically, 1-5 or so. Players will definitely start to notice that it's hard to improve that SMG-4 skill...much harder than if their AutoPistol-1 was their Focus Skill.
Because of this penalty, players will think twice about making their SMG-4 combat skill their Focus Skill. Players only get one Focus Skill at a time, and it's a long road to improvement. That 4 point penalty to the checks required to improve a skill make give players pause...they'll know that they could be spending their time more wisely improving a lower level skill. And, if they do choose to focus on a high level skill for improvement, they'll know that there will be many restarts...back to the beginning, as checks are failed during the game.
Learning by Study & Practice?
The same method outlined above will be used if a character attempts to improve his character through study or practic (as opposed to Practical Experience). The only difference is that time spent practicing or studying (as defined by the GM) takes the place of the Critical Success requirement.
So, a character who is attempting to increase his Navigation skill will spend some time in Astrogation class and study (study time requirement defined by the GM based on TL and available facilities, instructors, and study materials). Time will pass in study before the first INT check is allowed, making the skill the character's Focus Skill. Then, more time is spent before the EDU check is made to see if the skill increase is permenant.
Oh...and the INT and EDU checks are made using 3D instead of 2D as outlined above. Because of this, the checks are much harder, but, as long as the character spends time studying as required by the GM (and good GMs would pick appropriate lenghts of study...months or a year game time to finally go up a level is about right), he can keep making these rolls until he makes them successfully.
To obtain a Focus Skill through Practical Experience: Roll 3D for INT or less
+ Experience Penalty
+ Skill Level
Obviously, smart GMs who do not want to unbalance their game will be long study times so that the character do not move up too fast using this method of improvement.
Permanent Skill Increase: 3D for EDU or less
+ Experience Penalty
+ Skill Level
And, if the study time is broken, it can be treated as if a Critical Failure was made on the Focus Skill as outlined above--possibly requireing the character to begin studies anew, starting at the beginning.
What about rewards for fantastic roleplaying or superior ideas during the game session?
How I'm planning on handling using a similar method to what I've just outlined. When a player really plays a character impressively (nowhere near every game session, mind you), he could be rewarded with an opportunity to increase one of his gain a Focus Skill.
The methods above will be used (whether the Focus Skill is improved through experience or study), but the INT and EDU checks are made using 4D .
This makes it hard to increase a skill level, or learn a new skill, using this method, but it's possible. Remember, four 1's on all 4D means the check is a success.
My thought here, with this method of experience, is to give the player something to focus on...his Focus Skill. If it's a skill he really wants to improve, he'll spend a lot of effort trying to improve that skill. It will take time. The character will live with the skill increase (as a Focus Skill) a while only to loose it later (on a failed check). And, he'll have to start over.
Once a permanent increase is made, however, the player will have the satisfaction of accomplishment. He'll feel like he earned that skill increase.
And, with this slow progression, a CT game won't be unbalance with PC always improving. What will happen with this system is that each character will, probably, get a Focus Skill soon...and then the lengthly process of getting that skill improvement permanent will begin.
This, combined with the Talents idea I mention (in the other thread) should give my players a sense of character improvement without unbalancing my CT game.
But, there should come a time when a character can earn a skill improvement or learn a new skill.
That's the topic of this thread.
I'm looking at getting away from bookkeeping. I had an experience point idea (see the earlier thread) that I've been using in my campaign for the last couple of months, but now I've decided that I want to drop the whole "you-get-X-amount-of-experience-points-each-game-session-based-on-how-you-played-and-what-you-did" idea. That's a hold over from most other RPGs (probably having it's roots in D&D).
I want something simple. I want something that makes sense. I want something that fits Traveller...specifically Classic Traveller. And, I don't want any bookkeeping. I don't want to keep track of experience points (or Action Tallies, or Character Points...whatever you want to call them), and I don't want to have to award them after every adventure or game session.
And, I'm willing to think outside of the box a little too.
Given that, here's what I'm thinking....
There are two basic ways a person learns: (1) Through Practical Experience , or (2) Through Study & Practice .
Let's look at Practical Experience first....
A Critical Success on a task roll (Remember, I use the latest version of the Universal Game Mechanic in my game) is the alert-light that indicates that the character just may have learned something new (may have improved his skill level).
When CS is thrown on a task, a check is called for:
To obtain a Focus Skill through Practical Experience: Roll 2D for INT or less
+ Experience Penalty
+ Skill Level
Note that the DMs will make the throw harder.
If this check is successful, then the skill becomes the character's Focus Skill . Put a tick mark or a star next to this skill on the character's sheet to designate it as the character's Focus Skill. A Focus Skill is the skill the character is attempting to improve, and a character can only have one Focus Skill at a time.
As a Focus Skill, the skill is immediately raised 1 level...but this level increase may not be permanent. The skill may fall again to its original level.
Any Critical Failure thrown on the skilll, during it's time as a Focus Skill, will require a new INT check (as above). Success on this check is required or the Focus Skill is lost (meaning that the skill returns to its original level, and the character no longer has a Focus Skill).
When a second Critical Success is thrown on the character's Focus Skill (could be the next time a task is thrown using the skill...could be the next game week...or even a couple of game years down the road for the character), the character may attempt to make the skill increase permanent.
Making the skill increase permanent is done by a throw exactly like the throws above, except EDU is used instead of INT.
Permanent Skill Increase: 2D for EDU or less
+ Experience Penalty
+ Skill Level
If this check is successful, then the skill is permanently increased one level. The character can pick up a new Focus Skill the next time a Critical Success is roll on a task roll (and, if he chooses, the character can start the long process of improving that Focus Skill with a permanent level increase).
What is the Experience Penalty?
Classic Traveller says that a character's INT + EDU is his Experience. Add up a character's total skill levels, subtract that from the character's Experience score, then divide by 2 (rounding fractions up). This is the character's Experience Penalty. It's half the number of skills the character currently has that exceed the sum of the characters INT and EDU stat.
A character with INT-A and EDU-7 would have an experience score of 17. If that character's total skill levels summed to 19, his experience penalty would be +1.
What this means is that characters with A LOT of skills....a number of skills exceeding the total of that character's INT + EDU....can still improve and gain new skills--it'll just be harder for this character to do so (thus the penalty).
This mechanic keeps the spirit of CT's "you-can't-have-more-skills-than-the-total-of-your-INT + EDU", yet still allows character improvement, albeit more slowly.
Note that the checks mentioned above ALWAYS succeed on a roll of 2 (snake eyes), allowing even characters with a butt-load of skills (or a character with low scores in INT or EDU) a chance to improve or learn a new skill...they'll just do it very, very slowly.
What about the Skill Level penalty?
I added the character's current skill level to the DMs on the throws above for one reason: to make it harder for high level skills to improve.
Because the character's current skill level is used as a penalty DM to the throw (making the roll higher when you're trying to roll low), it will be much harder for characters with high skills to improve.
This will keep CT's method of Skills ranging, typically, 1-5 or so. Players will definitely start to notice that it's hard to improve that SMG-4 skill...much harder than if their AutoPistol-1 was their Focus Skill.
Because of this penalty, players will think twice about making their SMG-4 combat skill their Focus Skill. Players only get one Focus Skill at a time, and it's a long road to improvement. That 4 point penalty to the checks required to improve a skill make give players pause...they'll know that they could be spending their time more wisely improving a lower level skill. And, if they do choose to focus on a high level skill for improvement, they'll know that there will be many restarts...back to the beginning, as checks are failed during the game.
Learning by Study & Practice?
The same method outlined above will be used if a character attempts to improve his character through study or practic (as opposed to Practical Experience). The only difference is that time spent practicing or studying (as defined by the GM) takes the place of the Critical Success requirement.
So, a character who is attempting to increase his Navigation skill will spend some time in Astrogation class and study (study time requirement defined by the GM based on TL and available facilities, instructors, and study materials). Time will pass in study before the first INT check is allowed, making the skill the character's Focus Skill. Then, more time is spent before the EDU check is made to see if the skill increase is permenant.
Oh...and the INT and EDU checks are made using 3D instead of 2D as outlined above. Because of this, the checks are much harder, but, as long as the character spends time studying as required by the GM (and good GMs would pick appropriate lenghts of study...months or a year game time to finally go up a level is about right), he can keep making these rolls until he makes them successfully.
To obtain a Focus Skill through Practical Experience: Roll 3D for INT or less
+ Experience Penalty
+ Skill Level
Obviously, smart GMs who do not want to unbalance their game will be long study times so that the character do not move up too fast using this method of improvement.
Permanent Skill Increase: 3D for EDU or less
+ Experience Penalty
+ Skill Level
And, if the study time is broken, it can be treated as if a Critical Failure was made on the Focus Skill as outlined above--possibly requireing the character to begin studies anew, starting at the beginning.
What about rewards for fantastic roleplaying or superior ideas during the game session?
How I'm planning on handling using a similar method to what I've just outlined. When a player really plays a character impressively (nowhere near every game session, mind you), he could be rewarded with an opportunity to increase one of his gain a Focus Skill.
The methods above will be used (whether the Focus Skill is improved through experience or study), but the INT and EDU checks are made using 4D .
This makes it hard to increase a skill level, or learn a new skill, using this method, but it's possible. Remember, four 1's on all 4D means the check is a success.
My thought here, with this method of experience, is to give the player something to focus on...his Focus Skill. If it's a skill he really wants to improve, he'll spend a lot of effort trying to improve that skill. It will take time. The character will live with the skill increase (as a Focus Skill) a while only to loose it later (on a failed check). And, he'll have to start over.
Once a permanent increase is made, however, the player will have the satisfaction of accomplishment. He'll feel like he earned that skill increase.
And, with this slow progression, a CT game won't be unbalance with PC always improving. What will happen with this system is that each character will, probably, get a Focus Skill soon...and then the lengthly process of getting that skill improvement permanent will begin.
This, combined with the Talents idea I mention (in the other thread) should give my players a sense of character improvement without unbalancing my CT game.