.... The problem happens when you change position and it reorders events. Say, for instance, that a signal is sent from system A to system B, causing a ship to jump to system A and send the original signal to system B. Not normally possible, right?
This is interesing, I'm still trying to see if this is really responding to something that hasn't happened yet.
Let's say system A and B are 1 light year apart.
1. A signal is sent from system A to B
causing a ship to jump to system A (so this has happened) and the ship jumps into A 1 year + 1 week later from the perspective of system A. Assuming no time dialation between system A and B, which is probably insignificant given the small difference in relatively velocity.
How can the ship send the signal for itself as it won't jump until it gets the signal?
I was really hoping that someone with a more solid background in relativity would step in by now. I'm basing most of this on an AP Physics course I took 18 years ago. I don't even have access to any decent books on relativity right now.
I still have my books, but I'm not sure I'm much better. It's been about 20 years since I had the 2nd year pyhysics course where we went over this. I did get an A and it was at Berkeley so not shabby.
My gut feeling is that relativity does predict some travel into the past for something that travels faster than light at the local speed of light, but do to the delta t making the time experience by the traveler go negative, not so much being able to outrace the light. Hence my earlier comment about how jump space may circumvent this problem. That is the weirdness of relativity is that time progresses at different rates for two observers dependent on your relative velocity.
To add confusion, for a computational mathematics class I once wrote a program to calculate the gravity wave emission from a rotating black hole. What I found on reading up on this is that there is a physically possible trajectory that allows you to go faster than light, i.e, into the imaginary time part of a space-time graph, without hitting the Schwartzchild radius. Of course the gravitation forces so close to the balck hole would rip you apart.
In theory, yes. All the experiments I've heard of, though (and your information may well be more current than mine) indicate that in practice the information is so garbled as to be useless. More refined experiments may change that, but as far as I know there isn't a way to transmit information FTL right now, so the jury can still waffle on the verdict.
It's been about 20 years since I had my graduate quantum mechanics, my most recent information is Brian Green's book
The Fabric of the Cosmos.
He doesn't talk about information exchange but to even verify the happening and some other strange events that make it seem that the particle knows what is going to happen before it happens, the very thing you mention where you change an event before it happens!
The problem I see with using this as a communication device is that sure it may work across a lab bench, but the coherence is easily destroyed so it may present practical difficulties to separate the two entangled particles far enough apart to have a useful device. For example, confining fields may readily destroy the entanglement.
Back to relativity and such, wormholes and aspects of m-brane theory predict it is possible to get from A to B with an apparent speed faster than light by short circuiting as it were the normal 3 spatial dimensions, without violating relativity or going back in time. My understanding of course.
Then one could also postulate more bizar physics. Let's call it a quantum freezer, you generate a field that for a brief second you exactly, or close enough, define your momentum, every particle of your ship all at once. (Yes large scale quantum systems like this can happen, e.g. Bose-Einstein condensate but under special conditions) By the uncertainty principle you've just made you position uncertain, make it uncertain enough and you could really be a light year away at the next star. You haven't gone faster than light (or so the explainantion goes I believe) as the wave function that represents your ship (your ship is a wave as well as a particle) always existed a light year away and theoretically exists everywhere, the amplitude was just vanishingly small. By mysteriously defining you momentum so well, all of a sudden your probability of actually being a light year away increased.