The Ship is a Customs vessel and Multi-Role Tender, as a Customs Ship it needs Cargo space for ceased contraband and rescue supplies, you could also carry minor repair supplies and repair shops and/or a sick bay module, extra flue in demountable tanks and somewhere to carry recovered Life Pods.
As a Military Supply Tender it would support an entire Squadron of Minor Combatants or one or two Major Combatants, Fit it out with Machine & Electronics Shops and repair supplies and it becomes a Repair Tender, Demountable L-Hyrd tanks and it's a Fluer, Sick Bays and extra Staterooms and it's a hospital Ship or just extra state rooms and it's a Troop or Relief Crew Transport.
Build them Bog Standard and Fit (or Refit) them out as needed once they leave the Yard.
It's tough to build Warships at TL-10 & 11 and easy to make mistakes at TL-12, having these around at appropriate TL for your Fleet means your combatants don't have to be Self-Supporting in the Repair department and can carry shorter supply stocks giving them more room for Kill-Were and Free Mass for Armour. at TL-13 (and even TL-12 if your smart) and above you start to end up with free Mass and Displacement to carry your own Repair Shops and Hospital Decks, larger Ships Stores and Flue Tankage