Ship: Sanction Type: SS Scout Support
Class: Strake Architect: AMaccat
SS-K322253-100000-80305-0 MCr: 7367.664
Batt Bear 2 1 5 Crew: 95
Batt 2 1 5 TL: 11 (B)
Cargo: 50 Fuel: 4,200 EP: 200 Ag: 1 EAg: 2
ShpBd Scty: 10 H Psgr: 55 Low Psgr: 32 Frozen Watch
10x 100t S/C//X-B or 800t smcft (1500t drive engineering support)
Fuel Scoops & Purif. 12ktDTank pumps, 12kt Exterior tankage spt.
Backup Drive set (J2M2P2) and /4fib. 10t AV reserve (add'l 2.5 Stat)
150 stateroom (not incl 2.5 Av Rsv) 80 low.
Oversize 1100t M2 drive.
2kt in/exterior dismountable/drop tankage (included)
2050t cgo 2200t Fuel removed/mounted externally.
MCr 5894.932 in Qty MCr 7.369 Arch Fee
SS-K354653-100000-90406-0 600EP TLD Pwr6 Variant
SS-L422353-100000-90406-0 20kt w/ 10kt ext. fuel/cgo
J1, 4.6kt Fuel 9.6kt Cgo; J2 6.6kt Fuel 7.6kt Cgo; J4 8.6kt Fuel, 5.6kt Cgo
SS-K322353-100000-90405-0 300EPx2 TLD DualP3 Variant
SS-L411153-100000-90405-0 15kt w/5kt ext. fuel/cgo
J1, 2.2kt Fuel 7.0kt Cgo; 2J1 3.3kt Fuel 3.9kt Cgo, 4J1 4.95kt Fuel 2.25kt cgo
SS-K344453-100000-80305-0 400EP Single Drive Variant
SS-K322253-100000-80305-0 200EPx2 Std Dual JMP2 Variant
Trade Fleets are the heart of human (and other) kinds Grand existence amongst the stars, and the IISS/SGS is The Emporer's carrier of choice for the essential information that fosters efficient trade and transactions. The Strake class Scout Support Vessel, although held in disdain by the Imperial Fleet is nonetheless relied upon, even in time of battle, serving as a reconnaissance and communications support vessel. Much as trade in the early days of various human civilizations' history, the Scout Cruiser serves as a small port in it's own right, and can travel on long trade expeditions and ventures.
In support of that mission, the vessel is designed to be able to be resupplied and maintained at a larger number of worlds due to the robust design, incorporating proven technologies well understood by most worlds and back up equipment for the higher tech components. When stationed more permanently as a trade and survey support vessel, it's usual complement of Scout/Courriers or X-Boats are replaced with Shuttles, allowing ready support to Trade Fleets. It has sufficient weaponry to serve as a garrison of worlds as well, ensuring peace, civility and order even tot he far reaches of The Imperium.
2kt dismountable tankage can replace the standard 2kt cargo. Capable of 12kt Cgo Xfer @ J1 Std.
Class: Strake Architect: AMaccat
SS-K322253-100000-80305-0 MCr: 7367.664
Batt Bear 2 1 5 Crew: 95
Batt 2 1 5 TL: 11 (B)
Cargo: 50 Fuel: 4,200 EP: 200 Ag: 1 EAg: 2
ShpBd Scty: 10 H Psgr: 55 Low Psgr: 32 Frozen Watch
10x 100t S/C//X-B or 800t smcft (1500t drive engineering support)
Fuel Scoops & Purif. 12ktDTank pumps, 12kt Exterior tankage spt.
Backup Drive set (J2M2P2) and /4fib. 10t AV reserve (add'l 2.5 Stat)
150 stateroom (not incl 2.5 Av Rsv) 80 low.
Oversize 1100t M2 drive.
2kt in/exterior dismountable/drop tankage (included)
2050t cgo 2200t Fuel removed/mounted externally.
MCr 5894.932 in Qty MCr 7.369 Arch Fee
SS-K354653-100000-90406-0 600EP TLD Pwr6 Variant
SS-L422353-100000-90406-0 20kt w/ 10kt ext. fuel/cgo
J1, 4.6kt Fuel 9.6kt Cgo; J2 6.6kt Fuel 7.6kt Cgo; J4 8.6kt Fuel, 5.6kt Cgo
SS-K322353-100000-90405-0 300EPx2 TLD DualP3 Variant
SS-L411153-100000-90405-0 15kt w/5kt ext. fuel/cgo
J1, 2.2kt Fuel 7.0kt Cgo; 2J1 3.3kt Fuel 3.9kt Cgo, 4J1 4.95kt Fuel 2.25kt cgo
SS-K344453-100000-80305-0 400EP Single Drive Variant
SS-K322253-100000-80305-0 200EPx2 Std Dual JMP2 Variant
Trade Fleets are the heart of human (and other) kinds Grand existence amongst the stars, and the IISS/SGS is The Emporer's carrier of choice for the essential information that fosters efficient trade and transactions. The Strake class Scout Support Vessel, although held in disdain by the Imperial Fleet is nonetheless relied upon, even in time of battle, serving as a reconnaissance and communications support vessel. Much as trade in the early days of various human civilizations' history, the Scout Cruiser serves as a small port in it's own right, and can travel on long trade expeditions and ventures.
In support of that mission, the vessel is designed to be able to be resupplied and maintained at a larger number of worlds due to the robust design, incorporating proven technologies well understood by most worlds and back up equipment for the higher tech components. When stationed more permanently as a trade and survey support vessel, it's usual complement of Scout/Courriers or X-Boats are replaced with Shuttles, allowing ready support to Trade Fleets. It has sufficient weaponry to serve as a garrison of worlds as well, ensuring peace, civility and order even tot he far reaches of The Imperium.
2kt dismountable tankage can replace the standard 2kt cargo. Capable of 12kt Cgo Xfer @ J1 Std.