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CT Only: Fleet Scout (Type SF) 199.5Td, J4/4G

I would agree with that, but not by HG, by the 3I campaign setting.
LBB2 certainly allows high jump at low TL, but the 3I setting does not.
I agree, that’s why I always told about being setting breakers, not rules…

But the fact custom drives give worse performance than customized ones always sounded me wrong. At TL 10 I can have a 200 dtons with J3 with standard drives C, while I can only make it reach J1 with customized hulls, so customization reduces capacities.

That’s, again IMHO, as if having a custom built suit looked worse than one bought at any shop… I would not talk too well about my taylor if so…

Add to this that, once PP is added, having standard drives is more expensive than customized ones, and you'll understand why it seems odd to me: customization is cheaper but gives worse performance than standarization...
At TL 10 I can have a 200 dtons with J3 with standard drives C, while I can only make it reach J1 with customized hulls, so customization reduces capacities.
While that is true, it is limited only to small hulls.

With LBB2.81, high drive performance requires technology AND small hulls.
With LBB5.80, high drive performance required ONLY technology.

So to use your own example, at TL=10 you have access to A-H standard drives from LBB2.81 and up to a model/4 computer.
TL=10 Drive-H is code: 1 @ 1600 tons / 2 @ 800 tons / 3 @ 533 tons / 4 @ 400 tons / 5 @ 320 tons / 6 @ 266 tons

So while you can do Drive-C in a 200 ton hull and get code: 3 performance output ... there is an upper limit on how large the hull can be and still deliver code: 3 performance. Conversely, a LBB5.80 custom drive capable of delivering code: 3 performance output can be scaled to whatever size of hull you want.

In most circumstances, when you're aiming for "small ship" ACS type designs for adventuring in, that's an advantage rather than a drawback ... but when you start wanting to build "big ships" for Definitely Not Adventuring™ purposes, that same factor turns into a pretty serious disadvantage. For example, you can't even build V-Z standard drives until TL=15 and thus can't even build minimal code: 1 performance for 4000 ton craft until TL=15 ... so the factor that you're citing cuts both ways (so to speak).
For example, you can't even build V-Z standard drives until TL=15 and thus can't even build minimal code: 1 performance for 4000 ton craft until TL=15 ... so the factor that you're citing cuts both ways (so to speak).
Notably, this also includes maneuver drives.

Yes, you need TL-15 to get a 4KTd ship to do 1G.
While that is true, it is limited only to small hulls.
Agreed, but even those would kill the setting.

So to use your own example, at TL=10 you have access to A-H standard drives from LBB2.81 and up to a model/4 computer.
Well, what I have now handy is TTB, and there I cannot find the TL limits for standard drives, but I trust your word on it.

Even so, at TL11 (Vilani while the IW) you could easily build a J5 400 don’t ship (I guess JD K were available by then), so allowing for far quicker communications than given in IW history…

And the Terrans are told to have been kept from reaching Bernanrd Star because they had only access to J1 for some time. Of course, this is broken (again) if a TL9 ship may even be J3…

BTW, one side question: if standard JD V-Z need TL 15, which TL would need the even larger JD shown in the K’kree module? Remember they use it on their larger ships that allow them to space, as they need more space due to their gregarious and claustrophobic nature…
But the fact custom drives give worse performance than customized ones always sounded me wrong. At TL 10 I can have a 200 dtons with J3 with standard drives C, while I can only make it reach J1 with customized hulls, so customization reduces capacities.
Standard drives are better for building 200 Dt ships at low TL (i.e. standard ships), custom drives are better for building 150 Dt or hightech ships (i.e. custom ships).

In other words, standard components force you to build standard (boring?) ships. E.g. LBB2 only lets you build Scouts and Free Traders somewhat economically. 150 or 300 Dt ships are just not economically viable. 400 Dt allows some choice. Large (i.e. high TL) ships have lots of choice.

Custom (HG) ships has lots of choice at any size, instead performance-limited by TL.
Compare the standard Far Trader (no passengers):
TL-9: J-2, M-1, 82 Dt payload, MCr 62:

A2-22212R1-000000-00000-0       MCr 61,8         200 Dton
bearing                                            Crew=3
batteries                                            TL=9
                          Cargo=82 Fuel=60 EP=4 Agility=1

Single Occupancy    LBB2 design                    82        68,7
                                     USP    #     Dton       Cost
Hull, Streamlined   Custom             2          200           
Configuration       Cone               2                     22 
Scoops              Streamlined                                 
Jump Drive          B                  2    1      15        20 
Manoeuvre D         A                  1    1       1         4 
Power Plant         B                  2    1       7        16 
Fuel, #J, #weeks    J-2, 4 weeks            2      60           
Bridge                                      1      20         1 
Computer            m/1bis             R    1       1         4 
Staterooms                                  3      12         1,5
Cargo                                              82           
Empty hardpoint                             2       2         0,2
Nominal Cost        MCr 68,70            Sum:      82        68,7
Class Cost          MCr  7,56           Valid      ≥0          ≥0
Ship Cost           MCr 61,83                                   
Estimated Economy of Ship     Standard                                     
       Ship price     Down Payment         Mortgage       Avg Filled
        MCr 61,83       kCr 12 366          kCr 258              80%
Expenses per jump                       Revenue                 
Bank                Cr 123 660          High            Cr      0
Fuel                Cr  30 000          Middle          Cr      0
Life Support        Cr   6 000          Low             Cr      0
Salaries            Cr   5 760          Cargo           Cr 64 000
Maintenance         Cr   2 473                                   
Berthing            Cr     200                                   
Summa              kCr     168                         kCr     64
     Income potential per jump     kCr -104                   
  Yearly yield on down payment     -21,0%

With a custom job:
TL-11: J-2, M-1, 83 Dt payload, MCr 60.

AN-16212R1-000000-00000-0       MCr 59,3         170 Dton
bearing                                            Crew=1
batteries                                           TL=11
                      Cargo=83 Fuel=37,4 EP=3,4 Agility=1

Single Occupancy                                   83,3      74,2
                                     USP    #     Dton       Cost
Hull, Streamlined   Custom             1          170           
Configuration       Flattened Sphe     6                     13,6
Scoops              Streamlined                               0,2
Jump Drive                             2    1       5,1      20,4
Manoeuvre D         A                  1    1       1         4 
Power Plant                            2    1      10,2      30,6
Fuel, #J, #weeks    J-2, 4 weeks            2       3,4         
Purifier                                    1       7         0,0
Bridge                                      1      20         0,9
Computer            m/1bis             R    1       1         4 
Staterooms                                  1       4         0,5
Cargo                                              83,3         
Demountable Tanks   J-2                     1      34         0,0
Empty hardpoint                             1       1           
Nominal Cost        MCr 74,18            Sum:      83,3      74,2
Class Cost          MCr 15,58           Valid      ≥0          ≥0
Ship Cost           MCr 59,35                                   
Estimated Economy of Ship     Standard                                     
       Ship price     Down Payment         Mortgage       Avg Filled
        MCr 59,35       kCr 11 869          kCr 247              80%
Expenses per jump                       Revenue                 
Bank                Cr 118 694          High            Cr      0
Fuel                Cr   3 740          Middle          Cr      0
Life Support        Cr   2 000          Low             Cr      0
Salaries            Cr   2 400          Cargo           Cr 64 000
Maintenance         Cr   2 374                                   
Berthing            Cr     170                                   
Summa              kCr     129                         kCr     64
     Income potential per jump     kCr -65                   
  Yearly yield on down payment     -13,8%

Smaller, cheaper, needs less crew, uses less and cheaper fuel. What's not to like?

We are so used to be forced into narrow viable choices by LBB2, that we hardly see the prison walls anymore...
Compare the standard Far Trader (no passengers):
Drop it to 199Td.
Crew is then pilot, gunner. Delete the 2 now un-needed staterooms (+7Td cargo after sacrificing that 1Td to exercise regulatory arbitrage -- also, saves MCr 1, plus the Cr from the 1Td of removed hull).

Then restore both to 2G capability...


Or, to put it another way, the apples-to-apples comparison should be to 89Td payload at J2/2G.
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Drop it to 199Td.
A2-12212R1-000000-00000-0       MCr 60,8         199 Dton
bearing                                            Crew=1
batteries                                            TL=9
                     Cargo=91 Fuel=59,8 EP=3,98 Agility=1

Expenses per jump                       Revenue               
Bank                Cr 121 653          High            Cr      0
Fuel                Cr  29 900          Middle          Cr      0
Life Support        Cr   2 000          Low             Cr      0
Salaries            Cr   2 400          Cargo           Cr 72 000
Maintenance         Cr   2 433                                 
Berthing            Cr     199                                 
Summa              kCr     159                         kCr     72
     Income potential per jump     kCr -87                 
  Yearly yield on down payment     -17,8%

Single Occupancy    LBB2 design                    91,2      67,6
                                     USP    #     Dton       Cost
Hull, Streamlined   Custom             1          199         
Configuration       Cone               2                     22,0
Scoops              Streamlined                               
Jump Drive          B                  2    1      15        20
Manoeuvre D         A                  1    1       1         4
Power Plant         B                  2    1       7        16
Fuel, #J, #weeks    J-2, 4 weeks            2      59,8       
Bridge                                      1      20         1,0
Computer            m/1bis             R    1       1         4
Staterooms                                  1       4         0,5
Cargo                                              91,2       
Empty hardpoint                             1                 0,1
Nominal Cost        MCr 67,59            Sum:      91,2      67,6
Class Cost          MCr  7,43           Valid      ≥0          ≥0
Ship Cost           MCr 60,83                                 
Estimated Economy of Ship     Standard                                   
       Ship price     Down Payment         Mortgage       Avg Filled
        MCr 60,83       kCr 12 165          kCr 253              80%

Income: kCr -87 per jump.
ROI pa: -18%.

Custom, same payload:
AN-16222R1-000000-00000-0       MCr 66,8         184 Dton
bearing                                            Crew=1
batteries                                           TL=11
                     Cargo=91 Fuel=40,4 EP=3,68 Agility=2

Expenses per jump                       Revenue               
Bank                Cr 133 686          High            Cr      0
Fuel                Cr   4 048          Middle          Cr      0
Life Support        Cr   2 000          Low             Cr      0
Salaries            Cr   2 400          Cargo           Cr 72 000
Maintenance         Cr   2 674                                 
Berthing            Cr     184                                 
Summa              kCr     145                         kCr     72
     Income potential per jump     kCr -73                 
  Yearly yield on down payment     -13,6%

Single Occupancy                                   92,0      83,6
                                     USP    #     Dton       Cost
Hull, Streamlined   Custom             1          184         
Configuration       Flattened Sphe     6                     14,7
Scoops              Streamlined                               0,2
Jump Drive                             2    1       5,5      22,1
Manoeuvre D         B                  2    1       3         8
Power Plant                            2    1      11,0      33,1
Fuel, #J, #weeks    J-2, 4 weeks            2      40,5       
Purifier                                    1       7         0,0
Bridge                                      1      20         0,9
Computer            m/1bis             R    1       1         4
Staterooms                                  1       4         0,5
Cargo                                              92,0       
Empty hardpoint                             1                 
Nominal Cost        MCr 83,55            Sum:      92,0      83,6
Class Cost          MCr 17,55           Valid      ≥0          ≥0
Ship Cost           MCr 66,84                                 
Estimated Economy of Ship     Standard                                   
       Ship price     Down Payment         Mortgage       Avg Filled
        MCr 66,84       kCr 13 369          kCr 279              80%

Income: kCr -73 per jump.
ROI pa: -14%

Still more profitable (less unprofitable), and can operate without misjumping every few years.
Or, to put it another way, the apples-to-apples comparison should be to 89Td payload at J2/2G.
Added this in the edit.

ETA: So the difference isn't quite as large. HG is "better" in some respects, but the A2 wasn't optimized as presented (and the Cr1000/jump freight rate did it it no favors anyhow).
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The "regulatory arbitrage" diffeence at the 200Td breakpoint is significant. Saves the engineer and medic crew slots (8Td, MCr 1, plus salaries and life support costs), and if you were going to max out weapons, another 5Td and at least another MCr.
ETA: So the difference isn't quite as large. HG is "better" in some respects, but the A2 wasn't optimized as presented (and the Cr1000/jump freight rate did it it no favors anyhow).
Yes, the A2 is a silly ship in LBB2. If you want a J-2 trader in LBB2 you get a 400 Dt standard hull.

The point is: If you want custom ships, custom drives are better.

Nothing can touch a Scout, Free Trader, or the Fat (&Far) Trader for economic viability at low TL. Or Z-drives at high TL. That is the LBB2 prison.
As I don't think 150 Dt, 300 Dt, or 257 Dt ships should be discriminated against, I dislike the LBB2 railroading.
Yes, the A2 is a silly ship in LBB2. If you want a J-2 trader in LBB2 you get a 400 Dt standard hull.

The point is: If you want custom ships, custom drives are better.

Nothing can touch a Scout, Free Trader, or the Fat (&Far) Trader for economic viability at low TL. Or Z-drives at high TL. That is the LBB2 prison.
As I don't think 150 Dt, 300 Dt, or 257 Dt ships should be discriminated against, I dislike the LBB2 railroading.
The S, A, and R (and the J2 version of it that the standard hull implies) have explict rules carve-outs to make those ships preferable for play purposes.

Odd tonnages should be possilble. IMO, if you look at the drive tables/letter drives as point cases of the underlying engineering and physics, there's no reason you couldn't construct a set of "A-and-a-half" drives that'd give a 100Td ship J3/3G or a 150-tonner J2/2G. It's just that in-universe, nobody actually makes them, so logistical support might be sketchy. Maneuver drives smaller than size A are problematic, but this can be worked out.

The TL-15 drives (W-Z) are excptional because they "ran out of letters" (or space on the page) and wanted to include bigger drives for bigger ships. Ham-handed, but hardly a jail.

Again, IMO the rules describe the universe, but they do not define it. Rules-consistent interpolation (and extrapolation where valid) works IMTU.
What I meant about customized vs standard ship:

Let’s imagine we want a TL 15 1000 dton freighter with J4 M1 (bare bones)

Standard (TTB):
  • Hull1: 100 MCr
  • PP V: 61 dton, 160 MCr
  • JD V: 105 dton, 200 MCr
  • MD E: 9 dton, 20 MCr
Totals: 175 dton (+440 fuel), 480 Mcr. Needs 5 engineers

Note 1: Hull must be custom due to main/drives separation, at 0.1 MCr/dton, but the final cost is the same

  • Hull: 100 MCr (+/- config)
  • PP3: 40 dton, 120 MCr
  • JD 3: 50 dton, 200 MCr
  • MD 1: 20 dton, 30 MCr
Totals: 110 dTon (+440 fuel), 450 MCr. Needs 1.1 engineers

So, the custom hull is cheaper (though barely if not using config modifiers) than the standard (at TL15, at lower TLs the larger PP would reverse it), aside from quite smaller percentage for drives and needing less engineers.

Frankly, what I’d expect from customization would be to be more specific (we can assume the smaller percentage accomplishes this), but more expensive and need more maintenance (engineers), while I find those last two reversed.

At TL 13-14, the numbers for the customized hull would be 150 dton, 570 MCr, 1.5 engineers. So it would (at least) be more expensive, as expected from a custom built ship, but keeps needing less engineers…

At lower TLs it would not be possible due to the J4 (and I guess due to TL Drives for LLB2 too)
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Odd tonnages should be possilble. IMO, if you look at the drive tables/letter drives as point cases of the underlying engineering and physics, there's no reason you couldn't construct a set of "A-and-a-half" drives that'd give a 100Td ship J3/3G or a 150-tonner J2/2G.

It is sure possible: is called customization

If you go to the clothing shop, you'll find standard clothing. If it does not fit you (e.g. because you're more thin or strong than expected for your height), you need them customized (usually at a higher price)
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It is sure possible: is called customization

If you go to the clothing shop, you'll find standard clothing. If it does not fit you (e.g. because you're more thin or strong than expected for your heigh), you need them customized (usually at a higher price)
That's the fluff-text that's given to explain the inconsistencies between LBB2 and HG anyhow. :)
Let’s imagine we want a TL 15 1000 dton freighter with J4 M1 (bare bones)
MT-A341441-000000-00000-0        MCr 467       1 000 Dton
bearing                                            Crew=8
batteries                                           TL=15
                       Cargo=329 Fuel=440 EP=40 Agility=1

Single Occupancy    LBB2 design                     329       519
                                     USP    #      Dton      Cost
Hull, Part Streaml  Custom             A          1 000       
Configuration       Cylinder           3                      100
Jump Drive          V                  4    1       105       200
Manoeuvre D         E                  1    1         9        20
Power Plant         V                  4    1        61       160
Fuel, #J, #weeks    J-4, 4 weeks            4       440       
Bridge                                      1        20         5
Computer            m/4                4    1         4        30
Staterooms                                  8        32         4
Cargo                                               329       
Nominal Cost        MCr 519,00           Sum:       329       519
Class Cost          MCr  57,09          Valid        ≥0        ≥0
Ship Cost           MCr 467,10                                 
Crew &               High     0        Crew          Bridge     2
Passengers            Mid     0           8       Engineers     5
                      Low     0                     Gunners     0
                 Extra SR     0      Frozen         Service     1
               # Frozen W     0           0          Flight     0
                  Marines     0                     Marines     0
Estimated Economy of Ship     Standard                                   
       Ship price     Down Payment         Mortgage       Avg Filled
       MCr 467,10       kCr 93 420        kCr 1 946              80%
Expenses per jump                       Revenue               
Bank                Cr 934 200          High           Cr       0
Fuel                Cr 220 000          Middle         Cr       0
Life Support        Cr  16 000          Low            Cr       0
Salaries            Cr  15 840          Cargo          Cr 260 000
Maintenance         Cr  18 684                                 
Berthing            Cr   1 000                                 
Summa              kCr   1 206                        kCr     260
     Income potential per jump     kCr -946                 
  Yearly yield on down payment     -25,3%

MN-A441441-000000-00000-0        MCr 360       1 000 Dton
bearing                                            Crew=7
batteries                                           TL=15
                       Cargo=391 Fuel=440 EP=40 Agility=1

Single Occupancy                                    391       450
                                     USP    #      Dton      Cost
Hull, Part Streaml  Custom             A          1 000       
Configuration       Close Structur     4                       60
Scoops              Partial                                     1
Jump Drive                             4    1        50       200
Manoeuvre D                            1    1        20        30
Power Plant                            4    1        40       120
Fuel, #J, #weeks    J-4, 4 weeks            4       440       
Purifier                                    1         7         0
Bridge                                      1        20         5
Computer            m/4                4    1         4        30
Staterooms                                  7        28         4
Cargo                                               391       
Nominal Cost        MCr 449,57           Sum:       391       450
Class Cost          MCr  94,41          Valid        ≥0        ≥0
Ship Cost           MCr 359,66                                 
Crew &               High     0        Crew          Bridge     2
Passengers            Mid     0           7       Engineers     4
                      Low     0                     Gunners     0
                 Extra SR     0      Frozen         Service     1
               # Frozen W     0           0          Flight     0
                  Marines     0                     Marines     0
Estimated Economy of Ship     Standard                                   
       Ship price     Down Payment         Mortgage       Avg Filled
       MCr 359,66       kCr 71 931        kCr 1 499              80%
Expenses per jump                       Revenue               
Bank                Cr 719 312          High           Cr       0
Fuel                Cr  44 000          Middle         Cr       0
Life Support        Cr  14 000          Low            Cr       0
Salaries            Cr  13 920          Cargo          Cr 312 000
Maintenance         Cr  14 386                                 
Berthing            Cr   1 000                                 
Summa              kCr     807                        kCr     312
     Income potential per jump     kCr -495                 
  Yearly yield on down payment     -17,2%

Cost in quantity. Even a one-off is cheaper that a standard LBB2 ship.
For larger ships the HG ship is cheaper and has a larger cargo hold. And can use unrefined fuel. Ships more, cheaper. A no brainer...
It didn't even use a LBB2 m-drive.

At higher capability (=higher tech) ships, HG is better (unless Z-drives).

It's difficult to compare on a component basis, we have to compare complete ships.

So, the custom hull is cheaper (though barely if not using config modifiers) than the standard (at TL15, at lower TLs the larger PP would reverse it), aside from quite smaller percentage for drives and needing less engineers.
Of course the HG transport would use a cheaper configuration. Because they can...

Note that HG 1000 Dt ships still use LBB2 crew requirements, so no major difference in engineers.

At TL 13-14, the numbers for the customized hull would be 150 dton, 570 MCr, 1.5 engineers. So it would (at least) be more expensive, as expected from a custom built ship, but keeps needing less engineers…
At least we could build the ship... Limited to TL-13 LBB2 couldn't.
Odd tonnages should be possilble.
They are possible, just uneconomical.

IMO, if you look at the drive tables/letter drives as point cases of the underlying engineering and physics, there's no reason you couldn't construct a set of "A-and-a-half" drives that'd give a 100Td ship J3/3G or a 150-tonner J2/2G. It's just that in-universe, nobody actually makes them, so logistical support might be sketchy. Maneuver drives smaller than size A are problematic, but this can be worked out.
We could house-rule a percentage based system based on LBB2 (and T5 did), but LBB2 is rather explicit: that isn't how it works.

As the first attempt of a ship design system, I guess someone thought a table was simpler than a percentage. But jump fuel was a percentage, and no-one seems to have a problem with that?

The TL-15 drives (W-Z) are excptional because they "ran out of letters" (or space on the page) and wanted to include bigger drives for bigger ships. Ham-handed, but hardly a jail.
I don't think its unintended, it's the high tech advantage. Bigger ships are higher tech, and more efficient.

Again, IMO the rules describe the universe, but they do not define it. Rules-consistent interpolation (and extrapolation where valid) works IMTU.
Your assumed RAI isn't my assumed RAI...
Agreed, but even those would kill the setting.
Ah, but would they? :rolleyes:
Well, what I have now handy is TTB, and there I cannot find the TL limits for standard drives, but I trust your word on it.
TTB, p87.
No need to take my word for it. 😅
Also, just for reference ... TTB, p87 is a reprint of LBB3.81, p15, so that's how I knew where to look for that info in TTB. ;)(y)
Even so, at TL11 (Vilani while the IW) you could easily build a J5 400 don’t ship (I guess JD K were available by then), so allowing for far quicker communications than given in IW history…
You're overlooking something fundamentally important in how LBB2 "styled" starship design works ... and I don't blame you because that kind of "dismissive overlook" is the DEFAULT for all of us.

Take a look at TTB, p75 (or LBB2.77, p12 or LBB2.81, p41) for the computer programming rules (that we all prefer to ignore at every opportunity).

See those computer programs required for different jump numbers?

Now, ask yourself ... what happens if you've got drives that are "inherently capable" of delivering more parsecs per jump ... but you don't have a computer program capable of handling jumps at those longer ranges?

The limitation doesn't necessarily have to be one of hardware (drives) ... it can be a software bottleneck in the computers that control the jumps.

So what you could wind up with is a case in which during the Interstellar Wars period that you're citing, the Vilani could be building starships that would be capable of J3 if they had perfected the computer programming needed to do so ... but for whatever reason (take your pick!) the Vilani simply hadn't been able to "break the astrogation barrier" needed to develop the Jump-3 software program for their starships. So you wind up with a circumstance in which "the hardware can do it but the software can't (yet)" that totally preserves the historical events you're citing.

And then it's the Solomani who "make the Jump-3 software programming breakthrough advancement first" and it's the "wild navigators" of the Solomani who are the first to unlock J3 capability ... not because the engineering hardware was holding them back, but because there needed to be a "paradigm shift" in the software engineering to take astrogation (successfully!) to the next level of J3 capability.

Now try to imagine what the Flight Testing Program needed to write and debug all that Jump-3 programming software must have looked like ... and how many failures (and casualties!) would have been involved before finally succeeding. Consider that the only way to test such programming would involve REPEATEDLY executing a J3 in order to prove that there were no programming bugs hiding in the code (somewhere) that if triggered would result in the complete loss of craft and all hands aboard. Think about the effort and investment that would have been needed to get that Jump-3 program "man rated" for safety ... and how many failures would have occurred along the way to getting there.

Now consider that the Vilani could have done the exact same thing and simply been "unlucky" with their dice rolls for programming research.

After enough CONSISTENT FAILURES in the attempts to write a Jump-3 program ... I can easily imagine the sponsor(s) "pulling the plug" on funding and abandoning the effort (as futile) on the Vilani side. They just couldn't get it to work and demonstrate the capability "quickly enough" to meet expectations/budgets ... and so the effort was abandoned as a failure and a dead end, which then hardened into Conventional Wisdom™ so no one else tried (or more importantly, no one else succeeded after the initial failures).

I can easily imagine that Vilani research could have continued ... but it just couldn't advance far enough to make the breakthrough ("the dice were against them").

Conversely, the Solomani "got lucky" with their research program, "rolled boxcars" at some point and successfully developed and tested a Jump-3 computer program (that worked! bug free!), unlocking the secrets of J3 performance.

That way, the CAPABILITY was always present within the drives that were being used at the time ... but their FULL POTENTIAL hadn't been unlocked yet, with respect to J3 performance.

And THAT is how you get around the bottleneck of having "too much jump at too low a tech level" if you REALLY want to ... :unsure:
The rules show "how it all fits together" once you've got everything worked out ... but are relatively silent on what it takes to make the necessary enabling advances (since that's all swept under the rug of Tech Levels).

If, as a Referee, you want to limit jump range potential in your campaign, you don't have to rely on drive numbers/letters available at particular tech levels in order to do it. You can also limit the availability of bug free computer programming capable of "finding the last puzzle piece" needed to unlock that higher capability.