The following ships are the same ship, just TL9 jump and powerplant ngines refitted to the TL7 version. Weapon fire factors increase with TL, battery configuration is not changed. The design philosophy was to construct a TL7 ship capable of having some utility versus higher TL designs. per HG using 3/100t troops specification the ship is capable of of carrying a full platoon, plus 3 additional support personnel (medics for the platton). At double occupancy crew USP increases one, this could allow the ship to continue to funtion after a crew-1 hit. inspired by the film aliens, but a full platoon carry rather than the squad in the movie, also vaguely starship troopers.
I prefer 6 trp msl for going against fighters, but using the bay gives some (!) chance to hit higher TL beasties in HG. By being TL7 any TL7 world could in theory make this, they could be refitted rather than fully constructed at a TL9 port (or maybe the powerplant and engines shipped in?). Seems to fit in with frontier, SDB missile boatish, the troop carriage is excellent, i see em being pretty widely deployed and in use. higher TL there's 7t for electronics, and weapon refits would add fire factors.
this is a repost from it being loaded in the yahoo ct-starships group. comments welcome; enjoy!
Tarantas Class Destroyer Boat
DB A2022B2 430000 20007 0 MCr 728.429 1500 Tons
2 1 1 TL=7
pp=3 low=36 Marines=42 Cargo=77 Fuel=390 Ag=1 2xSboat
EAg=2 Frozen Watch=1
Tonnage: 1500 tons (standard). 21,ooo cubic meters.
Crew: 6 officers, 19 ratings, 42 Marines, 3 medic/spt
Performance: Jump-0, 2-G. power plant-2. 30 EP. Agility 1.
Electronics: Model 2/fib computer.
Hardpoints: One 100-ton bay; 5 hardpoints.
Armament: One 100-ton missile bay (1FF7). One triple pulse laser turret as a singlr battery (1FF2).
Defenses: Armored Hull (factor 4). Four triple sandcaster turrets organized into two batteries (2FF3).
craft: 2x 30t Ship's Boats.
Fuel Treatment: On-board fuel scoops and TL8 fuel purification plant.
Cost: MCr 910.536 standard. MCr 728.429 in quantity.
Construction Time: 30 months singly; 20 months in quantity.
Comments: The Tarantas class destroyer boat (system defense boat) and upgraded destroyer escort (TL9 refit) are venerable designs designed for system security, civilian transport escort, and fleet reserve/invasion/bombardment support (often transported on carriers or tenders). Streamlined cylinder configuration allows landing of the vessel. 4 tons reserved electronics/bridge stateroom. All accomodations single occupancy.
This class of destroyer escort has been pressed into service in a variety of non-escort duties, including orbital patrols, police operations, garrison duties, customs duty/inspection, convoy escort duties, and even limited strike missions.
It has also been used as transport for mercenary platoons. With enlisted crew ratings and troop berthing at double occupancy combined with the low berths, a Company can be transported. Cargo capacity is often used for 70t life support to allow continuous operation with onboard fuel for the entire crew for 50weeks, vhicles to support carried troop missions, and/or missile and sand stores for extended operations/orbital bombardment. A popular option removes the frozen watch low berths to increase cargo capacity to allow greater stores, as only spinal mount weapons engander the crew. Often one 30t Ship's Boat and one 30t Fighter/ Troop transport are carried to allow for greater operational flexibility. The ship despite it's low TL construction is quite popular due to it's roomy accomodations for a military vessel, ruggedness, ease of maintenance, and extended operational capability combined with mission flexibility, to say nothing of cost.
Tarantas Class Destroyer Escort
DB A2122B2 440000 40007 0 MCr 728.429 1500 Tons
2 1 1 TL=9
pp=3 low=36 Marines=42 Cargo=77 Fuel=390 Ag=1 2xSboat
EAg=2 Frozen Watch=1
Tonnage: 1500 tons (standard). 21,ooo cubic meters.
Crew: 6 officers, 19 ratings, 42 Marines, 3 medic/spt
Performance: Jump-1, 2-G. power plant-2. 30 EP. Agility 1.
Electronics: Model 3/ computer, 2/fib backup.
Hardpoints: One 100-ton bay; 5 hardpoints.
Armament: One 100-ton missile bay (1FF7). One triple beam laser turret as a single battery (1FF4).
Defenses: Armored Hull (factor 4). Four triple sandcaster turrets organized into two batteries (2FF4).
craft: 2x 30t Ship's Boats.
Fuel Treatment: On-board fuel scoops and TL8 fuel purification plant.
Cost: MCr 958.536 standard. MCr 766.829 in quantity.
Construction Time: 30 months singly; 20 months in quantity.
Comments: The Tarantas class destroyer boat (system defense boat) and upgraded destroyer escort (TL9 refit) are venerable designs designed for system security, civilian transport escort, and fleet reserve/invasion/bombardment support (often transported on carriers or tenders). Streamlined cylinder configuration allows planetary landings.Onboard fuel allows 2xJ1 and 12 weeks operation.
The TL9 DE refit retains much commonality with the TL7 DB configuration, essentially a re-engined and upgraded weapon refit, while providing independant jump capability.
This class of destroyer escort has been pressed into service in a variety of non-escort duties, including orbital patrols, police operations, garrison duties, customs duty/inspection, convoy escort duties, and even limited strike missions.
It has also been used as transport for mercenary platoons. With enlisted crew ratings and troop berthing at double occupancy combined with the low berths, a Company can be transported. Cargo capacity is often used for 70t life support to allow continuous operation with onboard fuel for the entire crew for 50weeks, vhicles to support carried troop missions, and/or missile and sand stores for extended operations/orbital bombardment. A popular option removes the frozen watch low berths to increase cargo capacity to allow greater stores, as only spinal mount weapons engander the crew. Often one 30t Ship's Boat and one 30t Fighter/ Troop transport are carried to allow for greater operational flexibility. The ship despite it's low TL construction is quite popular due to it's roomy accomodations for a military vessel, ruggedness, ease of maintenance, and extended operational capability combined with mission flexibility, to say nothing of cost.
I prefer 6 trp msl for going against fighters, but using the bay gives some (!) chance to hit higher TL beasties in HG. By being TL7 any TL7 world could in theory make this, they could be refitted rather than fully constructed at a TL9 port (or maybe the powerplant and engines shipped in?). Seems to fit in with frontier, SDB missile boatish, the troop carriage is excellent, i see em being pretty widely deployed and in use. higher TL there's 7t for electronics, and weapon refits would add fire factors.
this is a repost from it being loaded in the yahoo ct-starships group. comments welcome; enjoy!
Tarantas Class Destroyer Boat
DB A2022B2 430000 20007 0 MCr 728.429 1500 Tons
2 1 1 TL=7
pp=3 low=36 Marines=42 Cargo=77 Fuel=390 Ag=1 2xSboat
EAg=2 Frozen Watch=1
Tonnage: 1500 tons (standard). 21,ooo cubic meters.
Crew: 6 officers, 19 ratings, 42 Marines, 3 medic/spt
Performance: Jump-0, 2-G. power plant-2. 30 EP. Agility 1.
Electronics: Model 2/fib computer.
Hardpoints: One 100-ton bay; 5 hardpoints.
Armament: One 100-ton missile bay (1FF7). One triple pulse laser turret as a singlr battery (1FF2).
Defenses: Armored Hull (factor 4). Four triple sandcaster turrets organized into two batteries (2FF3).
craft: 2x 30t Ship's Boats.
Fuel Treatment: On-board fuel scoops and TL8 fuel purification plant.
Cost: MCr 910.536 standard. MCr 728.429 in quantity.
Construction Time: 30 months singly; 20 months in quantity.
Comments: The Tarantas class destroyer boat (system defense boat) and upgraded destroyer escort (TL9 refit) are venerable designs designed for system security, civilian transport escort, and fleet reserve/invasion/bombardment support (often transported on carriers or tenders). Streamlined cylinder configuration allows landing of the vessel. 4 tons reserved electronics/bridge stateroom. All accomodations single occupancy.
This class of destroyer escort has been pressed into service in a variety of non-escort duties, including orbital patrols, police operations, garrison duties, customs duty/inspection, convoy escort duties, and even limited strike missions.
It has also been used as transport for mercenary platoons. With enlisted crew ratings and troop berthing at double occupancy combined with the low berths, a Company can be transported. Cargo capacity is often used for 70t life support to allow continuous operation with onboard fuel for the entire crew for 50weeks, vhicles to support carried troop missions, and/or missile and sand stores for extended operations/orbital bombardment. A popular option removes the frozen watch low berths to increase cargo capacity to allow greater stores, as only spinal mount weapons engander the crew. Often one 30t Ship's Boat and one 30t Fighter/ Troop transport are carried to allow for greater operational flexibility. The ship despite it's low TL construction is quite popular due to it's roomy accomodations for a military vessel, ruggedness, ease of maintenance, and extended operational capability combined with mission flexibility, to say nothing of cost.
Tarantas Class Destroyer Escort
DB A2122B2 440000 40007 0 MCr 728.429 1500 Tons
2 1 1 TL=9
pp=3 low=36 Marines=42 Cargo=77 Fuel=390 Ag=1 2xSboat
EAg=2 Frozen Watch=1
Tonnage: 1500 tons (standard). 21,ooo cubic meters.
Crew: 6 officers, 19 ratings, 42 Marines, 3 medic/spt
Performance: Jump-1, 2-G. power plant-2. 30 EP. Agility 1.
Electronics: Model 3/ computer, 2/fib backup.
Hardpoints: One 100-ton bay; 5 hardpoints.
Armament: One 100-ton missile bay (1FF7). One triple beam laser turret as a single battery (1FF4).
Defenses: Armored Hull (factor 4). Four triple sandcaster turrets organized into two batteries (2FF4).
craft: 2x 30t Ship's Boats.
Fuel Treatment: On-board fuel scoops and TL8 fuel purification plant.
Cost: MCr 958.536 standard. MCr 766.829 in quantity.
Construction Time: 30 months singly; 20 months in quantity.
Comments: The Tarantas class destroyer boat (system defense boat) and upgraded destroyer escort (TL9 refit) are venerable designs designed for system security, civilian transport escort, and fleet reserve/invasion/bombardment support (often transported on carriers or tenders). Streamlined cylinder configuration allows planetary landings.Onboard fuel allows 2xJ1 and 12 weeks operation.
The TL9 DE refit retains much commonality with the TL7 DB configuration, essentially a re-engined and upgraded weapon refit, while providing independant jump capability.
This class of destroyer escort has been pressed into service in a variety of non-escort duties, including orbital patrols, police operations, garrison duties, customs duty/inspection, convoy escort duties, and even limited strike missions.
It has also been used as transport for mercenary platoons. With enlisted crew ratings and troop berthing at double occupancy combined with the low berths, a Company can be transported. Cargo capacity is often used for 70t life support to allow continuous operation with onboard fuel for the entire crew for 50weeks, vhicles to support carried troop missions, and/or missile and sand stores for extended operations/orbital bombardment. A popular option removes the frozen watch low berths to increase cargo capacity to allow greater stores, as only spinal mount weapons engander the crew. Often one 30t Ship's Boat and one 30t Fighter/ Troop transport are carried to allow for greater operational flexibility. The ship despite it's low TL construction is quite popular due to it's roomy accomodations for a military vessel, ruggedness, ease of maintenance, and extended operational capability combined with mission flexibility, to say nothing of cost.