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TLA 35kt Fleet Cruiser GinamSeri Class


SeriGinaa Class
Fleet Cruiser MCr 23,633.716
CF-M4125D3-470002-80J08-0 35,000 tons
Batt F A 4 1 A TL= 10
Batt Bear E 9 4 1 9 Crew = 295
Cargo=182. Fuel=12,250. EP=1750. Agility=2. EAgility=2. Ship
Security=45(platoon). Marines=140(company). Passengers=5. Two

Tonnage: 35,000 tons standard. 490k cubic meters.
Crew: 50 Officers, 295 ratings. 140 Marines.
Performance: Jump-1. 2-G. Power plant-5. 1750 EP. Agility 2.
Electronics: Model/4fib computer.
Hardpoints: One spinal weapons mount. Twenty 100-ton bays. One
hundred hardpoints.
Armament: One particle accelerator spinal mount (factor-H).
Ten 100-ton missile bays (Factor-8). Fprty triple beam laser turrets
organized into four batteries Factor-8).
Defenses: Ten 100-ton repulsor bays (Factor-2). Thirty
triple sandcaster turrets, thirty dual sandcaster turrets organized
into fifteen batteries (Factor-7). Armored hull (Factor-4).
Craft: Two Shuttles (up to 100 tons each).
Fueal Treatment: On-board fuel scoops and fuel purification plant.
Capable of 3xJ1, 28day.
Cost: MCr 29,542.145 standard. MCr 23,633.716 in
Construction Time: 42 months singly; 30 months in quantity.
Comments: The SeriGinaa (Vilani: "StarCruiser") is a top-of-the-line
TL A Cruiser which mounts the impressive J-mount spinal accelerator.
It is commonly deployed in CruRons, as the flag ship of smaller task
forces, and sometimes as convoy escort leader for multi-kiloton
transports, especially those of Vilani Bureau/Megacorp organizations.
It is also used in frontier/backwater/provincial areas due to it's
enhanced supportability by lower-TL worlds.
The ship boasts both a shipbaord security platoon and a carried
Marine company for greater flexibility in shipboard operations.
Accomodations are single for officers and double for enlisted. Two 95-
ton shuttles are included in the ship price.
This Cruiser class origins drift back to before the First
Imperium, and there is a great legacy throughout history, from first
contacts by the First Imperium, Fleet actions (on both sides)during
the Second (Solomani) Imperium, and to this day in the Third. it is
common for Officers in command of these ships to be of Vilani
cultural heritage, and there is an extensive body of operations,
deployment, and tactical doctrine.
Over time the ship has been criticized as being the most common
implement of Vilani tech-level oppression, especially of minor races,
even to the extent of being a cause of the decline of the First
Imperium and subsequent collapse of the Second, yet it's capability
even against more "modern" ship classes, and immense lethality to
smaller escort/system defense (Size "A") ships, with capable anti-
fighter defense batteries, has led to continued use.

// this ship is a response to some of the responses to my proposed TL
7/9 Tarntas-class DB/DE, specifically the proposed TLC 1kt armor C w/
missile bay squadron of 8 carried on a tender (total cost MCr
29,556), immune to the missile batteries of the squadron (in essence,
due to the repulsor bays), equivalent firepower (equal/greater number
of missile bays), ability to actually cause damage through the Armor
Factor C (by PA crits!), all at a cost equal/comparable to the
proposed squadron and fleet tender, heh at 2 tech levels lower. it
mostly served to me as an example of what kind of cruisers are
capable at TL-A, with a 40kt max, which to my mind is firmly within
the Vilani Imperium, and due to their traditionalism, likely still
favored. Cost and tonnage limitations, plus the PA's fire factor
being sufficient for crits against DE/escort craft favored the J
mount. should probably have more computers due to oncoming meson
technology, and doesn't seem to useful for refits as the design is so
tight as it is. The lasers are intended as supplemental anti-missile
fire, anti-fighter fire and possible use against damaged ships once
their agility goes down. the sandcasters were sized to be effective
against fusion-equipped fighters with a reasonable chance of
defending againt them, greater utility vs missile attacks. Any
comments welcoma and appreciated: enjoy!

Thanks to the below site for the Vilani grammar/dictionary for which
the name was derived:

Due credits to
Steven H./vancouverhudson, Gareth Curtis/rozhtdezvensky,
bhaworth/wbhcts, for their excellent designs (would like to see more
detailed work-ups of them for that matter!) In the TCS cluster thread
there, on yahoo ct-starships group.

Ships security & Troops officers and cheif medics have single
staterooms, all others double, added troop manning to support dedicated
medics for each unit.
this is a repost from the yahoo groups ct-starships.