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TNE FF&S Mass Driver Design: Fire Control


SOC-14 1K
I'm trying my hand, after a long absence, at designing material using TNE FF&S. My first selection is a mass driver, prompted by a question by Kurt Feltenberger. Being somewhat challenged at using the manual method, pen or pencil, I'm trying to put together a spreadsheet to do the calculations and a data sheet similar to the layout on TNE FF&S p. 156 for the TL-13 plasma cradle gun.

The plasma cradle gun example, FF&S p. 156, under Specifications/Fire Control has the line item basic optic sights.

Question 1: Would basic optic sights include one or more of the following items from the Sights and Range Finders (RF) on FF&S p. 88: Iron sight, Telescopic sight, and Optic RF?

Along with the basic optic sights the designer purchased a TL 12 ballistic computer. The ballistic computer has data in the Specification/Fire Control, Mass/Fire Control, and Volume/Fire Control sections. Comparing the Ballistic Computer table information from FF&S Chapter 14 Fire Control p. 88 I see a match with the information presented in the Specifications and Mass sections. Unfortunately, I can't find the instruction that a Ballistic Computer's Volume = Mass in either of my soft cover, 1st and 2nd ed. or electronic, 2nd ed., copies of FF&S. I also checked my various TNE errata documents and didn't find anything related to ballistic computer volume.

Question 2. Ballistic Computer Volume is determined in the same manner as listed under the Sights and Rangefinders table in column 1 of p. 88?

I noticed that the Indirect Fire Sights table p. 89 has a mass listing which leads to the following.

Question 3. Do Indirect Fire Sights have a Volume requirement?

Question 3A. If Indirect Fire Sights, pp. 88 - 89, have a Volume requirement is the Volume in cubic meters = mass in tons?

My apologies if any of my questions have already been answered, I'm also challenged when setting up a search on the forums.
Okay Q1: I would say basic optic sights is just the iron sights you would find on a rifle etc. But thats just my opinion.

Q2 Not sure how they got the fire control mass used in the plasma gun example, but I would go with mass = vol.

There is some errata in challenge 75. It says the fire control mass should be 0.04 tns not 0.4 tn which matches the tl12 digital ballistic computer
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Okay Q1: I would say basic optic sights is just the iron sights you would find on a rifle etc. But thats just my opinion.

Q2 Not sure how they got the fire control mass used in the plasma gun example, but I would go with mass = vol.

There is some errata in challenge 75. It says the fire control mass should be 0.04 tns not 0.4 tn which matches the tl12 digital ballistic computer

I'll agree that the most basic basic optic sight is an iron sight, but I would also include the telescopic sight and optic rangefinder. Both systems use optics to enhance the operator's chances of hitting a target. Now the Marines might put an iron sight on a plasma weapon when all other ranging systems are broken.;-)

The designer converted the Ballistic Computer's mass listed under the Specifications from tonnes to kg in under Mass .

I recently purchased the TNE Deluxe bundle from DriveThruRPG.com which includes a consolidated errata document pulled together by Donald McKinney. One of the sources listed as Challenge magazine issues 73 to 77. A member over on Yahoo CT-Starships posted a copy of the document and here is the link:


I did include volume for ballistic computers in the spreadsheet following the format for the Sights and Rangefinders table, which means no extra work
Q3/3A: I would say Indirect sights have volume. and I would go for Vol = mass

I originally had a volume calculation for Indirect Sights, but then I removed them in the spreadsheet. Guess I should have left them. Not a big deal

Thanks for the replies to my questions.