Good points: yes, the tender that picks them up might be annoyed if it has to spend extra days/weeks accelerating to match vectors, but one of the tenders at either source or destination system has to do so, I suppose... A "spent" X-boat that has discharged its data wouldn't be a high priority asset to pick up, and presumably there are a fair few going through the cycle in all systems on the route. Do X-boats wipe their data or archive it (in case of the need of re-sending if there is corruption?): a stranded (temporarily) high-velocity X-boat might actually be a target for pirates in a situation where information is money... so the tenders might need to call up escorts for some recoveries.
Crikey, even manning X-boat tenders could be an adventurous life!
Where arrival of an X-boat can be distant from a mainworld or other message relay point (in light-minutes or just a few light-hours with no great chance of radiation corruption - do X-boats use meson packets or some other means to transmit?) then it makes sense to materialise far out, as long as the tenders are available to keep sweeping distant parts of the system for pickups. It's be annoying if traders trying to cut down their overheads (time=money) keep appearing at hazardous vectors close to busy in-system routes though.