From another Thread:
Looking at trade from the Port's perspective:
Suppose someone wanted to transport a cargo to a world ten parsecs away along a J-1 main (assume a -4 purchase DM and +4 sale DM between those two particular worlds).
I could send it on an immediately available J-1 Free Trader that would take 10 jumps and 20 weeks to reach the destination (I hope that the cargo is not produce). I will need to pay 1000 cr per Jump for each of the 10 jumps (Per LBB2) or 10,000 cr per dTon of cargo.
I could wait for a J-2 Far Trader that would take 5 jumps and 10 weeks to reach the destination at a cost of 5,000 cr per dTon of cargo (1000 cr/jump x 5 jumps). If that particular Traveller Universe uses the common ‘1000 cr per parsec’ variant rules, then it takes 5 jumps and 10,000 credits per dTon of cargo.
Using either the 'Merchnat Prince' or LBB2 Trade systems as a guide, one would expect trade to flow between every pair of worlds that generates a positive DM with some 'thru traffic' at every system between those two trade partners. For the sake of this discussion, let’s assume that every world has some cargo bound for every world within 3 jumps.
Looking at trade from the Ship's perspective:
A ‘Beowulf’ Free Trader could be guaranteed ample cargo by filling half of the hold with cargo to a world two jumps away (the high volume trading partner) and 1/3 of the hold with a world 1 parsec away (a low volume trading partner). The hold is now 5/6 full of cargo that will pay 1000 cr per parsec (by either the official ‘per jump’ or unofficial ‘per parsec’ pricing.) When we arrive at the first world, we unload 1/3 of the hold and take on 1/4 of a hold worth of cargo that is also heading for the second world. My hold is now 3/4 full. At the high volume trading partner, cargo is plentiful and we fill 90% of the hold with cargo.
I think that a Fat Trader could keep it’s hold nearly full by just taking on cargo for multiple destinations as it travels a J-1 main. The same concept would work for a J-2 ship on a J-2 main, but the J-1 ships tend to have more trouble filling their holds.
This is not a high 'speculation' model for trade and might not be ideal for a group of 'adventurers'. It is a plausible model for an imperium full of tramp freighters just trying to keep the hold full and make the payments - the background traffic for a group without a ship trying to hitch a ride.
Unless the Beowulf is guaranteed to be at least 3/4 full each jump, and there is no way to guarantee that without exclusive contracts (a role play event beyond the scope of this discussion), the Marava will make more money over the course of a year.
Looking at trade from the Port's perspective:
Suppose someone wanted to transport a cargo to a world ten parsecs away along a J-1 main (assume a -4 purchase DM and +4 sale DM between those two particular worlds).
I could send it on an immediately available J-1 Free Trader that would take 10 jumps and 20 weeks to reach the destination (I hope that the cargo is not produce). I will need to pay 1000 cr per Jump for each of the 10 jumps (Per LBB2) or 10,000 cr per dTon of cargo.
I could wait for a J-2 Far Trader that would take 5 jumps and 10 weeks to reach the destination at a cost of 5,000 cr per dTon of cargo (1000 cr/jump x 5 jumps). If that particular Traveller Universe uses the common ‘1000 cr per parsec’ variant rules, then it takes 5 jumps and 10,000 credits per dTon of cargo.
Using either the 'Merchnat Prince' or LBB2 Trade systems as a guide, one would expect trade to flow between every pair of worlds that generates a positive DM with some 'thru traffic' at every system between those two trade partners. For the sake of this discussion, let’s assume that every world has some cargo bound for every world within 3 jumps.
Looking at trade from the Ship's perspective:
A ‘Beowulf’ Free Trader could be guaranteed ample cargo by filling half of the hold with cargo to a world two jumps away (the high volume trading partner) and 1/3 of the hold with a world 1 parsec away (a low volume trading partner). The hold is now 5/6 full of cargo that will pay 1000 cr per parsec (by either the official ‘per jump’ or unofficial ‘per parsec’ pricing.) When we arrive at the first world, we unload 1/3 of the hold and take on 1/4 of a hold worth of cargo that is also heading for the second world. My hold is now 3/4 full. At the high volume trading partner, cargo is plentiful and we fill 90% of the hold with cargo.
I think that a Fat Trader could keep it’s hold nearly full by just taking on cargo for multiple destinations as it travels a J-1 main. The same concept would work for a J-2 ship on a J-2 main, but the J-1 ships tend to have more trouble filling their holds.
This is not a high 'speculation' model for trade and might not be ideal for a group of 'adventurers'. It is a plausible model for an imperium full of tramp freighters just trying to keep the hold full and make the payments - the background traffic for a group without a ship trying to hitch a ride.
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