Some of the trader idiosyncrasies (and maybe just rumor) from MTU:
- they always close a deal by shedding a single drop of blood on the contract (DNA is far better than a signature and blood represents the importance of the investment to the life of the trader)
- they only rendevous for trade in orbit or within the 100d limit
- they always consider delivery of goods the problem of the buyer
- they avoid dealings with non-Imperials and specifically Vargr, whom they consider particularly uncivilized
- their males are never allowed to negotiate without a female present
- they award clan specific emblematics or heirlooms to long time trading partners as a mark of trust
- traders and corsairs from related clans have been known to exchange pups when they meet, encouraging friendly relations between ships (and families) and ensuring genetic diversity for clans away from the homeworlds
- they always negotiate armed to the teeth
- they prefer to rendevous beyond the 100d limit
- they always finish the negotiation by sniffing the buyer/seller so as to identify them later if needed
- they offer their personal weapon at negotiations as a marker to be returned when the goods are delivered
- they tend to avoid trading with Hivers because they 'smell bad'
- they keep the forelimbs of bad trading partners as trophies
- traders will mark cargo containers with a nearly undetectable phermone to ensure the cargo they bought is the cargo that was delivered
- when they trade with other Hivers, the greetings sometimes take hours but the negotiations take only minutes
- they almost never pay in Imperial script but instead prefer to barter for other goods or push (read: dump) local currencies (due to varying exchange rates)
- they have the habit of forcing non-Hivers to negotiate in zero gee and sometimes upside-down
- they almost always are accompanied by a human thrall (long story) who translates while the Hivers examine the goods
- they offer Hiver-friendly traders a fragrant plant from their homeworld, the scent is easily recognizable and pleasant to most other Hivers
- Zho trader captains are almost never seen, the trades are handled by trained negoiators
- they never negotiate with other races or species unless a Zho telepath present
- they refuse to deal with Hivers except thru a third party
- they routinely inspect every unit in a shipment prior to offering a bid or payment
- they begin most negotiations by offering delicacies from their individual homeworld (often spiked with something untraceable to reduce the mental acquity of their trading partner)
- they never mix business dealings with personal affairs (as most are direct representatives of the Zho government)
- they only negotiate at neutral locations and with full fuel tanks
- their trading ships are often equipped with military style communications gear and defenses
(FREE) SOLOMANI (the Yankee traders of MTU)
- they always begin any negotiation by presenting shining letters of praise and introduction from other customers, real or fabricated
- they are notorious for being tardy on deliveries, shorting shipments, or 'forgetting' customs paperwork
- they often zestfully offer cheaply made (and often bugged) momentos to trading partners at the onset of negotiations
- they always offer wine and women or worse to trading partners during mid-negotiation breaks to soften their resolve
- they have been known to kidnap careless trading partners who don't take proper precautions
- they always negotiate as a group (mostly because no one Solomani trusts any other to represent his interests and for security as well)
- they seem to never bathe (a fact that disturbs the Aslan very much)
There are probably a bunch I've forgotten; my group has very active imaginations and it's important that everybody has quirks!