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Trader skill


Here is a question...The Trader skill requires a roll of 10+ (CT) for the one die roll to be accurate. So if someone has Trader-3, does that mean they require a 7+?

I know the Aslan module has value holding on an 8+. Weird that the rules are different for the same skill.
CT was very much a situational skill test game. Not a standardized task system. I'm sure S4 could rattle of several examples from memory :) I'd have to look them up though I'm sure I knew many of them once.

Most of the time if we (our group and I suspect others) didn't know the particular skill test or have it handy we'd just make it up on the fly and play through.

As for the Trader skill, nope, skill level does not allow a DM on the roll. It does open the window though. Note that with just 1 or 2 levels of the skill you can't really make a useful prediction since it only covers 3 or 6 days and a jump to another world takes 7 days. So you need level 3 to even be able to try to guess the deal offworld one jump away.

If you wanted to (generously) apply a DM for skill imo you'd have to start with Trader-3 as the baseline and allow DMs for skill above that, in place of 3 days worth of prediction I'd say. So for example with Trader-4 you could roll 10+ to predict up to 12 days or 9+ to predict up to 9 days.
The difference can be ascribed to the much more uniform culture of the aslan, IMO.

Looking at AM1 Aslan, that appears to be predicting at time of sale. It's 8+ no matter the skill level. At level 4, both dice are predicted.

Bk7 MP, is predicting several days in advance; 3 days per level of skill. Again, the retention number seems to be unmodified.

MT is no guide, either, since, at least with the PDF's, I can't find the tasks.

AM 4 Zhodani matches AM 1
AM7 Hiver matches Bk 7

I will observe that the two 8+ and both die settings are VERY culturally unified: Aslan and Zhodani. In the other two, imperial and hiver, are noted for non-conformity and diverse situations.

Checking TNE says Average Bargaining (the equivalent skill)...
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Doesn't really seem like a worthwhile thing to get skill in then.

You have to have level 3 to make it useable. You only have half information, and when you get to your destination, only a 1 in 6 chance of the information being accurate.

I'd take Admin any day.
Doesn't really seem like a worthwhile thing to get skill in then.

You have to have level 3 to make it useable. You only have half information, and when you get to your destination, only a 1 in 6 chance of the information being accurate.

I'd take Admin any day.

I found the "1 in 6 chance of the information being accurate" a poor rule rendering the skill fairly worthless in those cases.

At skill 3 you can select your jump destination based on an analysis of potential markets made before you jump.

Even a mere skill-1 should allow you to predict immediately upon landing whether to spend the time and money hiring a broker to sell the speculative cargo on THIS world, or to save the time and expense and just refuel and depart ASAP. If the First roll will be a 1 for the next three days, then the market looks bad. If the first roll will be a 6 for the next three days, then the market is looking good. (Reverse that for buying speculative cargo).

IMHO, since skill-1 is immediate market conditions, no 1 in 6 roll for the conditions to still be true would be applicable.
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