I like some aspects of Tralp and the RDE, but I'm not sure I'd use it as is.
I am not knocking anybody's creative work in this part of the OTU.
It's just that sometimes I see something I'd want to modify before introducing in a game I was running. Tralp and the RDE are in that category.
The first alternate I came up with is still pretty close:
The Boers came first, backed by a joint Netherlands-based corporation/South African gov't venture. The Dutch capitalists got a colonial foothold on Tralp, the Boer separatists got their own homeland away from other races, and the South African government peacefully rid itself some discontented citizens.
But not long after the founding many Dutch West Indians came to Tralp looking for safe, stable new homes as climate change and the wars with the Ziru Sirka endangered their homelands. The Netherlands was suffering frequent, dangerous floods at the time, and was badly overcrowded with high joblessness. The Tralp Company Charter allowed Dutch citizens to immigrate freely. The Boers had calculated that risk, but failed to consider a sudden mass migration from overseas provinces.
The Boers did not mistreat the newcomers. They simply kept apart. A planet like Tralp had vastly more arable land than old South Africa ever had, after all.
The newcomers formed their own community in a warm seacoast and islands region.
But not long after the trek, a plague struck the Boers. Most surviving women were left infertile.
With potential mothers at a premium, and incest and polyandry both unthinkable, Boer men who wanted wives and children couldn't afford to be picky about a woman's color.
The old racial separation quickly disintegrated.
By the time Tralp's population had swollen so much that younger sons looked offworld to found their own estates, the settler groups had mixed in so much that a typical Tralpian had light brown skin and a mixture of African and European features.
Forced labor began with Vilani prisoners of war and with the impressment of native criminals and vagabonds.
The 'slaves' on Tralp are actually indentured servants on renewable four-year contracts. The ones captured by Dootchen press-gangers are tricked or coerced into 'voluntarily emigrating' and entering service to pay off the debt incurred in passage.
Harsh vagrancy and debt laws combined with limited opportunities for children of servants and any non-Solomani leads the overwhelmingly majority of such children into servitude.
A servant who violates even a minor law gets time added to his contract, because the bureaucracy fines the master and the master is entitled to double restitution with interest from his servant.
I'm working on the assumption that the SolCon bans chattel slavery, at least of humans, as part of its historical-legal heritage. I'm not sure about how well this fits canon OTU lore.
It may have been the case that the Tralpians practiced chattel slavery during the Long Night, shifting to the servtitude system as a condition of admission to the Solomani Confederation.
Was Tralp ever under the rule of the Third Imperium?
In my take on this, the high law level doesn't apply to Home Guard members doing training exercises or domestic security work. In effect, Home Guard members can carry guns and other weapons around in public with a feasible excuse.
Natch, the bureaus in charge of recruitment do not allow servants or undesirables to join the HG, and the officer corps is drawn from the estate holder class.
The private lands of an estate holder are considered his home, just like his house. He can hunt and shoot there, using his Home Guard guns or blade/archaic weapons.
Should this go in the OTU section? The IMTU section? Not sure.
I like some aspects of Tralp and the RDE, but I'm not sure I'd use it as is.
I am not knocking anybody's creative work in this part of the OTU.
It's just that sometimes I see something I'd want to modify before introducing in a game I was running. Tralp and the RDE are in that category.
The first alternate I came up with is still pretty close:
The Boers came first, backed by a joint Netherlands-based corporation/South African gov't venture. The Dutch capitalists got a colonial foothold on Tralp, the Boer separatists got their own homeland away from other races, and the South African government peacefully rid itself some discontented citizens.
But not long after the founding many Dutch West Indians came to Tralp looking for safe, stable new homes as climate change and the wars with the Ziru Sirka endangered their homelands. The Netherlands was suffering frequent, dangerous floods at the time, and was badly overcrowded with high joblessness. The Tralp Company Charter allowed Dutch citizens to immigrate freely. The Boers had calculated that risk, but failed to consider a sudden mass migration from overseas provinces.
The Boers did not mistreat the newcomers. They simply kept apart. A planet like Tralp had vastly more arable land than old South Africa ever had, after all.
The newcomers formed their own community in a warm seacoast and islands region.
But not long after the trek, a plague struck the Boers. Most surviving women were left infertile.
With potential mothers at a premium, and incest and polyandry both unthinkable, Boer men who wanted wives and children couldn't afford to be picky about a woman's color.
The old racial separation quickly disintegrated.
By the time Tralp's population had swollen so much that younger sons looked offworld to found their own estates, the settler groups had mixed in so much that a typical Tralpian had light brown skin and a mixture of African and European features.
Forced labor began with Vilani prisoners of war and with the impressment of native criminals and vagabonds.
The 'slaves' on Tralp are actually indentured servants on renewable four-year contracts. The ones captured by Dootchen press-gangers are tricked or coerced into 'voluntarily emigrating' and entering service to pay off the debt incurred in passage.
Harsh vagrancy and debt laws combined with limited opportunities for children of servants and any non-Solomani leads the overwhelmingly majority of such children into servitude.
A servant who violates even a minor law gets time added to his contract, because the bureaucracy fines the master and the master is entitled to double restitution with interest from his servant.
I'm working on the assumption that the SolCon bans chattel slavery, at least of humans, as part of its historical-legal heritage. I'm not sure about how well this fits canon OTU lore.
It may have been the case that the Tralpians practiced chattel slavery during the Long Night, shifting to the servtitude system as a condition of admission to the Solomani Confederation.
Was Tralp ever under the rule of the Third Imperium?
In my take on this, the high law level doesn't apply to Home Guard members doing training exercises or domestic security work. In effect, Home Guard members can carry guns and other weapons around in public with a feasible excuse.
Natch, the bureaus in charge of recruitment do not allow servants or undesirables to join the HG, and the officer corps is drawn from the estate holder class.
The private lands of an estate holder are considered his home, just like his house. He can hunt and shoot there, using his Home Guard guns or blade/archaic weapons.
Should this go in the OTU section? The IMTU section? Not sure.
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