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Traveller 5 up on Kickstarter

But just to explain - the T5 forum on these boards is only seen by those of us who bought the T5 cd.

So to promote the T5 kick-starter it had to be posted in a general access part of the board too.
There will be a players book that should do what you ask.

Hopefully this is just the start of things to come :)

Over 2000 backers and on it's way to $300,000 :eek:
The T5 forum

Ok... now i see what is going on. Thanks.

I know ages ago I use to go to a T5 forum and discuss a few things. I don't recall seeing the beta CD but cool. Glad to see a new clean version moving forward. I'll have to pop over to the kickstarter site.
The wife and I pooled resources for a pledge under my name. I wish I could have gotten my old Traveller group to pledge.
Actually, the invitation to Kickstarter was what brougth me back to this board. I have been amazed at how this project was funded.

Now, can I use Kickstarter to finance a run for President, hummmm...
But just to explain - the T5 forum on these boards is only seen by those of us who bought the T5 cd.

So to promote the T5 kick-starter it had to be posted in a general access part of the board too.

(Just noticed this post)

Then how can I see this? :eek:o:

(Or is this not the forum you're referring to?)
I have funded the KickStarter too... not sure if I'm seeing this forum because of that, despite that, or there is another forum I am completely missing. Can anyone clear that up, please?
I have funded the KickStarter too... not sure if I'm seeing this forum because of that, despite that, or there is another forum I am completely missing. Can anyone clear that up, please?

This T5 folder is a public one about T5 in general - there is another private folder for anyone who bought the beta CD where you can contribute to proof reading or comment upon drafts. The updated drafts were posted there as well. I wouldn't worry about getting the beta CD now and access to the forums, the product is almost upon us. As a beta participant myself, it looks to me that every part of the new T5 was gone over with a fine tooth comb by committed fans, and I think we're all in for a treat when it comes out.
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So, just to clarify (as I already reckoned on it being a well-screened beta ;) ), there *is* another forum that I & other KickStarter supporters cannot see. This is because there was a previous drive to fund the "beta CD" so not much point for us who don't have the book &/or PDF(s) yet.

This forum we're in (and hence I can obviously see) is for those of us waiting on the release of T5 and will most likely be the place for discussions of the official release when the printing & delivering is done. Right?
Actually, that's up to Marc, but it will probably be a variation on that theme.
Well done everyone!!!

Just thought I'd drop a WELL DONE fellow Travellers.

It's great that there's lot's of support out there for this terrific RPG.

I'm looking forward to T5 and can't wait to dive into it.

Does anyone know what time T5 will be set in? Or is it designed to encompass everything and be the ultimate rule set? I am envisioning it's gone beyond the time of the Virus and is something of a return to glory high tech days with new galactic issues thrown in for good measure.

Those who own the beta of the T5 CDROM may have an insite into this aspect of the new rules perhaps?
It's my understanding, just going on the Kickstarter info, that the core T5 book is going to be mostly rules with the intent of being able to model any era. Not sure when the Galaxiad is going to be set.
I could say...

that I'll leave it to Marc to connect all the dots on the Galaxiad...

Well I just wanted to say belated congratulations to Marc on the very successful Kickstarter for T5, and I am looking forward to it coming to the UK shops in the near future. I hope it will end up being something that I will treasure as much as my Traveller Black Box.