Useful tips, features, color, and rules to give your Traveller game a feel like Jack McDevitt's "Academy" series.
The major difference is the absence of an overarching nobility. "Social Standing" is more like socioeconomic class as we understand it. And that's OK.
So don't award a noble class if SOC rolls high. Just record the value and move on.
There would be no such thing as a "Noble" career. If you were keen on using it, you could rename it to "Politician" and you might be okay with it.
Generally TL 9 equipment and vehicles exist, except there are no gravitics.
There are no laser rifles, etc.
There is no PGMP.
There is no gauss rifle.
Accelerator rifles exist.
Assault guns exist.
The major difference is the absence of an overarching nobility. "Social Standing" is more like socioeconomic class as we understand it. And that's OK.
So don't award a noble class if SOC rolls high. Just record the value and move on.
There would be no such thing as a "Noble" career. If you were keen on using it, you could rename it to "Politician" and you might be okay with it.
Generally TL 9 equipment and vehicles exist, except there are no gravitics.
There are no laser rifles, etc.
There is no PGMP.
There is no gauss rifle.
Accelerator rifles exist.
Assault guns exist.