The MT book Fighting Ships... has some squadron organizations that include Cruron (Carrier)Originally posted by Jame:
What's the Traveller equivalent of a carrier battle group? Is there one? If so, what and how many does it contain?
A word of warning. FSotSI is not the greatest book on the whole. It has about 4 pages of usefull information and the rest is MT ship designs. Badly broken MT ship designs at that. If you can get it cheap it may be worthwhile but I wouldn't go bidding it up on e-bay or anything.Originally posted by Jame:
DaveShayne, thanks. I think I'll be looking for that book.
Originally posted by DaveShayne:
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++A word of warning. FSotSI is not the greatest book on the whole. It has about 4 pages of usefull information and the rest is MT ship designs. Badly broken MT ship designs at that. If you can get it cheap it may be worthwhile but I wouldn't go bidding it up on e-bay or anything.
Oh I think there are more than four good pages, David! The squadron composition page is well worth the copying. And sevral of the illustrations are decent to good quality.
Agreed however, the MT designs were badly broken/ hastily assembled.
I think it would be more like WW1 era ships. WW2 era ships had to contend with airpower. A few fighters could destroy a battleship or an aircraft carrier. Fighters in traveller canon simply can't do that [unless the referee fudges it]. Look at Jutland. Here you got a whole bunch of ships, lined up in formation, charging in and blasting the bejesus out of each other. If that isn't reminiscent of what one does in High Guard, I don't know what is.Traveller ships seemed to work more like WW2 era ships than anything else, though of course I wouldn't know how a real 3I would organize them.
That's why I clarified it with MTU.Originally posted by Ron Vutpakdi:
I'd suggest that SeaTyger's organization would stand, but the central ship(s) would be a group of battle tenders and their riders or a group of battleships (as SeaTyger does note). Seems quite reasonable that the battle group would still have a carrier or two as part of the escort but not be the central ship(s). Rather parallels the late 30's organization that theorized that carriers supported battleships and not the other way around.
At the risk of starting the fighters debateOriginally posted by plop101:
I think it would be more like WW1 era ships. WW2 era ships had to contend with airpower. A few fighters could destroy a battleship or an aircraft carrier. Fighters in traveller canon simply can't do that [unless the referee fudges it]. Look at Jutland. Here you got a whole bunch of ships, lined up in formation, charging in and blasting the bejesus out of each other. If that isn't reminiscent of what one does in High Guard, I don't know what is.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Originally posted by Lionel Deffries:
Just a question for the military people out there are all officers still called sir.
This is not a sexist comment just a question.
Male members in MTU are addressed as Sir females as ma'am.
I asked elswhere in this great site if two ships could enter and leave jump together, the answer i got was NO.
Not unless they were grappled together.
So if a battle group was built what would you send through first, The really big ship or the small escorts (there can be no suprise if your ships exit over a day (max spread).
Why would you have small ships in a task force except as damage soaks (anything that dosnt have a spinal mount isnt realy going to hurt a big ship and is going to get vaped realy quickly.
The smaller 'escorts (be they 3-400dtn gazeles/ Fiery class ships or DE's (1ktons), or larger ships are the capital ship's screening elements and "eyes and ears" out front. The "pickets" for the fleet..
Yes missile armed small ships can hurt big ships but what do you do after you run out of missiles and it only takes one hit to kill you from a spinal mount.
Any warship with a spinal mount should not be hurt by missiles (it should have an AR high enough to stop all damage).
Unless the bigger missiles also named in this site but not the rule book are real.
Well that will do for now.
Embrace the horror...At the risk of starting the fighters debate...
Your proving my point. In canon, fighters cannot significantly harm a well armored big ship unless the referee fudges it.ANd IMTU , we have two sizes of missiles. Turret sized; and bay missile sized
(1d6 x 1d6 hits).
So yes, a big ship could be hurt by big missiles!