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Traveller Hero!

Originally posted by Aramis:
Well, the RQ looks to be a revision of the BRP based RQ3. I have RQ3... and Elfquest. Don't have the rest...
Maybe, though in what direction is uncertain. There was a semi-public playtest and a lot of ideas being hashed out.

Stormbringer 5th is less...Avalon-Hilly than RQ3 while still having opposed rolls, a success/failure chart, and somewhat detailed combat and sorcery. While I don't think it's the best adapation of the stories (1st edition is very fun in far fewer pages) it's not bad for a BRP baseline.

That version of BRP is a bit too different from recent versions of published BRP IMO, but it is free (still not sure how) and a decent taste for those not familiar with BRP. I prefer the Call of Cthulhu Quickstart Rules for a BRP intro.

As for Traveller HERO...well Starhero for 5th hasn't been as developed as it might be but I'm not sure how much more can be developed beyond the existing free PDF and if it's just an adaptation of existing material it's another niche of a niche of a niche of a-. If it can be done at a profit cool I guess. Ship or Battledress stats in HERO give me a headache.

HERO Sidekick is very nice as an "intro" ruleset and the genre books for FReD are often what many GURPS 3rd edition supplements were or better, cheap, easy to read, chock full of bits useable in any campaign regardless of rules. They also get cranked out more than the GURPS 4e books.
Just to buck the trend a little here, after reading some articles in Challenge magazine giving MT stats for medievel weapoms and armour I ran a little D&D game using MT rules.

Regards PLST
Originally posted by Casey:


(hmmm uplifted waterfowl for Traveller?!?)
Considering that picture (in it's original appearance on the cover of the RQ3 version of Apple Lane) caused one of my players to *want* to play a duck...
Not to insert an ignorant question here, but what is Hero and where is there information about it? Is this the same thing as Champions?
Originally posted by Jim Fetters:
Not to insert an ignorant question here, but what is Hero and where is there information about it? Is this the same thing as Champions?
It's the generic system derived from Champions, which is now the Superhero genre book for Hero. Instead of having multiple Hero games each with slightly different rules you get the Hero core book (or the excellent $10 Sidekick book) and perhaps a genre book.

About the Hero System and Free System and 5th Edition documents.
KG: in RQ3, the races all have latin names as well. Ducks were Anthropus Donaldi....
I have a draft for using Harnmaster for Traveller........

The realistic injury and physican rules lend themsleves to sci-fi gaming.

Also, the weapon damage and armor values can be imported diectly from Striker into Harnmaster with no issues. I then use a scaled die (D4, D6, D8 etc) for modern weapon damages.


All vehicle and starship rules must come from your favorite Traveller ruleset.
HeroTrav is OOP... too bad, because it's a good adaptation. I disagree with a few odd bits.