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Traveller is like BBQ


I used to play Traveller off and on quiet a bit and then there was the long Traveller dry spell where I didn't know hardly any one who played it and all the gamers I knew were all into other RPGs. So, it's been a long time since I was regularly playing it. As it turns out, there's renewed interest around here (Memphis) for it due to MgT and I find myself in the usual position of "If I want to see a game of it, I'll end up GMing it."

So, even though I've been a member here a few years, I hardly ever posted here much but in ramping up to start GMing it again I had a strange/stray thought after reading many threads here. So, with that long rambling preamble, I give you this odd thought that's banging around in my head fighting to bust loose.

Traveller is like BBQ

Like BBQ, everyone thinks they know what it is and their favorite is the best. With BBQ, you have most people who aren't from the SouthEast/Middle South(VA/Caorlinas/Georgia) to mid-Arkansas/St. Louis think that BBQ and "barbeque" are the same thing. Therefore anything with "barbeque" Flavor must be BBQ. You've got the SE/Middle South USA folks who know the difference between BBQ and "barbeque" and you've got the Texans who think that BBQ is anything you can fit on your Dad's grill mounted on that 8 foot trailer in the back yard. And that's not including the non-USA folks who only see "Americans"=Yanks and think we're all nutz and have a hard time understanding the differences in regional customs, tastes, dialects, etc, etc.

Like BBQ, I pretty much like all forms of Traveller. And like BBQ, just about ever style has something that I can say, "You know, that isn't quiet as perfect as I'd like it to be, but dang it's good!" And like BBQ, any Traveller is better than No Traveller. Like BBQ, I'm not always in the mood for Traveller, but when I want it, I crave it.

And I've gotta say, that this is probably the best place I've seen for sampling all the forms of Traveller. Many, many good folks here with some great Ideas. It's like walking into a BBQ Festival where you've got all these great cooks giving away free samples. Tasty!

You've got CT Traveller which is like what purist from the Carolina coast to Memphis call "Real BBQ." Those folks just know that BBQ=Pork. If you are eating something that isn't Pork, it doesn't matter what kind of sauce is on it or how it is cooked, it ain't BBQ. BBQ=Pork, Anything else with "barbeque" sauce on it is "barbeque" and not "BBQ." The basic ingredients are actually fairly simple, but each GM(Cook) has their own style of what they add or how they run it and with the simple ingredients you can actually get a range of tastes, flavors and a whole lot of goodness.

You've got the St. Louis folks who have taken the old style BBQ ingredients and have developed their own sauce and think that's better than "Memphis BBQ." Maybe that makes them like the Megatraveller folks... ;)

You've got people from Texas who think Beef Brisket and Pork(or just about any animal that fits on the grill is BBQ, so I guess they are like the folks who use a little of everything from all different forms of Traveller in their Traveller.

And you've got people who play "SciFi" games that were influenced/inspired by Traveller, but are so far off away from it the CT (BBQ) Purist scoff and say, "That's barely SciFi, more like Science Fantasy"... ;)

I don't know enough about T4 to compare that to something.

Oh yea, you've got the Traveller2300 folks playing something written by the same company and heavily influenced by it, but really it's a whole new game system. So I guess that's the people who think "barbeque" = BBQ. ;)

I guess the people that only play Medieval Fantasy RPGs are those who don't eat anything BBQ or "barbeque."

I've lived in a lot of places, grew up in SouthWest Va, so to me BBQ=Pork. Specifically a BBQ Sandwich is "Pulled Pork", sauce and Cole Slaw on a hamburger bun. Anything else and it "jest ain't right." Teh Wife is from Texas and we lived there for 9 years and I've eaten a lot of good Texas Brisket, but I can't get it through her family's Heads that it isn't "BBQ" no matter how hard I try. Even though that Texas Brisket is some "damn fine eatin'.."

So, as I'm about to go into my last day "crash GM" mode and get my first Traveller session with me the GM in over over 16 years ready to go(for this coming Saturday), I just wanted to say thanks to everyone here. I've gotten a lot of good info and inspiration from this place. Not everything fits with the Session that I've got planned, just like a meal you don't want to have EVERY Possible taste on the table(unless you're at a Southern Potluck) and I'm still feeling through everything finding what I like. I'm sticking with MgT for now just to give the system a fair shake and because I've got some players who are interested who already have some of those books. But, like learning to cook, I'm sure that I'll figure out my own taste in time and I've got this site to thank for the tools.

So, Thanks to Everyone Here. You guys are an interesting, eclectic bunch and your collective output of ideas is simply awesome. If you find that I'm not agreeing with you in a thread, that doesn't mean that you aren't making me think. Generally, the people who I disagree with the most are the ones that make me think about my preferences the most.

And a big thanks to Aramis who first told me about this site many years ago. We sometimes have very different styles of RPG play preference, but I've found that he always has something good to add to a discussion.
I don't know... I might have to go all moderator on this thread. There were some pretty political things said. And offensive ones about TX BBQ. If I can get him to argue with me about it in a PM, I have a moderator trifecta! ;)

I guess the people that only play Medieval Fantasy RPGs are those who don't eat anything BBQ or "barbeque."
Those would be our unfortunate Jewish and Muslim friends who don't know what they're missing by not eating pork! (Just kidding, guys!)

Actually, glad to know you're getting something out of this wonderful little saloon on the interwebs. Good luck with the game, Saturday!
Teh Wife is from Texas and we lived there for 9 years and I've eaten a lot of good Texas Brisket, but I can't get it through her family's Heads that it isn't "BBQ" no matter how hard I try.
'Course not, seeing as how BBQ generally was introduced into U.S. via Texas from the Mexican 'barbacoa' as a style of slow cook'n meats - no mattering the kind. ;)
[Though, BBQ pork would generally be qualified as carnitas and in TexMex barbacoa is often reserved for the black, greasy and oh so tasty beef barbacoa (and barbacoa de cabeza)!]

Good luck with the game!
And a big thanks to Aramis who first told me about this site many years ago. We sometimes have very different styles of RPG play preference, but I've found that he always has something good to add to a discussion.

FYI: in most of Alaska, BBQ/Barbeque is that thing with the coals in it, or the act of using said grill, not what you grill on it; you don't eat barbecue, you eat barbecued ____, in part because the metal hurts your teeth. Sauce isn't needed.

Likewise, For many, Traveller is the sauce - the setting.

For me, it's a collection of tools - just as Barbecue is the grill, traveller is a collection of tools. And I'm happy to pull stuff from one set or the other of tools, just like I'll use a 3rd party brush and a recycled oil drum, some recycled open diamond plate for a barbecue. The setting is just one tool - the sauce -and the least important.
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Now that I'm sure BBQ means barbecue (sometimes you forget for some of us English is not native language), I remember having read a US study that concluded taht people who attends barbecues usually enjoys happier life and even better helth than those who doesn't.

The authors said this was explained because people who attended them had a more active social life than those who don't, and probably a more active life in other senses too.

Hope your Travelelr party has a symilar effect for you and your attendants.
The authors said this was explained because people who attended them had a more active social life than those who don't, and probably a more active life in other senses too.

Nah, it's because the people are so much better when there is BBQ at a social event! ;)

Hope your Travelelr party has a symilar effect for you and your attendants.


And, well put, Aramis!
One nice thing about Traveller, like barbeque/BBQ, is that you can mix and match to suit different tastes.

And I'm afraid though I come from VA and grew up in the midwest, living in California has gotten me hooked on pulled pork sandwiches on a sourdough roll, rather than a white bun.

There I go getting political and all.
I won't even mention dry rub vs. wet rub. Don't want no fights around here.

One bad thing about California. They're dang stingy with the cole slaw. I gotta tell em to give me enough to taste (and enough to let it ooze a bit.)

And I'm of the opinion that if something gets spread on a gridiron, I'm not going to complain about what it was when it was walking. Otherwise I might not get some. Especially in Texas.

Now we've just got to breed some Supercow. Darn H. Beam Piper put that in my head some years ago with Lone Star Planet, and I've been dying to have some ever since. So far the closest I've gotten is putting it in my campaign.
Mmmm supercow, beef is definitely my favorite. Texas BBQ, from one of the south texas shacks, with an orange crush, was one of my favorites as a kid when my Dad was stationed there.
All I know is I make some damn fine BBQ. Anyone argues otherwise is invited over to try some. Maybe we could squeeze in some Traveller as long as you don't drip sauce on the dice.
Now we've just got to breed some Supercow. Darn H. Beam Piper put that in my head some years ago with Lone Star Planet, and I've been dying to have some ever since. So far the closest I've gotten is putting it in my campaign.

For those unacquainted with Piper's Lone Star Planet and that magnificent meat animal, the "supercow", I include the following quote from the book. The work is available for download on the Project Gutenberg website.

They had found Capella IV, a Terra-type planet, with a slightly higher mean temperature, a lower mass and lower gravitational field, about one-quarter water and three-quarters land-surface, at a stage of evolutionary development approximately that of Terra during the late Pliocene. They also found supercow, a big mammal looking like the unsuccessful attempt of a hippopotamus to impersonate a dachshund and about the size of a nuclear-steam locomotive. On New Texas' plains, there were billions of them; their meat was fit for the gods of Olympus. So New Texas had become the meat-supplier to the galaxy.

Because of their huge size—they ran to a live weight of around fifteen tons—and their uncertain disposition, supercows are not really domesticated. Each rancher owned the herds on his own land, chiefly by virtue of constant watchfulness over them. There were always a couple of helicopters hovering over each herd, with fast fighter planes waiting on call to come in and drop fire-bombs or stun-bombs in front of them if they showed a disposition to wander too far. Naturally, things of this size could not be shipped live to the market; they were butchered on the range, and the meat hauled out in big 'copter-trucks.

Slaughtering was dangerous and exciting work. It was done with medium tanks mounting fifty-mm guns, usually working at the rear of the herd, although a supercow herd could change directions almost in a second and the killing-tanks would then find themselves in front of a stampede. I saw several such incidents. Once Gail and I had to dive in with our car and help turn such a stampede.

Now, given that Piper has them at about 15 tons apiece, I am not sure about the '"billions" on the planet, but "millions" is possible, based on a probably carrying capacity of 4 supercow per square mile.

As for having something like supercow, I would recommend either a very good Angus beef tenderloin, or a trip to Lawry's Prime Rib in Beverly Hills, California. Having had the prime rib several times at the Lawry's in Chicago, I think that would be the closest that you might get to "supercow" on Terra.
Nah, I prefer the Porcuswine from the Stainless Steel Rat series... ;)

Hmm, having read most of the Stainless Steel Rat series, including the origin of the Stainless Steel Rat, at least the porcuswine sandwiches served in that fast food restaurant sound an awful like the McDonald's McRib sandwich, which I like in small quantities. For a more savory dish, I would prefer something like a good Virginia ham from hogs fed on peanuts, or the ham you get at the Amish restaurants in the Arcola, Illinois area or the Mennonite restaurant in Shipsewana, Indiana. Nothing fancy, just terrific tasting ham. Both the Amish and the Mennonites make some fantastic pork sausage too.
Mh ... Yummy!

All this makes me wish summer to happen soon ... Although there is no BBQ or barbecue in Germany, there is the thing named by the ultimated device: We "grill" whatever fits on the grill ...

Enjoy your re-entry into GM-warpspace with your friends as gamers gathered around you tomorrow!

And about the fancy fantasy-stuff ... I think they are all in Pizza-Connection - anything goes for as long as it fits on a pizza-bread.

All the best!
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For some reason, I have a hankerin' for BBQ after reading this.
Fortunately, it will be 73 (deg F) here in Florida this tomorrow, so I don't need to wait for summer.
(but it will rain, so I need to find a shelter to BBQ under.)
Yeah, Tenn has more BBQ choices than Florida.
I still get e-mail from Famous Dave from my trip to Cleveland, TN two years ago.
Most of the local places here are closer to a McRibb sandwich than real BBQ.

[Although I must confess that I prefer my coleslaw as a side rather than on the sandwich ... I'm still a Yankee from the Jersey Shore at heart - although technically the Mason-Dixon line cuts NJ in half and I am from South Jersey, so I may not be an actual Yankee.]
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All I know is I make some damn fine BBQ. Anyone argues otherwise is invited over to try some. Maybe we could squeeze in some Traveller as long as you don't drip sauce on the dice.

That would be worth starting an argument with you just for the invite! BBQ AND Traveller!
Greylond - Enjoy the game! (Now I'm hungry for some Brisket.)

timerover51 - Lone Star Planet is a favorite of mine, along with a number of H.Beam Piper's classics available at Project Gutenberg.
For some reason, I have a hankerin' for BBQ after reading this.
Fortunately, it will be 73 (deg F) here in Florida this tomorrow, so I don't need to wait for summer.
(but it will rain, so I need to find a shelter to BBQ under.)

Even ice and snow doesn't prevent barbecuing in Alaska. Last barbecue that wasn't a KofC function I went to was a mid-january shindig.