I was trying to recall a couple weeks ago just where I'd seen those abbreviated rules myself. I came up dry on my search.
I wonder if it could have been in one of Jefferson Swycaffer's "Traveller inspired" books? Apparently there were a few:
Not In Our Stars, Avon Books, New York, USA, 1986.
Become the Hunted, Avon Books, New York, USA, 1985.
The Universal Prey, Avon Books, New York, USA, 1985.
The Praesidium of Archive, Avon Books, New York, USA, 1986.
The Empire's Legacy, New Infinities Productions Inc., 1988.
Voyage of the Planetslayer, New Infinities Productions Inc., 1988.
Revolt and Rebirth, New Infinities Productions Inc., 1988.
I saw most of them listed on Amazon before I got tired of looking, maybe the cover pics there will id the one you saw?