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Traveller "Now"

And the Ithklur carrying fairly ornate laser rifles would constitute Serpent Men carrying pretty mighty Staves of Power influencing the young Howard Philips who never knew what landed just outside of Providence, RI...years later recounting the tale to an equally impressionable Robert E Howard developed the Cthulhu mythos in full and the Sword & Sorcery genre...leading eventually to D&D...leading to the Open Licence...leading to T20.

Always knew those pesky Hivers were sneaky but who could imagined the depths of their planning for an uplift and conquest of Humaniti spawning out so long...
Hi folks !

Dan, I thought about the hivers, too, but mixing that with Cthulhu is just great, and really weird :=)
Perhaps many more Delta Green stories could be assimilated by Traveller Now

Actually Iam looking for plots, which might serve to lead characters from Earth of now into the Vilani Empire/TU.
- Ancient site transporter system
- Ancient starship
- Captured and released by Hivers
- Contact with a Deep Space Scout Exploration
- ..
Well, most of the plots must perhaps keep the "one way only" aspect in order to keep TU history in shape.
A more complex situation might arise if there would be, if there really is a pre contact hiver organisation and characters are chossen to participate.

Still brainstorming...

Besides, how far is the Vilani border away from earth right now ?

Many thanks for any input so far.

"There was an issue of "Dragon" magazine that featured an adventure called "Green Horizon".
I rate this adventure very highly. I hope you can find it!"

You'll probably have more success if you look in White Dwarf, rather than Dragon...

It is quite a fun adventure.
Will the player characters be gung ho special forces types or normal bods thrown into extra-ordinary circumstances?

You could make use of an Ancient era portal to transport a team up to 36 parsecs on a one way mission - into the Vegan polity for instance.

They would then have to adapt to the alien encounter - not to mention the "aliens" mistaking them for Vilani.

They could then slowly learn of the Vilani Imperium, and choose to explore it or to try and get back to Earth with what they have learned...
Sort of like Stargate but in reverse having the Gou'ld being the Vilani...this has some possibilites especially when combined with the excellent freebie Stargate RPG using the GURPS/2300AD milieu that is off good old Andy Slack's page.

For the party to work, it would have to be a mixture of talents that would zip across the Stargate. I like the idea of the portal but I would place it somewhere else. Perhaps, that is really what Charon is...a giant Ancient matter transmat...a la Fading Suns...

Therefore, the intital search teams of military get chewed up by the Vilani/Vegan party that notices the Chevrons are dialing when they shouldn't. But the next party goes much farther...this allows for a great story to connect them back home...
Hi !

Good hint so far.

I found another pretty source.
Its an old JTAS Variant article "Not so Ancient", written by Paul Duffy in 2002.

Here the story is also about a Vilani expedition long before offical contact, which is nearly crippled by ancient defense systems and about the Vilani government preventing further contacts to Earth.

Guess I like the idea of a lost expedition several hunderd years ago, with survivors mixing with population, but perhaps keeping a kind of generation community, in order to find a way back home someday...


About six years ago, I created a secret psionic society that could work in the background of multiple eras of the OTU in an "X-Files" kind of way. They were called the Ziranii, the Caste of the Soul, and are detailed at Freelance Traveller:

This background could easily be re-written slightly to integrate into a setting such as the one being proposed here.

Hope this helps,