I recently got a data cable to connect my mobile phone to my PC and it's opened up all sorts of customisation possibilities.
At the moment I have given it a sort of hybrid, Star Trek and Doctor WHO them.
It occured to me, however that a Traveller theme might be cool.
Maybe for startup and shutdown have an animated GIF of a red Imperial SUN being drawn on a white background and then have a static image for the wallpaper (or even a cycled animated one).
Sound effects would be fairly rudimentary sci-fi sounds but it'd be nice to have something Traveller-ish. Like maybe on startup a female (aren't they always female?) computer voice saying something like,'Imperial Communications Network Online'.
Anyone else got any ideas. I'm happy to have a stab at the graphics. It's really quite simple. Sound is a bit beyond me though, I'm afraid, at least creating new ones is.
At the moment I have given it a sort of hybrid, Star Trek and Doctor WHO them.
It occured to me, however that a Traveller theme might be cool.
Maybe for startup and shutdown have an animated GIF of a red Imperial SUN being drawn on a white background and then have a static image for the wallpaper (or even a cycled animated one).
Sound effects would be fairly rudimentary sci-fi sounds but it'd be nice to have something Traveller-ish. Like maybe on startup a female (aren't they always female?) computer voice saying something like,'Imperial Communications Network Online'.
Anyone else got any ideas. I'm happy to have a stab at the graphics. It's really quite simple. Sound is a bit beyond me though, I'm afraid, at least creating new ones is.