Ok, all the talk re religion in the political pulpit and the general theme of this site made it impossible for me to not think of religion in traveller, and I was trying to compile a list of religious groups in traveller.
It occurred to me that there seem to be few religious groups in traveller, and they seem to be small and cultish. Based on what I've read the droyne seem to treat ancient sites as sacred and religious places they often won't set claw in, so I presume the droyne have some deep feelings towards the ancients. Does this count as a religion? I can't say for sure. The droyne do have ceremonies involving their coynes, is that a religious exercise? Maybe, but at best the droyne's religious views are obscure and mysterious to outsiders, which may be the way the little gits want it.
The k'kree have their detailed and in depth religion which was explored quite nicely in GT, and a very militant religion it is, so their religious views are pretty clear.
The vargr are in a bit of a situation, knowing they were created by the ancients makes it hard for them to claim creation by a supernatural deity, but some of them apparently substitute the ancients for a deity and claim they are the "chosen" created by the ancients to rule the galaxy. (Sounds more like an ecuse to say "We've got a right to steal everything we want!" than a religion to me...)
I don't have the aslan module yet, but assume that they have some religion that goes claw in claw with their honor.
The hivers, I mean, could they even begin to have a religion by acknowledging something higher than they are? And if hivers believed in a god, they'd probably just work on ways to manipulate him/her.
Humans seem to have little and few religions in traveller. There doesn't seem to be a religion in most human states, tho I imagine the Zhodani have one that belief in is mandatory and enforced. The solomani would seem to have one but I see little refference to it.
In "darkmoon" there was a reference to a religious cult that believed in the spirit of arbellatra and sealed themselved up in old SDBs with low berth capsules to wait out a coming cataclysm, most of them just died cold. Another religious ref in darkmoon was about the guy who claimed that taking certain jump routes spelled out the names of god, he was busted for running a travel agent scam.
But all in all there seem to be very little religious views in the human population of the traveller universe.
Has there ever been an article about religions in traveller, or popular religions in the 3I? (And guys, please keep this a strictly traveller religion based thread, OK? No refs to real religions unless some source material shows they exist in the traveller era.)
It occurred to me that there seem to be few religious groups in traveller, and they seem to be small and cultish. Based on what I've read the droyne seem to treat ancient sites as sacred and religious places they often won't set claw in, so I presume the droyne have some deep feelings towards the ancients. Does this count as a religion? I can't say for sure. The droyne do have ceremonies involving their coynes, is that a religious exercise? Maybe, but at best the droyne's religious views are obscure and mysterious to outsiders, which may be the way the little gits want it.

The k'kree have their detailed and in depth religion which was explored quite nicely in GT, and a very militant religion it is, so their religious views are pretty clear.
The vargr are in a bit of a situation, knowing they were created by the ancients makes it hard for them to claim creation by a supernatural deity, but some of them apparently substitute the ancients for a deity and claim they are the "chosen" created by the ancients to rule the galaxy. (Sounds more like an ecuse to say "We've got a right to steal everything we want!" than a religion to me...)
I don't have the aslan module yet, but assume that they have some religion that goes claw in claw with their honor.
The hivers, I mean, could they even begin to have a religion by acknowledging something higher than they are? And if hivers believed in a god, they'd probably just work on ways to manipulate him/her.

Humans seem to have little and few religions in traveller. There doesn't seem to be a religion in most human states, tho I imagine the Zhodani have one that belief in is mandatory and enforced. The solomani would seem to have one but I see little refference to it.
In "darkmoon" there was a reference to a religious cult that believed in the spirit of arbellatra and sealed themselved up in old SDBs with low berth capsules to wait out a coming cataclysm, most of them just died cold. Another religious ref in darkmoon was about the guy who claimed that taking certain jump routes spelled out the names of god, he was busted for running a travel agent scam.
But all in all there seem to be very little religious views in the human population of the traveller universe.
Has there ever been an article about religions in traveller, or popular religions in the 3I? (And guys, please keep this a strictly traveller religion based thread, OK? No refs to real religions unless some source material shows they exist in the traveller era.)