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Traveller T20. Tukera Tour of Terror campaign log

Chapter 11
T.N.S. Day 58-993 Turku (K-2329 Crucis Margin, Gateway Domain)

A twelve year missing ship, a missing sixteen year old, a group of missing passengers and a father missing his son all came together today. The Ebon Rapturous which is own by Ashenusharger-Ngonarz Mercantile Enterprises went missing on day 33-981 on scheduled mail run. Today she returned to port carrying the missing Prince Andrew Sullivan Smith, two marines of his loyal guard and the stranded passengers of the QBert cubed who disappeared into jump space on day 7 in Pokka space. The Emperor Smith was overjoyed.

T.N.S Day 59-993 Turku

The celebration is just being for the band of heroes the McQuade brothers Frank and Jesse, Sharnatha, Squish, Rami, and Jack were awarded a mega credit by Emperor Smith today in a public ceremony. The Emperor did not comment on the call by Trader Jim to resign or the fact that various trade unions are submitting proposals for the disbanding of the emperorship of The Reach. The heroes and other survivors will tomorrow be question by the Reach Rescue association to discover what when wrong. Tukera representative Paul Marks offered all survivors free high passage tickets to Ranua. The families of slain would be notified by the authorities by the next available ship.

T.N.S Day 66-993 Turku

Ashenusharger-Ngonarz Mercantile Enterprises reported they would sell the Ebon Rapturous to our heroes for one credit but the company would claim salvage rights to any old cargo which was aboard the Ebon. CEO Donald Northern claimed with the report from Reach Rescue association was complete. Mr. Northern did put a call out for any reports of any sightings of the Ebon during it twelve year disappearance to be forward to his office.

T.N.S. Day 79-993 Turku

Tomorrow the Ebon will clear dry dock. This reporter wants to know where the new crew will lift for.

Felix Needlemire submitted an official recall bill to the Quilters, Woolens, and Fabric Workers guild to recall the post of emperor this morning.
Ok this brings the story up to the end of third session. Yet again they advanced the story line by one session I was planning on the group reaching The Reach at the end of next session.

One thing to remember is combat even a bar room brawl can be deadly. Squish's player giggled when he critical and with a Virushi he can do lots of damage.

Also Frank has a +11 on his gambling rolls even when the npcs match his bonus he generally won. Out of 46 rolls he only missed 9.

Well they got some plot hooks and I got two small scenes ready. let see where they get hooked.
Sharnartha Delia Traveller Str 13, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 18, Edu 16, Wis 14, Cha 10, Soc 8.
Aslan, Stamina 30, Life blood 13, Age 26,
Feats Light & Med Armour, Vac Suit, Jack of All Trades 3, Gear head, Jury rig, Miracle worker, Vessel Grav.
Skills T/Astronav 12, T/ Communications 10, T/Computers 10, T/Electronics 12, T/Grav 10, T/Mechanical 12, Medic 12, Sensors 12, Pilot 11, Astronav 12, Trader 12

Frank McQuade Marine/Mercenary Str 16, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 17, Edu 16, Wis 15, Cha 17, Soc 14, Human, Stamina 100, Life blood 18, Age 30
Feats Marksman, Swordsman, CBR, Light & Med Armour, Vac Suit, Vessel Grav, Ships Weapons, Tactics I, Brawling, Cutlass special, Quick Draw.
Skills Computer 5, Pilot 5, Interstellar Law 5, Read Lang Hiver, Bribe 5, Electronics 5, Sense Motive 5, Gunner 5, Gather Info 5, Sense Motive 5, Demolitions 5, Gambling 9, Bluff

Jesse McQuade Marine/Mercenary Str 13, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 12, Edu 11, Wis 12, Cha 12, Soc 9, Human, Stamina 78, Life blood 15, Age 30
Feats Marksman, Swordsman, CBR, Light & Med Armour, Vac Suit, Vessel Grav, Vessel Ships boat, Ships Weapons, Heavy Metal, Brawling, Cutlass special,
Skills Demolitions 6, Survival 6, Gunner 6, Gambling 4, Pilot 6

Squish Squash Squish Scout Str 25, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 19, Edu 17, Wis 17, Cha 11, Soc 12
VIRUSHI, Stamina 62, Life blood 24, Age 32
Feats vessel Grav, Starship, Ship Boat, Ship Weapons, Light Armour, Vac Suit, Marksman, Naval Architect, Hacker
Skills Pilot 12, Bribe 11, forgery 5, Gather Info 6, Leader 6, Computer 6, Survival 3, Navigation 9, Survey 9, Trader 6, Driving 6, Gambling 6, Adman 6, Spot 6, Sensor 6

Gene Arbinke Belter Str 10, Dex 6, Con 11, Int 14, Edu 14, Wis 10, Cha 8, Soc 7, Human Stamina 31, Life blood 11 Age 42
Feats Light armour, Marksman, Vac Suit, Zero G Adaptation.

Ali Jokereri, Army, Str 18, Dex 18, Con 18 Int 20, Edu 22, Wis 16, Cha 15, Soc 13, Human Age 42
Feats far Shot, Sniper, Point blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Tracker, Shot on the Run , Natural Compass, CBM, Light & Med Armour, Vac Suit, Weapon Specialization Sniper Rifle.

Note players for Gene and Ali don’t play much.
Crew of Bert 3
Captain Eddie Smith KIA, Lt Piero Calamai murdered, Pilot Billy Turner shot
Head Engineer Tommy Pickles Andrews, Doctor J. H. Wells murdered
Head Steward T. H. Warren KIA, Steward Benji Harrison KIA
Gunner Fred G Halberstadt KIA, Gunner Christopher Jones KIA
Gunner Marvin R. Young KIA, Gunner Jamie M. Sprayberry KIA

Marines Death Dogs Charlie Company
Capt Cass J Mason -Cargo master of Q Bert
Lt Paige Mitch KIA, 2nd LT Woody Williams KIA
Gunnery Sgt Willy Adams, Staff Sgt John Bobo
Corpsman Alice Rascon, Corporal Charles Weeks KIA
Corporal Jesse N. Funk KIA, Lance Mary E Walker KIA
PFC Ted T Tanouye KIA, PFC Donna C Faith II Gunner of Bert KIA
Pvt Alexander Mack, Pvt Donald N.T. Call KIA
Crew of SSP
Lt Charles A MacGillivary KIA, Pvt Archibald Mathies KIA
Pvt Jack W. Mathis KIA, Pvt Martin O May mom KIA

Passengers High
Himme the Honorable Dame Harriet Indigo Margret Melissa Elise. A black Persian Hemingway weighting 10 kilos with six toes on each paw. The head is a third larger than normal. The paws are thick and wider than normal about one third larger. Has a yellow collar with a small cylinder about one fourth of inch in diameter and two inches long. Two small silver bells are hung on either side of cylinder. Inside the collar is Him. Me 458 L 3 D7845 V999 S14 M5
Brenda Franklin age 22 female college student Himme care taker
Roy Edward Hill age 30 heavy set fish bone ships
Lawrence Knight III noble soc 16 25 years vacationing. In Low Berth
Gar Growl Vargr, James & Ethel Gowan (50 year wedding anniversary) KIA, John Kissane KIA,
Middle Passengers
Conley Ness KIA, Ricky Nelson KIA, Jameal Tolliever KIA, Jason & Monica Tinner KIA, Hester Uacomb KIA, Wilton Wright KIA, Sturgris hall KIA, Grace Grant KIA , June Bellefleur KIA, Fred Smith KIA, Paul Abrahamsen, Annie Forsythe, Gloria Ford, Charles Bywaters. Karl Bell.
Low Berth 4.

History of QBert 3
In 990 William H. Gates the XVII decided to buy part the Yamahara Company and expanded in the space liner business. She order a new series of ships built to run the further reaches of spaces where occasionally pirates rule. Production changes and the five year lawsuit started by Yamahara stock holders resulted in the Q Bert 3 to be first in space. The Q Bert series mount two additional weapon points with just the addition of one 50 dTon deck. The Tukera Lines have purchase five of the Q Bert models to upgrade our Pride of Tripoli’s ships.
Chapter 12 Party Tonight
Chris Cashier took the paper work from Frank McQuade. He reviewed the ship papers. “So Gene Arcbinkel is now the owner of record of Ebon Rapturous. The Captain and sensors is Frank McQuade. The pilot is Squish Squash Squish. The astronavigator and medic is Sharnatha Delian. The steward is Ali Jonkeereen. The engineer is Jesse McQuade. Gunner is Gene Arcbinkel. The Imperium regulations require that you pay the pilot 6000 credits per month. Since Sharnatha is filling two positions her salary would be 6500 credits a month. The engineer gets 4000 credits. The gunner gets 1000 credits. The steward gets paid 3000 credits. You will pay yourself 3000 credits as sensor operator. You will be liable to pay income taxes on these amounts even if the crew swaps off on jobs. So 2,350 credits in taxes should be paid per month. You can pay taxes either monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, or yearly by submitting the documentation here are at any other Imperium star port. The income from ship operations is due yearly and that income is total income with no deductions. Vouchers issued to you for expenses while on official Imperium business is not consider income.

Squish read the invitation. “Greetings Squish Squash Squish. The people for the ethical treatment of aliens cordially invite you to attend a banquet in your honor on day seventy nine at seven thirty local. The location is at the Northern Inn on thirteen thirteen thirteen avenue. A vehicle will be sent for you at seven. Signed John Bother.” He mentioned the invitation to banquet to Frank who insisted on back up.

The luxury vehicle pulled up to ship at precisely seven o’clock. It was a pressured air raft converted to carry passengers. The driver seemed unperturbed as Squish and the McQuade brothers entered the raft. The drive to ceremony was quiet. A half hour passed and the raft stopped at mid-price inn. Introductions were made all around. Frank and Jesse were seat at opposite ends of the guest of honor table. Fredrick Douglass was the speaker. Fred droned on for an hour while the McQuade brothers slowly sipped the whiskey and Squish push the food around his plate. As Squish was introduce, Jesse eyes rolled into his head and he slipped out of his seat falling face first into a potted plant.

As the crash echoed to a stop, chaos broke loose from out of nowhere cudgels, brass knuckles, and saw off pool cues appeared in the hands of audience and speakers. Frank smiled it would be a nice brawl especially since they started it. Ten for Squish, ten for Frank and ten for Jesse. Make that ten each as Jesse drooled on foot which was kicking him in the head. Squish clubbed the Fredrick to the ground and grinned. The fight was getting worse. Two groups of five were rushing up the staircases. Frank had render two people unconscious. Squish was finishing off his fourth not noticing a sixth man was pulling a gun.

“GUN!” bellowed Frank as the guy took careful aim at the back of Squish. Three shots rang out. The assassin shot buried itself into the wall as Frank’s second shot tossed the body to the ground. The next minute was a confusion of gun fire, grunts, cussing and running. When the last body dropped three of the party goers were dashing for the exits. Squish and Frank were left standing. Frank was nursing his busted nose and his left eye was beginning to swell shut. Frank check the bodies, two of assassins would live. He heard sirens in the background. He placed his pistol and clips on the table and started first aid on his victims. The cops arrived.

“Oyez! This court of Turku is now in session” proclaimed the judge. “I have read the statements and findings of the investigators. Please stand and proclaim your plea when I call your name. Jesse McQuade you are charge with failure to carry out your security duties. How do you plea? “

Jesse rose, “Not guilty as I was drugged by the so called victims. “

“Squish Squash Squish you are charged with one count of inciting a riot. Seven counts of assault with a deadly weapon aka your fists and tail. One count of manslaughter. How do you plea “, asked the judge.

Squish stood, “not guilty as I was just defending myself.”

The judge look up and then glanced at his paper work, “Frank McQuade you are charged with one count of discharging a weapon in the city limits. One count of assault with a deadly weapon in the second degree and five counts of manslaughter in self defense. How do you plea?”

Frank replied, “Not guilty with an excuse sir!”

The trial was not going well when Inspector Thompson arrived with more information. A private conference was called by the judge involving the lawyers and inspector. A few hours later the judge return.

“I have come to a verdict. The defendants will stand. Due to the new facts presented by the inspector I have reached a swift verdict. Frank McQuade on the charge of discharging a weapon in the city limits this court accepts the self defense plea the charge is dismissed. On the charges of assault with a deadly weapon in the second degree and five counts of manslaughter the charges are dismiss. Squish Squash Squish all your charges are dismissed. Both of you are getting off due to acting in self defense and the fact the group People of the Extermination of Aliens, formally Humans Against Toleration of eTs, is an illegal political body which due to this incident the government has found out all members of this group and they will be serving long prison sentences. However Jesse McQuade on the charge with failure to carry out your security duties you are found guilty. This court sentences you to the maximum punishment available. Your conceal carry permit is revoked for six months. Furthermore the Security Guard Guild Local 339 has black balled you for a period of six months. This court is over.”

T.N.S. Turku Day 88-993.

The heroes of Coin have done it again. This band of brothers was able to break up a secret political group. During the bust six hate mongers were killed. The court dismissed the bogus charges against them.

The local Minister of Justice has announced the downgrading of to Amber in Coin space. The natives of Coin have asked to join the Imperium. The local representative of Gateway Metals reported the contract for sole operations on Coin is still good.

Tukera announced they have put together a relief crew to recover the QBert 3 from Coin’s orbit.
(The following is account from the player running Sharnatha Delian. She generally tries to run scottish character. And cat characters if the rpg allows it. )

Enter the Aslan

I am a striped Aslan, which is quite rare, and thus quite persecuted. Rumors abound that we are either constructs of Geneassist or are corrupted Aslans by Geneassist. Either way, growing up on Kushyu was a holy terror. Things were so difficult because of my advent that I had a human nanny. She was a Scottish lady named Katie McBride. I loved her, but the accent she left me with didn't help. My English is forever hilarious because of her.

I was a social outcast. My physical appearance made me unwelcome, but my skills with engine and body were sought after by many. I nearly didn't make it through college because of my physical defects (fur stripes a defect?!), but my excellent mind pulled me through. I can fix both you and your machine should you crash it.

Being unwelcome on my own home planet, I naturally took to travelling. I am very good at the bargaining table, and more than one merchant rued the day he tried to cheat me. I am a wealthy young Aslan, I have a personal medkit and a standing Traveller's high fare. I thought a luxury cruise on the new Qbert vessel would be fun. Boy, was I wrong.

The ship was attacked by pirates, but not before a turncoat aboard poisoned people into madness. Two of the passengers who weren't too sane to begin with decided to see what was left of the crew, whilst I and the varushi checked on the rest of the passengers.

The crazed McQuade brothers found the turncoat and blew him to smithereens, but then the scuttling charge blew. I was able to juryrigg what was left with the dubious assistance of the ship's engineer to some semblance of working order, but we still had to bail out with the pirates harassing us.

Strangly enough, this ship came equipped with a suicide boat, and a ship's evac boat. there were enough personnel left willing to man the suicide boat to give the passengers a chance to escape to coin. Turns out the snotty noble was a snotty prince in disguise, hence the marines willing to die for him. Unfortunately, we had to bring him along.

If someone was going to have to die in the crash, why not the snotty prince? Noooo, it has to be two nice people. There wasn't enough of them left to save. Then we had a nice long march to the landing base. That is, what was left of it. I've seen abandoned smuggler bases in better repair. There was just enough left to repair to make us uncomfortable. I did get the generator running, and the radio worked. Just fine to tell us that rescue would be delayed.

So now we wait, and meet the natives. They look like huge crickets. Jesse ( the craziest brother) mumbled something about fishbait and Jonah? Here I thought I knew all the earth stories.

The natives are curious about our wrecked ship. What worries us is that the next night, they start digging up the dead. Ali, an Arab, takes exception to this, and fires on the ring leader. He gets knocked down.

We find out the next radio contact that we were lucky we didn't kill him. There's a death sentence for killing one. I think they set a jungle worm on us for it, though. It tries to eat both our generator and Jesse. Jesse doesn't like that, and so fires down its mouth. Both Squish and Gene fire on it, and blast the 60 foot behemoth to bits. Gene and Squish take credit for the kill, though in fairness, we all helped.

We have duly impressed the Coiners. They now want to play nice. They invite us to dinner, not as dinner. Able, one of the three to have traveled off of Coin, speaks for them, and takes the delegates. The prince is not invited, but does not want to wait patiently here with those of us remaining behind.

Squish politely sends him off to la-la land. Alice, the marine who is responsible for the prince, shoves her rifle up Squish's nose. I assure her the prince is fine, and will sedate him enough to keep him out of everyone's hair. She visibly relaxes at that. That spoilt little brat has really rattled her nerves. No loyal subject should be subjected to that much royal treatment. Poor thing. I will have to educate that boy, first chance I get, hmmmm.

Ali, the most urbane of our crew (and most diplomatic) brings back a boatload of news: The Coiners are smarter than anyone gave them credit for: they want Gateway metals gone; They want a treaty with the Imperium, and there is a Hive mother.

Finally, finally, we are rescued, and go to what passes for civilization on Coin. Frank gets wind of a ship up for grabs, and starts sniffing it out. He gets himself into a poker game, and wins a ship. Didn't I hear a rumor about a smuggler. . . .?

Squish gets into a barfight, and nearly kills someone. Maybe he got too much gas from the ship. Varushi are supposed to be gentle. Squish is anything but gentle.

Luckily, Ali is able to settle some of it. In the meantime, I'm busy with the so-called ship. It is a wreck, no a wreck might be flightworthy, this thing is not! What it is, is the Ebon Rapturous. This thing is a legend, a legendary mess that is. it had gone missing quite some time ago, now I have to make it flightworthy. Well, Squish can serve his community service helping me ready this thing. Thank god I'm an engineering genius.

Himme is also an oddity. Her collar is very strange. I've looked at it on a couple of occasions, and I cannot figure it out. Not only that, but her dimensions are strange as well. Her head is too large. If I didn't know better, I'd say she was sentient. Hmmm, maybe I know better than that, even.
The follow was handout for players. Note this changes some stuff in Gateway.

The Reach history
722 The Reach was founded jointly by Turku and Ranua.
Old History
(The full title is the Turku-Ranua Guaranteed Trade Corridor, though even official documents refer to it as the Reach). The Reach comprises five worlds, of which three are more or less subjects, kept prosperous and compliant by trade from Turku and Ranua. None of the worlds of the reach was overtly coerced or conquered, and in all fairness membership of the reach benefits the three “lesser” worlds considerably.
The Reach is fairly self-contained and somewhat resistant to outside influences. However, Ranua is host to a sizeable enclave of Droyne from the Oytrip of Tubroyllufotyusk, and there is a Hiver Trade Mission on Turku. Relations with these powers are cordial, but stubbornly in favor of self determination. Relations with the Empire of Olduvai are not good, with Reacher ships banned from Olduvai ports after allegations that the Reach was supplying high-technology weapons to the Imperial Princes without the Emperor’s consent. Reach politics are fairly simple. All five worlds are self-governing, and contribute funds and forces to a central defense command. The Reach Conclave, which includes representatives from all worlds in proportion to their economic importance, is based at the orbital city port of Turkan Imal (“Home in Orbit” in the local dialect.) In practice, the Conclave is dominated by the parallel interests of the two greater worlds, and while there is always debate, its decisions are predictable and (usually) accepted without dissent.
Reacher trade vessels can be encountered throughout the Delta quadrant of the sector but rarely beyond.
Reacher Military: The Reach maintains a small but integrated and reasonably efficient military force for local defense. Its ships are escort sized for the most part, with the odd destroyer. The one exception is the flagship of the fleet, a “Battle Class” Light Cruiser of Solomani origin. This vessel was once CNS Mars Intercept, though she is now named Defender of the Reach. Defender is old, but serviceable. Exactly whose hands she passed through before entering Reacher service is a matter for conjecture. Reacher forces regularly provide escorts for friendly merchant vessels in the Delta quadrant and have been a significant influence in keeping down the tide of piracy that has risen elsewhere.

History after 974
As called Archduke Marshall Nells’ best reach. In the year 974 (same year the duke was appointed domain duke) The Reach decided to ally with Imperium. The man behind the alliance was Henry Drake Smith a head of one of the main trade corporations of Turku. The populace in feeling of loyalty to empire or to improve relations with the Emperor elected Henry to be the first ‘emperor’ of The Reach. An addition light cruiser (Lady Anne) was assign to The Reach with a new light marine division assign to protect the ‘emperor’. The cruiser was renamed R.S.S. Sword which was the newest ship in the Reach’s navy.
The emperor powers were supposed to be ceremonial however in the last decade Emperor Smith has been slowly changing the laws and regulations to become more autocratted. And has move against economic opponents. Smith created barons to rule over each planet.

History of GCD 1st Marine Division (Gateway domain, Crucis Margin sector, Delta quadrant) 1 st division created. The GCD1 was created by Archduke Marshall Nells to support the Imperium’s interest in The Reach territory in 974. Alpha battalion “Angry Aslans” is in charge of security for ‘emperor’ Smith, his wife and first born. Bravo Battalion “Battling Braves” is in charge of star port security and guarding the second born. Bravo is biggest battalion due having a platoon station on each star port. Charlie battalion “Charging Cougars” is in charge of security for the third born and is the training battalion. Delta battalion “Death Dogs” is in charge of security for Prince Andrew Sullivan Smith who is the forth born.
The Imperium reached its present borders in the region about 200 years ago, and while a few worlds have applied to and joined the Imperium since then, there has been little deliberate expansion in the past two centuries. Thus while still a frontier, Gateway Domain is also a settled area. There is some friction along the border, but for the most part the worlds and states close to the Imperial border are used to their status as clients or independent worlds. Relations are not always cordial, but understandings have been developed. Cross-border trade and travel is common, and many businesses operate on both sides of the border. Law enforcement agencies usually co-operate, much to the detriment of criminals seeking refuge on the other side of the line.
However, not all is well in the Domain. The local economy has been somewhat stagnant for many years, and restrictive practices have been tolerated for so long that many business concerns have a stranglehold on their key regions and business areas. This situation has changed radically with the installation of a new Archduke, Marcus Aaron Erechs. Archduke Erechs is not at all popular with many of the old, established concerns, who see his policies of free trade and fair competition as a threat to their market share. A horde of new firms have sprung up to challenge for a slice of the pie. Not all of them are well planned and some are outright crooked, but for the most part Gateway Domain is an area of new business opportunity for those with the wit and courage. Entrepreneurial activity is on the rise, and the prospects are good. However, the new business boom is encountering unexpected challenges. Commerce raiding and piracy by Solomani-sympathizing and opportunist states along the border have stretched the Ley Sector Fleet very thin. Even
with Reserve and Colonial warships carrying out routine patrol and Guardship operations, the fleet is struggling to deal with the situation. One result of this tension is the formation of the Loyal Sector Guard, an unofficial, unsanctioned and therefore technically illegal alliance of worlds, rich individuals and corporate concerns. The LSG has raised funds to hire Starmerc vessels and to outfit trader ships to patrol the spacelanes. So far the material effect of the LSG has been very slight, but the movement seems to have met with great popular approval. Some members have gone so far as to create a uniform and rank structure. The Archduke is deeply concerned about this “popular militia”, despite its constant declarations of loyalty and proven resolve to defend commerce in the Ley Sector. Some say that this is merely embarrassment at seeing citizens do the job of the Imperial services, while others wonder what sort of precedent is being set.
Chapter 13 Contracts All Around

Captain Frank McQuade rolled out of bed just missing his brother’s head. “Um double bunks. I’m thirty years old and still have bunk beds with my younger brother. I shouldn’t have play cards with Jesse with loser knocking back a shot. I think he was dealing from the bottom the last couple of hands. “He hit the mute button on the message machine and read the text.

“Dear Captain McQuade, Ebon Rapturous. Tukera wishes to offer you first choice at delivering a relief crew to the QBert 3 in Coin’s orbit. The standard fees will be paid. Could come talk at 0800 Day 89 at the Tukera offices Suite 6 12 Starry lane. “

“Dear Captain McQuade, Ebon Rapturous. Gateway Metals wishes to offer you first choice at delivering cargo to our holdings on Coin. Standard shipping rates apply. Please contact us before close of business Day 90-993.”

“To Frank McQuade from Merric Merryway MoJ Turku. Subject Coin Treaty Status. It is desired the presence of your person at the Imperium Ministry of Justice office before 0800 local time Day 89-993 to discuss the status of Coin Treaty. The Imperium may have a contract for you.”

Frank hopped into the shower and then dressed. His brother was still snoring as he headed for the door. He grinned. “Rise and shine! You apes!” he screamed. Jesse tried to jump up and nearly knock himself out as he hit the upper bunk. “Now that you up. Tell everyone staff meeting at three p.m. ship clock. I going to check out some job offers.” He ducked a pillow as he shooed out the door. The pillow continued through the air to land on the conference table.

“Ok. Gateway Metals is paying us to haul 80 dTons worth of freight and air rafts to Coin. Tukera is paying us middle passage for the relief crew to Coin; we lost high passage fees due the MoJ downgrading Coin to an amber zone. The Tukera contract does make us stay on site until the relief crew gives the ok the ship is space worthy. And the MoJ will pay fuel cost to and from Coin for the delivery of temporary treaty to Hive Mother and her Coiners. Since the treaty is going to stir up a hornet’s nest once the Coiners take over stay close to the ship” summarized Frank.

Ali spoke “What does the treaty say?”

Frank replied,” The Imperium has accepted some of conditions. Coin is now an Amber Zone until the archduke of Gateway domain accepts the treaty since he way over Spinward and Coreward of here it is going to take at least six months for the treaty to make it to him and that is if use fast ships. The MoJ has declared Gateway Metals contract null and void. It throws open the planet to any scholars or teaching institutions to aid the Coiners. I just hope someone starts working on a Coin translator program soon. The MoJ will pay low passage fees for any scholar willing to teach on planet for one year. So the Gateway people are not going to be too happy with us after we give them a copy of treaty. Sharnatha we have about twenty tons free, feel free to speculate. Also Ashenusharger-Ngonarz Mercantile Enterprises is claiming salvage rights to any cargo. So they are going to collect the birthday present. It still gives me a bad feeling but it will be their problem. They are planning on picking it up in less than an hour. By six p.m. I want to raise ship so some of you will have to help oversee the loading of cargo and passengers. Squish I urge you to go buy a new mirror worth at least a kilo credit for Miss Macy, I would like to gamble while I on Coin. Lets be about it people. ”

About fifteen minutes to liftoff, Sharnatha sees Brenda waving as she approaches the ship. “We need to talk” Brenda speaks. Sharnatha finishes the lock down check and tries to tell Brenda lift out is nearby and she needs to depart. Brenda begins to beg to go with the crew. Sharnatha is not giving in.

“Please take my caretaker and me with you. The space trip is boring and you are one of the smartest Aslan I have met. Quit twisting your tail. Thanks to you removing the neural block cylinder I can speak “speaks Himme.

“Ship is leaving in five minutes. All crew to their stations. All passengers please seat themselves. The steward will be around after take off. Sharnatha please report to your station.” Frank voice rolls out of intercoms.

Sharnatha smuggles the couple aboard into her stateroom and reports to her station. When the rest of crew discovers Brenda serving drinks to the passengers a quick crew meeting is called. It is loud, long and heated. Gene and Frank agree to let Brenda be a steward as working passage. The Himme debate is short. The order is that Sharnatha is responsible for Himme and keep her out of Squish’s and Jesse’s way.

Three hours after entering Jump space a cold Aslan, human and cat depart from Sharnatha’s stateroom. The temperature has dropped to 0 C. She spends the rest of trip to Mikkeli trying to fix it. The land and refuel at Mikkeli. The crew gets a good deal on industrial acids which they hope to sell for a good profit at Coin to Gateway Metals. On the way to Bergsjo they curse themselves for not picking up some new vids for the star port there. However Sharnatha does discover the reason temperature decreases in her stateroom. The bunk head containing the temperature sensor had a jump space incursion. She immediately sealed off the bunk head and sealed the room. While they were cracking fuel on Bergsjo, she got some the crew and two the QBert’s relief crew to cut out and replace most of the bunk head. The next jump her room only dipped by five degrees from the setting. She was willing to live with it.

They arrived on Coin late in day. Squish took the mirror to Miss Macy and the rest of crew helped unload the equipment to the Gateway warehouses. Sharnatha made an excellence profit on selling the acids. The crew spent a quiet night at Miss Macy’s. Frank won again at the tables but since everyone one knew him he could not get in a high stakes game.

The next morning they take off and dock with the QBert 3. The relief crew takes charge and Tommy bummed a trip planet side for R & R. On the morning of 102, the Travellers refuel and take Tommy back to his ship since the QBert is in the final stages of the flight check. After getting the okay from the QBert they tell ground control they going to do some test flying to include nape of earth navigation. Ground control reminds them not to buzz Coiners. With ground control con, they land near the Coiners hive.

Ali explains the temporary treaty to Able who passes the information on to the Hive mother. The adventurers are force to sit through a celebration feast with repeats of the Imperium anthem. In the morning Abe has a marching armed band of twenty crickets waiting to board ship. On the trip to Starport Frank starts giving orders.

“Ok. Jesse and Ali will go with me. Jesse arm yourself the SMG but cloth armour only. I don’t want anyone catching on to the new power before we present the treaty to manager of the company. The law is with us this time. But since we about to announce the company has just lost exclusive rights, they may shoot first and regret later. Ali you stay outside the building with the air raft. Squish, Sharnatha I want the engines ready to take off. Everyone else man their stations.”

Frank knew things were going wrong the moment the cargo hold open. Able and his band started up with the Imperium anthem again. He finally got Able to listen and not play the march. He was drawing cursory looks as they marched down the lane to headquarters meeting. The got to the company headquarters with out trouble. But then hit a stone wall. None of secretaries or flunkies who admit if Mr. Baker was in the building. Frank got tired of run around the secretaries and punched the intercom. “Mr. Baker, I have important paperwork from the Imperium. And an ambassador from the Hive mother. “

The meeting did not go well with Able quoting the phrase “Facts are Facts, Fiction is Diction, and the Universe is laughing,” which was one of the Coiners favorite sayings. Baker turned red in the face as he read the treaty. As Baker was trying to catch his breath. Frank saluted Able and slipped out. Baker’s angry roar could be heard from the closing door.

The air raft trip back to ship took seconds it appeared. He hit the cycle button on the air raft berth and signaled to take off. Just as they were getting airborne the tower came on.

“Ebon Rapturous! Stand down and return to port by order Administrator Baker.”

Frank, “Sensor lock! We are being painted.”

Squish, “I going evasive!”

“Ebon Rapturous! Stand down and return to port by order Administrator Baker.”

Frank, “Missile launch!”
Chapter 14 Fuel, Fools, Fun
Jesse, “I’m tracking it. Come on baby drop into the pocket.”

Frank, “Missile launch. Two birds inbound!”

Sharnatha, “Downloading the treaty to library and spamming everyone’s account. Fur ball. Squish I need you to fly straight for at least three seconds. You nearly broke the laser whisker.”

Squish, “orders! Orders! Everyone blames me for breaking things!”

Sharnatha “Got the marines barracks mail system. Clan pride. They have a general public intercom. Downloading treaty to it and having it repeat over the speakers.”

Jesse, “it’s in the pocket. He aims! Scratch one bird!”

Gene, “Tracking. Tracking the bird. Missed!”

The ship shutters and bucks upward into the atmosphere. Squish guns the engines and notes the ship is sluggish.

Sharnatha, “We venting fuel. Damage control procedures activated. Five tons. Ten tons. Fifteen tons. Sensors passing damage control and navigation to your panel. I am going below!” She locks off her board and dashes toward the stern. As she slips out of bridge she runs down Brenda. She grabs her by the scruff of her collar. “You with me. Damage Control one oh one emergency training. Himme get off my tail and get to your state room.”

Himme, “No!”

Control tower, “Ebon Rapturous. Return to the star port by order of Administrator Baker...”

Frank snaps off the incoming message. “Right fire on me will you. Sixteen tons fuel lost and climbing.”

Squish, “they only have two missile launchers operating. Let’s strafe them and let them see more pretty explosions.”

Jesse, “bro. They started it. We can finish it. “

Frank, “No! Seventeen tons lost. They were just following orders. If we go back and return fire, we will be brought on charges.”

Jesse, “Not the first time brother!”

Frank, “No! They fired on a Imperium ship on Imperium duty while carrying out a Imperium diplomatic mission. Twenty three tons lost. Damage control have you got a fix on the problem? We return to Turku and let the marines handle it.”

Jesse, “But we are marines brother. “

Frank, “Activate duty marines, brother. And it not our fight anymore…”

Jesse, “I am telling mom you ran away from a fight. Plus I promise Squish I shoot him if we return to Turku before my six months blackballing is up.”

Frank snapped off all the intercoms. “He is just grousing Squish. Thirty tons fuel. Sharnatha talk to me.”

Brenda, “She head first into a tube Captain. She said a few more seconds."

The ship yawing slows and stops. The Aslan slides out of tube and hits the intercom. “Leak is stopped. I still got about five minutes of work to do down here. How much did we lose?”

“Forty dTons. How does that affect our jump status?” asked Frank.

“Mother’s cookies. Kill the astronav plot. Our safety margin is gone.
We are going have to refuel," replied Sharnatha.

Frank answered, “We can’t go back to Coin at the moment. They are a might put out with us at the moment.”

“Have Squish head of the gas giant. We can scoop and scoot then," replied Sharnatha.

Squish started,"I haven’t flown this thing into a gas giant before. It could be dangerous."

Himme was mindlessly back scratching at a pipe as if to cover it up. “Smells bad." Himme yowled. Brenda spotted a small leak and turned the pipe off and notified Sharnatha. Sharnatha repaired the leak.

Sharnatha, “We lost forty dTons of fuel. Also someone will have to walk outside to patch the hole."

Frank, “Why can’t you do it?”

Sharnatha, “I don’t have a vac suit. I never needed one till now. “

Frank, “New rule from your Captain. Everyone will have a personal vac suit. Jesse you and Gene get with her for supplies. Sharnatha will talk you both through the procedure."

Sharnatha, “Coin is still pinging us. Can we shut off the responder? I can make it look like an accident."

Frank, “Just shut of the communications to the bridge. They can not get us up here. So let the fools sulk.”

The patch work when well. The whole crew grumbled at the damage. The missile had cracked fuel lines, punch a hole in the port fuel tank and remove some of the armour plating on the wing. The patch would hold but it was going to cost money to replace the armour.

After some smooth piloting from Squish and a few hours of cracking, Sharnatha plotted a course. “Jumping, Captain," she spoke as they entered jump space.

Two days later Jesse hair started falling out in clumps. Sharnatha did some testing and mentioned it wasn’t radiation damage. Jesse discovered someone had slipped something into his shampoo. The quick shakedown revealed Brenda had done the job. Sharnatha talked with Himme about cooling the feud. She reminded Himme not to fight with creatures who out weigh you about ten to one. Himme agreed.

A quick layover in Bergsjo allowed the crew to refuel and pick up some silver to trade at their next port of call. The stop over at Mikkeli allowed Sharnatha to work her trader skills to max. She made a profit on the silver and took almost a full load of freight cargo and fifteen passengers the majority of those in cold sleep. The McQuade brothers built up their reputations in the two casinos. They lifted and broke into Turku space on day 127. A quick download to the MoJ got them priority status to be cleared for a slip.

The next morning a conference was held. Frank began, “The MoJ is sending a ship to Coin with a Marine Peace keeping force and a ship’s boat. The Justice is going to bill Gateway Metals for our damage and has arranged for us to house at a hotel until the repair shop gets done. We got 7,767,072 credits in our account. I have authorized Honest Jasper to bring the ship up to the original specs which I have ear marked five million for this. So we will be getting a new missile alcove in the place of the birthday present hold. Also the current lasers will be replace with higher grade ones. If any one has any suggestion about more changes talk with Squish first. I am going to be hitting some of local yards to see how much they offering if we track down skips. Ali research the local wanted criminal databases and see if the rewards for capture are worth anything. Stick with murders or class three felons, Imperium and planet laws. Sharnatha you may want to scope out the prices for electronic picks. If we are going to be doing repo work we are going to need the tools to get into ships. Jesse check into blanket weapon permits for the ship’s crew. Okay see tonight for dinner at Vlad’s."
Ok I got one more post or maybe two and then this log will be close until my game group restarts. Same old problem real life, changing shifts etc.
Chapter 14 takes up to close of last game session. The next chapter will deal with various details which need to be look into before the next session and some book keeping.
Chapter 15 Comm messages.

To Captain Frank McQuade, Captain Ebon Rapturous, Gene Arbinke owner:
Dear Captain, I have started doing the analyst of your request. The replacement of beam lasers with pulse lasers and adding a new missile launcher will cost 4.25 MCr. This includes a trade in on beam lasers. This will leave 750 KCr in your account. However I will need either written or recorded verbal authorization to start. You can contact me at Star 8670309. Sincerely Honest Jasper’s Joe Isuzu Manager

To Captain Frank McQuade, Captain Ebon Rapturous, Gene Arbinke owner:
Dear Captain, I have started doing the analyst of your request. I will list the amount of cargo space lost with each option. Jump three engines cost 8 MCr each. The ship needs eight total cost would be 64 MCr. The addition will take forty (40) dTons of fuel. Jump three software would be four hundred (400) KCr. Total cost 64.4 MCr. Total Cargo space lost forty four dTons leaving the ship with 56.1 dTons in the main cargo hold. The EP usage will increase by 2. Adding a maneuver three (3) g capability will require eight (8) drives at a total cost twenty (20) MCr with a five (5) dTons of cargo space lost. The EP usage will increase by 5. Total for both 84.4 MCr with total lost of Fifty one point one (51.1) dTons cargo space.
I will need written authorization. You can contact me at Star 8670309. Sincerely Honest Jasper’s Joe Isuzu Manager

To Captain Frank McQuade, Captain Ebon Rapturous, Gene Arbinke owner:
Dear Captain, I have started doing the analyst of your request. We regret to inform you we or any other company in The Reach space are unable to provide the necessary equipment. The companies in Biskra can provide the equipment but a shipping charge would be added. The following estimates do not include a shipping charge if one is necessary.
I will list the amount of cargo space lost with each option. Jump four (4) engines cost ten (10) MCr with addition weight of five (5) dTons and additional 10 EP usage and addition 80 dTons of fuel. You will need a Model four (4) computer addition point one (.1) dTons with a cost four hundred sixty (460) KCr. Total cost 80.46 MCr with a lost of 85.1 tons of cargo space. Adding a maneuver four (4) g capability will eight (8) drives at a total cost twenty two (22) MCr with a sixteen (16) dTons of cargo space lost. The EP usage will increase by 10. Total cargo lost will be 101.1 tons which 1 ton over the cargo space. Plus the EP usage will be over the amount produced with your current power plants. I would suggest looking into replacing all your power plants which will save some space. However you will not longer be able to carry cargo or the cargo amount will be under approximately ten (10) dTons.
You can contact me at Star 8670309. Sincerely Honest Jasper’s Joe Isuzu Manager
To Captain Frank McQuade, Captain Ebon Rapturous, Gene Arbuckle owner:

Dear Captain The cost for Imperium Blanket Permit Third Class is ten (10) Kilo credits. This permit will cover all individuals in your employ. This covers all non full auto military weapons, all blades, and all hold out or snub weapons except SMG.

SMG permits are ten (10) Kilo credits per ship. The SMG permit limits one SMG per 200 dTons on cargo/passenger ships.

Violation of weapon code in the various worlds varies from refused entry, fines, and weapon confiscation to detainment. However if you are inspected during a custom inspection the standard rule is for the inspector to order the local illegal weapons to be locked in the ship’s weapon locker. The inspector can at times watch you secured the local illegal weapons.
If you want to purchase blanket ship permits for access to Nuclear Mining Explosives (Cat 5), Conventional Explosives (Cat 3), and military starship lasers (Cat 4) you need to pay a filing fee and case study to the local MOJ offices or local branches of Instellarms division. On military starship lasers is rare for such a permit to be issued unless the ship is an Imperium mail ship.
Bounty hunting requires no permit but you are responsible for any local laws broken. If the suspect is wanted by the Imperium you can call on Imperium military and law forces to assist, while in Imperium space.

Recovering of skipped ships requires a permit of one (1) Kilo credit plus a bond of ten (10) Kilo credits. If skipped ships are discovered in Imperium space you may call on Imperium military and law forces to assist. The Imperium and The Reach has a skipped treaty with the Old Worlds government. The treaty allows for recovery of skipped ships of all signed treaty members in each other’s space. The recovered ship needs only to be delivered local star port authorities. However a delay of the recovery payment can be expected if the ship is not delivered to primary issuer of the skip. Also The Old Worlds allows for a reduction of the payment to pay for the cost of delivery crew and fuel.

Imperium space in this sector is The Reach (Rh), and Coin (Im).
Minister Marie Newman MOJ

To Captain Frank McQuade, Captain Ebon Rapturous, Gene Arbuckle owner:

The Reach allows bounty hunting. The cost is one (1) Kilo credit plus membership in a local bounty hunter guild. Bounty hunting permit is good for The Reach space. If you recover a bounty in other government space you are responsible for laws broken in that space but you are not bound by The Reach laws in other government space. Payment will on delivery if delivered to issuing planet. Payment may be delayed if the suspect is delivered to The Reach space. However some guilds will wave the delay.
Randaloff Scott. Turku Justice Office.

To Captain Frank McQuade and crew.

We welcome your application to joining local 333 Bounty Hunting, Bunny hunting, and Quilters Guild. Please contact us at your leisure for more information.
Paul Thompson Guild Master.
This is the aslan pc view of what happen.

The Cat Meows

I have been busy. The ship is at least flightworthy enough to get somewhere it can be fixed. However, we will have to do it in a series of jumps. We also received some very good news: the Qbert lives! Two crew are aboard, and they dare not leave it. We can resupply their fuel to keep them going, and take on some popsicles to get them home. We get to do good deeds, and get paid for it. Isn't that lovely?

We will have to make two layover stops to get to Ranua, and perhaps raise the needed money that way. I am good at trading, very good. It is quite possible that I can make more than enough between both places.

The first layover involved some minor trading, and some major trading. I make a good profit on our refueling stop, but the second stop got a little more interesting. There I finally clue in Alice about the lesson I wanted to teach princey. Already the marines had tried to talk, scream, and plead sense in, I decided to be a little more "hands on." After I inspected Himme's necklace again, which she did not want back on, she helped me with the lesson. What does a cat need with a neural blocker?

If that jackass Mason ever pulls another stupid stunt like that again, I'll push his lasered carcass out an airlock. He may have had a gun at my ear, I had a damned laser on his heart. He KNEW it was going down, and KNEW that Alice knew. I think I'll put a bug in her ear to let the pompous princeling keep Mason sole company, whilst she and the others bug out for a little while. Hell, they deserve a break. Mason needs a lesson in true pretentions, I believe.

Finally, finally, we make it to Ranua. I have no idea why that stateroom will not keep a decent temperature. I have had more than enough of the teasing. Tempting to fix their staterooms for them. Nah, then the Medical suite would get too crowded.

Himme can talk. She has asked to join our party. I asked her why she doesn't just ask Brenda? Heh, she really likes me for some reason. Amazingly, enough to put up with Jesse and Squish. So I smuggle them aboard.

I made enough on those trading trips to not only put the ship back to specs, but to consider some improvements. However, even with frank and Jesses considered winnings (boy those boys can play), not enough to offset the costs of improving the jump engines. Nuts.

We take on some interesting cargo for our trips back through the jumps, and boy, have we got surprises for Gateway. Not only are we taking back a treaty, but loads for Gateway, and a relief crew for Qbert. Heh, we even managed to get our missle bay back from that spooky "surprise " package. I did NOT want to mess with that thing. I can't believe Squish was stupid enough. . .No, wait, I Do believe Squish was stupid enough to want to open it. As one old vid put it "That boy ain't right."

To give you an Idea how NOt right this boy is, he did not know who invited him over to a party one night, and dragged the MCQuades along for the ride. Took them to an old fashioned ambush is what he did. The three nearly didn't make it out of there. People for the Ethical Treatment of Aliens my hind leg!
They were actually Humans Against Tolerating Extra-terrestrials. They drugged Jesse and proceeded to beat the ever loving life out of Frank and Squish. Then someone pulled a gun, so Frank returned fire. Finally the police showed up, and arrested Frank, Jesse, and Squish. Tell me that isn't messed up! Jesse was in trouble for being drugged, Frank for firing, and Squish for fighting back. Make sense to you?

Thank heavens Ali was there. He managed to pull their fat out of the fire, but Jesse, poor Jesse, was blackballed for dereliction of duty.

Trips back I make more money for us, but it is time consuming getting the numbers in order. It seems like I spend most of my time computing numbers. Wish there was an easier way. The war hawks are already making Bounty Hunter noises. Guess what we might be going into. I think I might continue the trading on the side, or use it as our cover.

FINALLY!!!! I have found the reason for the freezing stateroom! Jump space has invaded the bulkhead. I'll have to get that replaced. Very next stop I'll get it replaced, and finally sleep in my bed.


Back on Coin, the fur really flies, Qbert? No problem. Delivering Gateways goods? No problem. Delivering the treaty? No problem. Implementing the treaty? PROBLEM. As we lift off, they fire on us. Us, an Imperium ship, and they are going to fire on us. So I download the treaty and broadcast it all over space, over every net I can reach, I send word of the change in Coins status. Until now, Gateway had been making money left and right off of Coin, while the natives were being left behind. They did not want the status quo to be changed.

All the Coiners want is to be educated, and reimbursed for the metals Gateway takes from their home.

So of course Gateway Metals is going to shoot the messenger. Luckily, Jesse catches one inbound, but the second tags us, and we start loosing fuel. I have to try to staunch the flow.
Chapter 16 Comm to Captain
To Captain Frank McQuade,
The following persons are wanted for high crimes with rewards are over one (1) Mega credits.
Philip Isaac Tiberius Augustus 60 years old five counts of murder. Last known location Bergsjo. Reward 5 Mega credits. Issuing Agency Imperium MOJ.
John Ducas Verona Crime murder and embezzlement last known location Mikkeli. Reward 3 Mega credits. Issuing agency “The Reach”
Hera Betty Heraclonas embezzlement of guild funds. Last known location Tni Haia. Issuing Agency Ranua. Reward 6 Mega credits.
Angelina Rodriquez arson murder Issuing Agency Turku and MOJ. Reward 2 Mega credits.

The reward will be paid on returning the person alive. Please have your medic pick up the necessary DNA profiles.
Minister Marie Newman MOJ

To Captain Frank McQuade,
The following are some ships which have skipped payment.
Black Pearl 600 dTon far trader. Built at Biskra ship yards reward 140, 247 cr. Last known jump was to Bergsjo.
Sorry Bastard 400 dTon jump 2 drives armed with 4 laser turrets. Reward 101,677 Cr Last known port of call Tlemcen.
Tequila Sunrise 200 dTon jump 1 drive armed with 2 laser turrets. Reward 51,277 Cr Last known jump was to Pokka while on mail run.
Richard Cisco Turku Ship Building Union.

To Captain Frank McQuade, Captain Ebon Rapturous, Gene Arbinke owner:
Dear Captain, We have loaded the extra twenty (20) missiles you ordered into the hold by the Virushi stateroom. We have debited your account for 100 Kilo credits. Your balance stands now at 650 Kilo Credits.
Sincerely Honest Jasper’s Joe Isuzu Manager

To Captain Frank McQuade, Captain Ebon Rapturous, Gene Arbuckle owner:
We have delivered the following to your ship 10 Emergency Vac Bubbles. The vac bubbles are generic bubble suit is rated for most sophonts except for Large races. The bubble has four hours of air. Cost is 5 Kilo credits. 15 sets of cloth armour (three for each crewmen except of Mr. Squish) Cost is 3.75 Kilo credits. 3 flak jackets for the listed crew with at total of 15. Cost is 1500 credits. 15 reflec armors for 3 for each listed for a total cost of 22.5 Kilo credits.
Your account has been debited 5 Kilo Credits. Grand total is 32.75 Kilo credits leaving 617.75 Kilo credits in your account. If you would like Mr. Squish outfitted please note cost would be about fifty percent higher per piece.
Sincerely Envirocombat LIC, Joe Appleton manager.

To Captain Frank McQuade, Captain Ebon Rapturous, Gene Arbuckle owner:
We have authorized your prepaid landing and berthing coupons. Fifty coupons for each Starport have been created. Total cost was 54 Kilo credits leaving your account with 563.75 Kilo credits.
Please note the coupons do not cover cargo handling, shuttle, warehousing or other fees.
Sincerely Honest Jasper’s Joe Isuzu Manager

To Captain Frank McQuade, Captain Ebon Rapturous, Gene Arbuckle owner:
We have delivered 1 set of reflec armour in Mr. Squish size. Cost is 2.250 Kilo credits leaving 615.5 Kilo Credits in your account.
Sincerely Envirocombat LIC, Joe Appleton manager.
And that brings us up to the forth session. Campaign is on hold until group reorganizes, moves back to Fridaynight etc.
The comm messages were basically answers to questions the players ask.
The ship names were taken from one of thread here. And I think even grouping the names I have six sheets of names.

Any questions?