One consideration to take into account while considering building time for ships/starships is their purpose...
I've read example of building time for bulk and tankers in this tread. However, without oversimplifying, a bulk or tanker is a quite simple ship: hold/tank, engine, accomodations, bridge with off-the-shelf components requiring only minimal integration...
A warship on the other hand is crammed with complex system: sensors, weapons, computers... While even the military tend to rely more and more on off-the-shelf stuff those days, integration is a major time consuming problem.
I've been remotely (I mean: I sail the ships, I don't build them) involved with the Capabilities Upgrade Program of Belgian Navy Mine Hunters, and the tuning of the (relatively simple compared to a fregate) combat system (integrating sonar, radar, electronic charts system, ROVs... in one single computer system) took over a year.
An other factor influencing building time is the place of the ship in its classe. The first one is a lot more complicated to build than the following ones. If I reckon correctly, GURPS Vehicle (a non Traveller book, but which served as background for GURPS Traveller starship design system) provided rules for building of prototypes/small series/large series... I'll try to dig them up.