Gearing up for my first classic Traveller campaign for nearly 25 years. Still a few months out from start yet and it also looks like the D&D group we are part of are keen for me to run a CT campaign as well, whilst the DM (son in law) is away on sea duty (RAN).
So, I have settled on a choice of starship for the adventurers, being either the Type A trader or the A2 Free Trader.
There a six players in the group so I am angling at a six crew ship, with the ability to carry a moderate cargo load and 2-4 passengers to turn over payment for the starship.
My wife rolled a character from LBB7, mustering out as a CMO(surgeon), so she has requested a small medbay on the ship and the group also asked for a 20 tonne launch as well.
Tricksy issues. I am going to draw up either trader in AutoCAD and play around with internal accommodation arrangements (the standard A2 arrangement is not what I like). In either case a 20T ships launch can be either external mounted dorsally or ventrally, recessed somewhat to maintain streamlining.
In previous and long ago campaigns I ran or had a character in, these issues never arose as we were all military or Navy.
Love some pointers, thoughts, data or deckplans to assist my thought processes. Apart from the Type S, these two designs would have to be the most used.
Here is the HG stats of my A2x Far Trader to get the ball rolling somewhat.
A3x - 2422221-100000-30002-0 Mcr 96.14 200 Tonnes
Bat Bear 1 1 Crew 5
Bat 1 1 TL 13
Cargo: 35.000 Passengers: 4 Crew Sections: 1 of 5 Low: 4 Fuel: 44.000 EP: 4.000 Agility: 1
Craft: 1 x 3T Air/Raft, 1 x 20T Launch
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops and On Board Fuel Purification
Architects Fee: MCr 0.891 Cost in Quantity: MCr 71.312
Architects Fee: MCr 0.961 Cost in Quantity: MCr 76.912
So, I have settled on a choice of starship for the adventurers, being either the Type A trader or the A2 Free Trader.
There a six players in the group so I am angling at a six crew ship, with the ability to carry a moderate cargo load and 2-4 passengers to turn over payment for the starship.
My wife rolled a character from LBB7, mustering out as a CMO(surgeon), so she has requested a small medbay on the ship and the group also asked for a 20 tonne launch as well.
Tricksy issues. I am going to draw up either trader in AutoCAD and play around with internal accommodation arrangements (the standard A2 arrangement is not what I like). In either case a 20T ships launch can be either external mounted dorsally or ventrally, recessed somewhat to maintain streamlining.
In previous and long ago campaigns I ran or had a character in, these issues never arose as we were all military or Navy.
Love some pointers, thoughts, data or deckplans to assist my thought processes. Apart from the Type S, these two designs would have to be the most used.
Here is the HG stats of my A2x Far Trader to get the ball rolling somewhat.
A3x - 2422221-100000-30002-0 Mcr 96.14 200 Tonnes
Bat Bear 1 1 Crew 5
Bat 1 1 TL 13
Cargo: 35.000 Passengers: 4 Crew Sections: 1 of 5 Low: 4 Fuel: 44.000 EP: 4.000 Agility: 1
Craft: 1 x 3T Air/Raft, 1 x 20T Launch
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops and On Board Fuel Purification
Architects Fee: MCr 0.891 Cost in Quantity: MCr 71.312
Architects Fee: MCr 0.961 Cost in Quantity: MCr 76.912
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