Hello Mithras,
I hope you don't mind my chiming in here, but I liked the direction you were going in and wanted to see what it would look like in my mapping style. I'm not trying to horn in or anything -- the planning of these things is more than half the battle for me and I liked your planning.
The first image is your plan, slightly modified. I replaced the sickbay with two communal freshers for the folks in Crew Country and placed a sickbay in the vicinity of the Low Berths (but I lost one Low Berth, of course that could be the one in dotted lines and there would be no "real" sickbay, but the Low Berth chamber could still be used for diagnostic tests and such, which is fine). I used communal freshers more than I would have liked, but those rooms on the edges are really really tiny.
The second image is my take on your plan, modified a bit more.
First I dropped the engineering section altogether. Replacing it with the extended Passenger Lounge, as well as room for two additional staterooms (and I also transferred one stateroom in the original into the Galley). I did this because I have made changes elsewhere and wanted the number of staterooms to balance out.
Second: Those skinny staterooms in crew country add up to a total of 15 squares or thereabout (5x1.5 square spaces (7.5) for each pair, 2 pair = 15),which sound like dual-occupancy to me, so I went with that and began looking for other areas to balance out the rest so I would end up with a total of 13 staterooms (but 15 beds since 2 of those 13 are dual occupancy).
Third: I moved the Staterooms on the Passenger side of the ship out a bit and skrunched in the mid-line larger staterooms. They are now 'more equal' (but not equal really). Since this is the top of the ship, I'm not distressed about the lack of side-access for windows (skylights work just as well)
Using the space originally allocated for Engineering granted me a little bit extra room to drop in the last two staterooms to balance out the total number of staterooms. One for a Steward/Medic (either/or or both; this is the one that has two doors, one facing the Crew Country the other facing the Passenger Lounge) and one for a Steward or an Extra Passenger (the one facing the outside which only accesses the Passenger Lounge).
Fourth: Because of the way that I re-adjusted the staterooms, there was a cut-off where the original Captain's Room connected to the Passenger Section. By re-adjusting the interior and door arrangement, I just turned that into an equipment room, either for Life Support "stuff" or storage space depending on what you prefer.
The four staterooms in "Crew Country" are more or less = two real staterooms
The 2 Officer Staterooms up front are single occupancy = two staterooms
The 7 for Passengers= Seven Staterooms
The 2 Steward Rooms = two staterooms
total = 13 Staterooms as called for in original design.
Sickbay and Low Berths are now in one section at the rear of the ship (where they are more accessible for/by the Passengers and no longer adjoining the Bridge); I also stuck a dedicated fresher in there for the Austin Powers Post-Freezing visit to the Necessary.
Life Pods are now at the back end (except the emergency pilot pod in the bridge), not too far from the Passenger section. The Life Pod graphics are just modified Low Berth Chambers, which is sort of Appropriate, although I think such could easily be a combo of the inflatable Escape Bubble and a rigid structure (the Low-Berth like "tube" for ejection which essentially launches out of the ship and expands, then can doubtless be strung together with a bit of effort). The Only "problem" is that there are now 15 beds and only 13 Life Pods, but that is what the design calls for and I'm not feeling like reducing those pods any more than I have.
Oh yeah, I also replaced the Turrets from the original version.
A few changes came to me while writing this all up: I could always drop in a door in that Galley facing Crew Country. I dunno, eh, it's fine as-is for now.