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Unaswerable Questions...

Yep men are pretty easy to understand really...well easy to manipulate at any rate. An if you think I'm giving you even the slightest hint into understanding women you got another thing coming.
Hugs an kisses
Yep men are pretty easy to understand really...well easy to manipulate at any rate. An if you think I'm giving you even the slightest hint into understanding women you got another thing coming.
Hugs an kisses
Truer words were ne'er spoken, lass. Of course the key to understanding is LISTENING, and paying attention. I don't think you're gonna clue us in, nossir.(er..ma'am).
As for manipulation...The Hivers could take lessons from the fairer half of the species, on that I concur.
Originally posted by lisagb:
I know one question which is unanswerable..why did god create men?
lucky she got it right second time round.
God in his (colloquial usage, I recognize that God is gender-neutral) infinite wisdom forsaw the need to, someday, change lightbulbs and kill spiders.

Most men marry a woman for who she is, assuming she won't change.
Most women marry a man for who he could be, assuming she can change him.
Both are inevitably disappointed.
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Unto the Right Honorable "Uncle Bob":
(How does the respondent plea?)
"Guilty as charged, your honor!" :cool:
An there was me thinking men went out with women to get their leg over..how naive of me.

So do we take it that youve done the hoping she wont change an got burnt when she did?

I think bob is right in some ways but I think he's overly pessimistic. Maybe its my "closet romantic" speaking but I think, I hope, with the right person change or its lack of will be a strength not a weakness.
In defence of my own sex, wanting to bring the best out of our partners is surely a good thing? I know it can turn into nag nag nag but we have your best interests at heart boys.

love an hugs

p.s. Ru flirting with me mr Devlin?
Lisa, I said "most."

There is nothing wrong with wanting your partner to excell, but it must be something he wants and can achieve or you will both be miserable. He will seldom forgive you just because your intensions are good.

And the woman will change some as she adapts to new roles, such as (duh) supportive wife, partner, homemaker (as in chatelaine, not haus frau) or responsible mother. Many men do not anticipate these changes and find they are married to a stranger. Then they find a new adoring playmate and start the cycle again.
An there was me thinking men went out with women to get their leg over..how naive of me.

So do we take it that youve done the hoping she wont change an got burnt when she did?
On both counts, each of us expected the above mentioned (changes/ no changes). Both of us outgrew those conceptions of thought.
I think bob is right in some ways but I think he's overly pessimistic. Maybe its my "closet romantic" speaking but I think, I hope, with the right person change or its lack of will be a strength not a weakness.
In defence of my own sex, wanting to bring the best out of our partners is surely a good thing? I know it can turn into nag nag nag but we have your best interests at heart boys.
"Closet Romantic" Lisagb, Strength in coming to adapt to each other is a must. Relationships are built on a series of compromises. IMHO, a woman doesn't necessarily want a throw-rug type all the time, she DOES expect to get her way on certain issues, and expects to be heard (pay attention lads, this is key-Listen to her) and paid homage to (ideas, her clothing, looks, what she wants to do for the evening, etc-Grunts will not do it, use real words, in complete thought out sentences.).
Bringing out the best in us is an admirable thing. The truly clever woman is the one who makes her man/ partner, believe he came up with it first (Its an ego thing,But the happiest woman I know lets her man do just that, and is treated like a princess. SHE knows who calls the shots (she does), but in letting him/ allowing him to believe HE does, she gets everything she wants from the marriage. They are an adorable couple in their late 50's btw.

love an hugs

p.s. Ru flirting with me mr Devlin?
"AHA!" Caught me, have you? Turnabout is fairplay, so I've been told. Shame on me. wondered when you would catch on.
FYI, in a word, yes.
Uncle Bob wrote:
"There is nothing wrong with wanting your partner to excell, but it must be something he wants and can achieve or you will both be miserable. He will seldom forgive you just because your intensions are good."
Agreed, UB. Encouragement is better than nagging. The former is preferrable as it is positive and conveys the best outlook/result to you partner. The former is negative, and is treated as such.

"And the woman will change some as she adapts to new roles, such as (duh) supportive wife, partner, homemaker (as in chatelaine, not haus frau) or responsible mother. Many men do not anticipate these changes and find they are married to a stranger. Then they find a new adoring playmate and start the cycle again."
I prefer her as Chatelaine too, as I am the dish-washer here in "the division of labors" (Cooking is a creative process I encourage, and advise upon when asked (Too spicy? More XXX? [fill in spice here]).
Men who do not anticipate these are indeed fools, we see plenty examples in the papers everyday of that with the high divorce rate. You wouldn't be in the SCA too, UNcle Bob? (jus askin')
AKA Baron Lyelf the Lame of Ansteorra, Liam, although I haven't played much lately for health reasons.

And yes, I am a pessimist. An optimist is constantly being disappointed by people. A pessimist is frequently pleasantly surprised.

An optimist thinks the glass is half full.
A pessimist says the glass is half empty.
An engineer says the glass has 100% redundancy
A mathematician says the topologies are equivalent and the sizes are trivial.

A manager will order smaller glasses to save money, then threaten disciplinary action against any employee going for a refill.
Well, YE, I'll be at Namron protectorate Tourney Oct 12-13th weekend, in fairest Ansteorra. Fraid I couldn't make Steppes warlord or Elfsea defender. A pleasure making your acquaintance. Not everyone uses the word Chatelaine...

Been a member for 22 years now. Lord Liam Devlin, same as he ever was.. To your health, and your household's!

And LisaGB,
Yes, I'm a not so closet romantic too. Comes from the Bard in me. The day I stop flirting, tis the day they toss dirt in me face.
I have to say I'm a great believer in self fulfilling prophesies, if you think the people/ the world is shit then it tends to treat you as above. Where as if you expect the best from people, yes ok you will be dropped in it sometimes but I've often found people try to live up to expectations.
I don't think I have unrealistic expectations of people, but I believe you reap what you sow.
And yes even one of such tender years as myself (22) has had a few curve balls thrown her way, not all my own designing. I still believe in the best in people, an I'm not always wrong either!
Liam (may I call you liam?)
lol. Sorry jus imagining you in a lil pinny doing the washing up. nice! lol.
I cant quite work out whether you consider yourself a progressive or a traditionalist? A liberal or a conservative? A pragmatist or an idealist?
I had put you in your mid to late 20s, Ive boosted you up to mid 30s now, how far out?
laterz babes
Lisa, reaping what you sew er sow... I can buy that but I think it has more to do with your behavior than your expectations. A pessimist, or even a cynic does not have to treat people like crap. I make it a point to treat everyone with courtesy and as much cheerfulness as I can manage.

I am often rewarded by people being helpful and friendly, which is a constant source of unexpected joy. Some people try to take advantge of me or pose a threat to me or my good name, but I expect no better and am not hurt or dissapointed.

By contrast, many optimists seem take the good people for granted and are deeply wounded by the bad. :D
Fair do's. Its jus most people who I know who describe themselves as pessimists also seem to be depressives to.
I couldn't live like that, hey girls jus wanna have fun ya know?
Originally posted by LordRhys:
Here's a question.

Why is there braille writing on the drive-up ATM's control panel? And what does it say, watch out for cars?

When I worked at Stream, Inc there was a bank drive thru and drive up ATM machine outside our back door. At lunch time there was often a line of pedestrians in the driveway to use the ATM.

Sometimes the simplest answers are best.

And Lisa, I know several sour, deppressing pessimists as you describe. They all used to be youthful optimists. On the other hand a cheerful pessimism is much easier to sustain.
lisagb-"Liam (may I call you liam?)
lol. Sorry jus imagining you in a lil pinny doing the washing up. nice! lol.
I cant quite work out whether you consider yourself a progressive or a traditionalist? A liberal or a conservative? A pragmatist or an idealist?
I had put you in your mid to late 20s, Ive boosted you up to mid 30s now, how far out?
laterz babes"
I make a habit never to pigeon hole others, and keep myself the same way.
I'm a soldier (partime now for this half of the career); a college registrar computer guru at work; Politically, I'm conservative, towards libertarianism (fewer laws the better, imho); On the other hand, my degree was in History back in the day, so a dash of realpolitik comes in every now and again (Tis a gift to walk in another's shoes to see their point, then debate them onto your tracks!); I play in the SCA, and have for 22 years--I don't believe chivalry died at Agincourt (or sooner if you argue with some others); I've beena Traveller gamer since 1980, AD & D, and some others I've flirted with since then.
Progressive in what manner? In my views on the man-woman relationship? Most definitely. UB and I have more in common than most would think, in outlook on life. I value friendships more than material things; In the realm of pragmatism vers Idealism, I still dreamof better things, and pragmatically work with the lemmons life delivers.(lemonade anyone?)
YOUR big question...Age wise..Thou art wrong on both counts. I am 40 (minus 1.5 months). 1962 was the year of birth. Da' was a Navy Man (his sires came over in 1846). Mom was descended from an Irish washerwoman emigre of 1778.
As for the pinny--well lass, a dishwasher machine does wonders..even lumbering males can figure them out!

And ye can call me liam, all my friends DO!
A Hundred Thousand Welcomes! (Cead Maile fealte!)