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[Universe] Help!

And the result...

File said:
Import File = C:\Documents and Settings\Kilgs\My Documents\Gaming\Traveller\HandE Files\Descendant.HES

I0106 (aka 0126): Warning = Autocorrected star data ... [M4 IV] assumed to mean [M4 V]

... done!

You guys did it!
Help with New Database

Ive read thru everything and I guess I am missing it or something. I cant find how to create a new empty database.

When I go into Referee mode and choose Personal database instead of the Sample database I get the error

(2147467259) [XTG Systems][Interbase6 ODBC Driver],I/O error for file "C:\PROGRAM FILES\UNIVERSE\TU-EMPTY.GDB",Error while trying to open file, The system cannot find the file specified.

TU-Sample is there in the folder but not TU-Empty

So I guess I have to create it. Right?
Any help on How?

I am wanting to import my own Sectors yet still leave the Sample DB intact.


So I have to ask the stupid obvious questions first - is TU-EMPTY the database you created using Traveller Universe Manager? And is there an actual file at that location?
No. That is the database file Universe expects to find when I click on referee mode/personal and enter Universe. There is no such file existing or created in the Interbase folders or the Universe Folders. But obviously by the error, it is expected.

I figured that Universe would automatically create a new empty database when you selected those start options since the file is not present after install. Obviously I was mistaken or there is a bug.

I can go into Ref mode and select the Sample database and everything is hunky dory since the Sample database is there.

If you need to create a new empty database via the Manager before trying to access it in the main program that is fine. It is a minor problem though in that I can't find any documentation saying for sure how to do it or if when created it will have all the necessary fields. I really hate to think that you have to build new DB files by hand and I doubt this is the case. There is a blank (I assume ) db form file on the CD called "empty3r2.gbk" in the /Data folder (I could be miss-assuming too as to its purpose).

I am not up on Interbase at all. If this was the ancient dBASE III Plus or dBASE IV then no sweat - but it has been almost 15 years since I worked with dBASE or any other DB system.
I'm certainly no Interbase guru either. :)

I think empty3r2.gbk is the template that is used when generating a new database. Go ahead and create one via the Manager (call it whatever you want) and then fire up Universe and see if you can get in.

As I recall, if you want your own playground, you have to create a new DB. Hemdian can fill in the particulars.
You mean an entire new Sector? If you go back to the earlier parts of this thread, it should be listed here as I was asking something similar.


What is the default password for Referee? I haven't touched Universe in about a month due to holidays and can't remember it...
Well after some tinkering I am convinced that TU-EMPTY.GDB is/was intended to be a GDB file created during install or when you select Ref Mode and select Personal as your starting Universe. When you try to create it with Manager it comes back as an error saying that the file name is already in use. Yet there is no such file found anywhere - the program hasn't created it and neither has the user.

Basically the TU-EMPTY is supposed to be just as the name indicates, an empty Universe Database file ready for you to fill sector by sector via import or by hand.

To get around this problem I simply copied TU-SAMPLE.GDB to TU-EMPTY.GDB.

I could have just as easily copied it to TU-MYSTUFF.GDB and labeled it "My Universe". But when you do this, copy the sample over to your new file so you can edit to your hearts content and keep the sample file intact, you must Register it in Manager. If you copy the TU-SAMPLE to TU-EMPTY, since that name is already registered you can go right into Universe and select "Personal" since "Personal" is the label that has been given by default to the TU-EMPTY.GDB.

I have yet to try to create a truly empty GDB file since this quick work-around does fine. However since your new Universe GDB file has all the Sample data in it, you must decide on what you wish to do with all that sector data before proceeding. You can go in and wipe out all the Sectors, one by one, by right clicking on the sector and choosing to delete the sector from the database or you can keep the sectors in tact and replace only those that you want to replace one at a time as needed. To do this, just choose the sector you wish to replace with your own and right click on it. Choose to delete it and do so. Then right click on the blank sector space and choose import sector. Remember to add the proper coordinates and soon your new home made sector should be where the old original sector once was.

The biggest problem we all face, regardless of the program we use, is the accuracy of the Sector Data. Every sector that I am aware of besides (maybe) the sector files for some of the newer published game settings is chalked full of errors. Since all of my games are set in the Classic Traveller milieu, I have yet to find a set of sector files that have reliable data. I think the closest we have are the updated GEnie Sector files. As far as I know those are the same files used to create the World Builder Deluxe Sector Files - I was told that the WBS files from WBD were copied straight over to be the Sector files used in H&E (the HES files). But I can not confirm this since I have never been able to attain a copy of the HES files for H&E. The install for H&E only contains the WBD, WBS Sector files.

If Anyone knows for sure that the HES files were actually ever made and they were updated (better) than the old WBS files then I surely would love a copy of them.

I know there are many attempts ongoing, including the Data Cleaning Project by BITS, to get the sector data correct. But again I am not sure as to what time frame Bits or any of the others are trying to correct the sector data to.

On the BITS website they have the Spinward Marches posted in the Data Cleanup section. Does anyone know what time period the data is based on?

I may start another thread on this topic since it is one that hasn't been discussed for a while and I am just curious about a few things.

Regardless, it is my intention to try to build an accurate sector data set based on the 1105 time frame. I may be reinventing the wheel but it seems to me that most all the sector files out there are based on the time frame of MegaTraveller, with a handful of official and non-official sectors from the early TNE setting and the 1248 material. Granted, it is nice to have those and it is fun to see how the different worlds change over time via disasters and whatnot but they provide no real help for someone like myself running a CT game.

Back to Universe, I have had a chance to play around with it and I must say it is very good at what it does. It is definitely worth the money. Galactic is good and even great with the Gal2CC addon but Universe being so interactive makes it so easy to change UWP data and other pertinent data that it is hard to beat. I really hope Universe 2 or 3 whichever is next to come out happens soon. Adding in the H&E features to generate Rice Papers especially all the trade and encounter information will make it the best thing going for the Traveller Ref. I also hope that when they get to the character creation part that it will include the various editions but since I am a CT guy my only real request is that on the CT Character Creation they have the Basic system and a separate expanded system from books 4-7(8) and they be "By The Book". I have never found a CT character gen program out there that goes 100% by the book. You would think after 30 years there would be one, wouldn't ya.
Well after some tinkering I am convinced that TU-EMPTY.GDB is/was intended to be a GDB file created during install or when you select Ref Mode and select Personal as your starting Universe. When you try to create it with Manager it comes back as an error saying that the file name is already in use. Yet there is no such file found anywhere - the program hasn't created it and neither has the user.

Basically the TU-EMPTY is supposed to be just as the name indicates, an empty Universe Database file ready for you to fill sector by sector via import or by hand.

To get around this problem I simply copied TU-SAMPLE.GDB to TU-EMPTY.GDB.

I could have just as easily copied it to TU-MYSTUFF.GDB and labeled it "My Universe". But when you do this, copy the sample over to your new file so you can edit to your hearts content and keep the sample file intact, you must Register it in Manager. If you copy the TU-SAMPLE to TU-EMPTY, since that name is already registered you can go right into Universe and select "Personal" since "Personal" is the label that has been given by default to the TU-EMPTY.GDB.

I have yet to try to create a truly empty GDB file since this quick work-around does fine. However since your new Universe GDB file has all the Sample data in it, you must decide on what you wish to do with all that sector data before proceeding. You can go in and wipe out all the Sectors, one by one, by right clicking on the sector and choosing to delete the sector from the database or you can keep the sectors in tact and replace only those that you want to replace one at a time as needed. To do this, just choose the sector you wish to replace with your own and right click on it. Choose to delete it and do so. Then right click on the blank sector space and choose import sector. Remember to add the proper coordinates and soon your new home made sector should be where the old original sector once was.

So...what's a decent way to start with an empty universe for homebrew settings? Should I do the above and copy over the SAMPLE to a new file? I'm very unclear about how to do this, and I don't want to mess things up. Any help/advice/etc. would be appreciated. Thanks!
There's a universe management utility as well as the main Universe application. Use this to create a new, blank universe file.
The details/help info on this procedure is sketchy at best.
I am sure there is a simple set of steps to do it but my biggest fear is that since different dB programs work differently, if I were to just take my best guess - it may end up screwing up something I have already created.

So if someone does know the proper procedure for creating new empty database files and have them ready to start entering new data into then a quick procedure list would be appreciated.