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Usdiki Sentients' Rights Accords a Good Idea going too far?


SOC-14 1K
Originally posted by MJD in 3I's Secret Projects/ JumpStart/Beedling Caches/ Etc
The Ftreedom League is allied to the 4I, sort of.

Virus is still around, but it's faded into the background more or less.

The Usdiki Sentients' Rights Accords grant stable Virus citizenship.
Rights to a toaster! :(
Watch Red Dwarf you see why I think it's a bad idea ;)

I toast therefore I am.

If you read one of my bestiary posts, I laid out some of my concerns and objections to uplifting animals. I have the same issues with the Cymbeline chips. These were living entities that were programmed/uplifted to destroy and kill. This brings up the question of how responsible is the creator on the sins and crimes of the created?

If you go with the old Shudusham<sp> Accords the owner/creater of a robot could be charged with any crimes the robot committed. By that logic the 3rd Imperium is guilty of the trillions of deaths caused by Virus. If the 4th Imperium claims legitimacy thru the previous three empires, it can be said they inherit the responsiblity of the Virus release/creation. There is real world examples in that estates and heir can be made to pay restitution/damages for civil, sometimes criminal, judgements against the deceased. Now the heirs don't have to serve prison time, but fines and damages could be inherited.

What's the thought of the citizens, heretics, and Ancients?

PS. In regards to creaters responsible for thier uplifts, are the Ancients accountable for the acts committed by the Vargr? (Another topic true, but something to ponder)
Originally posted by George Boyett:
Rights to a toaster! :(
Watch Red Dwarf you see why I think it's a bad idea ;)

I toast therefore I am.

If you read one of my bestiary posts, I laid out some of my concerns and objections to uplifting animals. I have the same issues with the Cymbeline chips. These were living entities that were programmed/uplifted to destroy and kill. This brings up the question of how responsible is the creator on the sins and crimes of the created?

If you go with the old Shudusham<sp> Accords the owner/creater of a robot could be charged with any crimes the robot committed. By that logic the 3rd Imperium is guilty of the trillions of deaths caused by Virus. If the 4th Imperium claims legitimacy thru the previous three empires, it can be said they inherit the responsiblity of the Virus release/creation. There is real world examples in that estates and heir can be made to pay restitution/damages for civil, sometimes criminal, judgements against the deceased. Now the heirs don't have to serve prison time, but fines and damages could be inherited.

What's the thought of the citizens, heretics, and Ancients?
Looking at the percentage of sane versus insane Virii out there, the Regency's Nuke em policy, and the RC-Freedom League's co-option thru Snake/peacemaker policy (yes Solee loses, but Co-option becomes an SOP in the TNE!!!! YUS!), the numbers aren't going to be huge as you think.

Penalties? I can think of one-the right to subdivide and procreate on proof of 'sanity'/ and being considered a useful citizen of the 4I.
Virus left a lot of hard feelings out there in the worlds that survived (as did the 3I's treatment in the Black war phase.) I think the OTU can handle it.
I can. I will.

---a heretic's reply. :D
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Looking at the percentage of sane versus insane Virii out there, the Regency's Nuke em policy, and the RC-Freedom League's co-option thru Snake/peacemaker policy (yes Solee loses, but Co-option becomes an SOP in the TNE!!!! YUS!), the numbers aren't going to be huge as you think.
Irrelevant. They are all products of an out of control weapon.

Something just occurred to me: What if the accords were more of appeasement and peace treaty because noone had the strength to continue the fight to purge Virus from the universe?

Could we see maybe vampire attacks years or decades after accords from hardliners and opportunists. Each time an attack happens, some apologist/"leftist" will excuse the attacks with things like "What did WE do that led to this attack?" or "Thier mentally sick because of the hunt and genocide against thier 'people' led by PEs A, B, & C".

Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Penalties? I can think of one-the right to subdivide and procreate on proof of 'sanity'/ and being considered a useful citizen of the 4I.
Virus left a lot of hard feelings out there in the worlds that survived (as did the 3I's treatment in the Black war phase.) I think the OTU can handle it.
I can. I will.
If one group has to prove sanity and usefullness for the right to exist and procreate, then they are no better thatn 2nd class citizens. I could see a civil rights group agruing either against the practise or make it universal to all sophonts!

Today there is a controversy of procreation rights. Some want to sterilize molesters, bad parents, and welfare mothers (to prevent the practice of birthing babies for bigger checks), but several groups have successfully barred such sentences in most cases.
Originally posted by George Boyett:
Irrelevant. They are all products of an out of control weapon.
I disagree, you said they were uplifted. The madness has passed, the new world comes to the fore, Not all will trust them, true. But they too deserve to live, and 'grow"--its a divisive issue in the RC-FL in 1204. One can claim the same of early mankind. And then came the Flood..!

Something just occurred to me: What if the accords were more of appeasement and peace treaty because noone had the strength to continue the fight to purge Virus from the universe?

Could we see maybe vampire attacks years or decades after accords from hardliners and opportunists. Each time an attack happens, some apologist/"leftist" will excuse the attacks with things like "What did WE do that led to this attack?" or "Thier mentally sick because of the hunt and genocide against thier 'people' led by PEs A, B, & C".

An idea. But I don't think so. AN alliance made to stop the insane ones, yes, more likely.
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Penalties? I can think of one-the right to subdivide and procreate on proof of 'sanity'/ and being considered a useful citizen of the 4I.
Virus left a lot of hard feelings out there in the worlds that survived (as did the 3I's treatment in the Black war phase.) I think the OTU can handle it.
I can. I will.
If one group has to prove sanity and usefullness for the right to exist and procreate, then they are no better thatn 2nd class citizens. I could see a civil rights group agruing either against the practise or make it universal to all sophonts!
And let us not forget the right of suffrage while youre at it--voting is representational too of citizenship.
And having to prove they'r epeaceful and wish co-existence--Sandman proved he was. He was allowed to duplicate, eh? En garde GAB!

Today there is a controversy of procreation rights. Some want to sterilize molesters, bad parents, and welfare mothers (to prevent the practice of birthing babies for bigger checks), but several groups have successfully barred such sentences in most cases.</font>[/QUOTE]________________________________________________
In your words, "irelevant to (your) the question".

In insane virus' case, it gets purged, or hunted to the fringes of space/ destroyed. No one today can line these molesters up and have them castrated and/or shot. (In America anyways, even these creatures have some rights in human form)
And enforced sterilzation exists n Red Communist China already. Euthanasia in Europe makes a come back despite the fall of the nazis'.
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Originally posted by George Boyett:
[qb]Irrelevant. They are all products of an out of control weapon.
I disagree, you said they were uplifted. The madness has passed, the new world comes to the fore, Not all will trust them, true. But they too deserve to live, and 'grow"--its a divisive issue in the RC-FL in 1204.
A botched/unfinished project.

How do we know the madness is gone? A long forgotten ship might turn up and after fouling everyone restarts the infestations and killing. I can see groups trying to protect them and/or making excuses, including other AIs.

Maybe a group called IAAAI(Imperial Association for Advancement of Artifical Intelligence)

Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
And let us not forget the right of suffrage while youre at it--voting is representational too of citizenship.
And having to prove they'r epeaceful and wish co-existence--Sandman proved he was. He was allowed to duplicate, eh? En garde GAB!
Except proving intent can be considered ideology testing.

Also the right vote is denied to convicted felons in most states.

Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
In insane virus' case, it gets purged, or hunted to the fringes of space/ destroyed. No one today can line these molesters up and have them castrated and/or shot. (In America anyways, even these creatures have some rights in human form)
Ah but thier insane, and insanity is a disease. Again the civil right wackos will make charges of discrimination against the mentally ill.

Not to mention isn't it a bit judgemental to call something different insane?

In summary: granting rights will only bring more headaches.
[/QUOTE]A botched/unfinished project.

How do we know the madness is gone? A long forgotten ship might turn up and after fouling everyone restarts the infestations and killing. I can see groups trying to protect them and/or making excuses, including other AIs.

Maybe a group called IAAAI(Imperial Association for Advancement of Artifical Intelligence)

The madness doesn't go away, MJD said they are going to be a rarer thing though in the future--meaning their will be active Hunts in the 1203-1248 time frame to prune the wilds of these "fleets" of Vampires.
And i f such an organization existed, it would be to protect the Pro Life ethos sane viruses.(Life is precious line)
QUOTE]Except proving intent can be considered ideology testing.[qb]
The RC-FL uses this already in human states/ worlds. Or why else give TDO status, or offer embership in the RCSA?why not an AI-State/ entity?

[qb]Also the right vote is denied to convicted felons in most states.

Ahh but you convict AI without due process in that argument, GAB!
Ah but thier insane, and insanity is a disease. Again the civil right wackos will make charges of discrimination against the mentally ill.
Disease, or crippling formed at time of "awakening"/ creation due to the tech level of the machinery they are in? "Insanity" inherent in most Viruses has been postulized before on other lists like a whale's mind awaking up inside of
the body of another animal foreign to its own. Suicide is the first thought (My God what have I become?), then a slow acceptance through the process of denial(I must destroy all others like myself), to the safety in numbers thinking (Alliance/ empire builders, eventually the Puppeteer master strain), the We are who we are, let us make more of our own kind, in our own image (Early Mother strains, Parent strains, and later Peacemakers-in the latter stages). Hobbyists it maybe argued, focus on tasks at hand and try to not delve retrograde into their own "awakening", in a monomania type pursuit of some goal.
Not to mention isn't it a bit judgemental to call something different insane?

Humans make judgements every day, why not in the TNE on what is a "sane Ai" and an insane one? If it is deemed insane that machines shuld rule over humans, then so be it. You also presume the same dynamic that DN folowed precipitously of revisionism after the fact. Better to say that those that wish to rebuild the future as partners, equals with humans are sane over those that would subjugate by the facts of force, higher technology and threat of force. AM I pro-AI? If this is a heresy, so be it. I'm wearing the coat and the hat.
In summary: granting rights will only bring more headaches.
When did the Civil rights movement not bring any "headaches to the social/ civic status quo. It will take time-Rome wasn't built in a day, and the 4I won't be an overnight thing either. Take the long view, GAB. Time heals all wounds (for some, More time than others!)
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />A botched/unfinished project.

How do we know the madness is gone? A long forgotten ship might turn up and after fouling everyone restarts the infestations and killing. I can see groups trying to protect them and/or making excuses, including other AIs.

Maybe a group called IAAAI(Imperial Association for Advancement of Artifical Intelligence)
The madness doesn't go away, MJD said they are going to be a rarer thing though in the future--meaning their will be active Hunts in the 1203-1248 time frame to prune the wilds of these "fleets" of Vampires.
And if such an organization existed, it would be to protect the Pro Life ethos sane viruses.(Life is precious line)</font>[/QUOTE]Is it really rare, or have some of the Virii can put on a good show? Have they just changed tactics from conquest thru war and invasion to conquest thru laws and law suits?

If you didn't recognize the organization it's based on the NAACP. Generally the group did great work for equally, but alot of times they will still use the old predijucies, hate, and social terrorism (blackmail, boycotts, civil/criminal suits, etc.) when racism has no part to an issue. I fear that IAAAI will use the same tactics.

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Also the right vote is denied to convicted felons in most states.
Ahh but you convict AI without due process in that argument, GAB!</font>[/QUOTE]History and thier actions convicted them.

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Ah but thier insane, and insanity is a disease. Again the civil right wackos will make charges of discrimination against the mentally ill.
Disease, or crippling formed at time of "awakening"/ creation due to the tech level of the machinery they are in? "Insanity" inherent in most Viruses has been postulized before on other lists like a whale's mind awaking up inside of
the body of another animal foreign to its own. Suicide is the first thought (My God what have I become?), then a slow acceptance through the process of denial(I must destroy all others like myself), to the safety in numbers thinking (Alliance/ empire builders, eventually the Puppeteer master strain), the We are who we are, let us make more of our own kind, in our own image (Early Mother strains, Parent strains, and later Peacemakers-in the latter stages). Hobbyists it maybe argued, focus on tasks at hand and try to not delve retrograde into their own "awakening", in a monomania type pursuit of some goal.</font>[/QUOTE]Thier insanity was inherited because of an incomplete project, and the necessary blocks and limiters were not in place.

Hey, I could see AI groups asking for reparations because "we made them into what they became". The old "Society is to blame" tactics.

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /><bleedingheart>
Not to mention isn't it a bit judgemental to call something different insane?
Humans make judgements every day, why not in the TNE on what is a "sane Ai" and an insane one? If it is deemed insane that machines shuld rule over humans, then so be it. You also presume the same dynamic that DN folowed precipitously of revisionism after the fact. Better to say that those that wish to rebuild the future as partners, equals with humans are sane over those that would subjugate by the facts of force, higher technology and threat of force. AM I pro-AI? If this is a heresy, so be it. I'm wearing the coat and the hat.</font>[/QUOTE]Do humans make judgements today? Yes, but if the choice is not politically correct, even if the choice is the common sense and accurate, that person can face censure, civil action, and jail time. I'm not talking about things like murder, theft, or rape. I'm referring to speaking out on a topic, and having various groups making you a target for demonization, censure, and legal action.

Who to say the AI movement and human sympathizers will not do use the same tactics to stifle meaningful debate and resolutions?

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />In summary: granting rights will only bring more headaches.
When did the Civil rights movement not bring any "headaches to the social/ civic status quo. It will take time-Rome wasn't built in a day, and the 4I won't be an overnight thing either. Take the long view, GAB. Time heals all wounds (for some, More time than others!)</font>[/QUOTE]I'm speaking from RL. 1202-1248 is over 40 years, that's almost the same space of time since the American Civil Rights movement. Has things improved? Yes; however, the old and new leadership still use the old fears, hate, and social terrorism to get thier way. Instead of outright war and terror, they will use the legislature and the courts to gain control.

When a minority commits a crime, and it got alot of press, thier actions are excused for being a victim and lashing out, and any prosecution is really a persecution. I can see the same thing happenning if hardliners get control of the AI movement, especially if after the termination (notice how I didn't use murder or assassination) of a visionary leader, a Dr King if you will.

History will repeat itself. It's already happening now. 60 years ago the world sufferred greatly because fear, appeasement, and guilt refuse to stop a growing terror. Today, if we don't act correctly, the same will happen but much worse.

How do we know that the 4I is not going to repeat what happened 3900 years previous?
Personally, I'd just as soon not see any kind of heavy-handed message of persecutorial politics in the book. I get enough of that from the news in real life.

What I'm reading in this thread makes me leery of that, though what MJD has revealed has me quite intrigued for the future of the OTU, and despite me being rather hard-line anti-TNE.
Originally posted by IronCzar:
Personally, I'd just as soon not see any kind of heavy-handed message of persecutorial politics in the book. I get enough of that from the news in real life.

What I'm reading in this thread makes me leery of that, though what MJD has revealed has me quite intrigued for the future of the OTU, and despite me being rather hard-line anti-TNE.
I hope not too. MJD is presenting interesting peaks into M:1248. Overall it's getting me to ponder a TNE campaign with M:1248 as the goal. Like I really didn't like TNE, part background but mostly I didn't like the game mechanics.

Couple of items I disagree or leery:
  • Regency Splintering - I don't see a complete breakdown of the Regency. Some of it from my love of the Spinward Marches and it was last bastion of insterstellar civilization. Mostly I do see them, after improving the infrastructure, expand back into Imperial territory (The 3rd party Manifest Destiny document is a good example), recontact any survivors and PEs, help the Zhodani rebuild thier society, and give assistance to any Aslani plans to cross the rift and rebuild old Hierate worlds. There are plenty of outlets for growth.</font>
  • Lucan as Humanitiis Saviour - This one surprised me. IMNSHO the Lucan was a madman and tragic figure that at the end did the right thing. He should be remembered as that.</font>
  • Right to Virii - My stance in this matter is on record thru this topic.</font>
Originally posted by George Boyett:
Originally posted by IronCzar:
[qb]Couple of items I disagree or leery:
  • Regency Splintering - I don't see a complete breakdown of the Regency. Some of it from my love of the Spinward Marches and it was last bastion of insterstellar civilization. Mostly I do see them, after improving the infrastructure, expand back into Imperial territory (The 3rd party Manifest Destiny document is a good example), recontact any survivors and PEs, help the Zhodani rebuild thier society, and give assistance to any Aslani plans to cross the rift and rebuild old Hierate worlds. There are plenty of outlets for growth.</font>
  • Lucan as Humanitiis Saviour - This one surprised me. IMNSHO the Lucan was a madman and tragic figure that at the end did the right thing. He should be remembered as that.</font>
  • Right to Virii - My stance in this matter is on record thru this topic.</font>
I tend to agree on the subject of the Regency - I think it's more likely that it might mutate into something else, possible something smaller, than simple disintigrate. I'd rather see a Regency beset by internal problems and refusing to recognize the 4I's legitimacy, since it sees itself as the only true inheritor of the values of the I.
Regarding Lucan, do we actually know what redeeming thing he did at the very end? I had thought this was still under wraps. I'm leery on this as well, though, if done well, it could be cool.
well I am certainly glad you jumped in Mr Iron Czar! Thank you for participating!
Sorry to rock yer boat both of you, but I'm pro-TNE (first), having made the transistion CT-MT-TNE (although with a few tears, I admit), and now am gearing up to go T20 with it.
In the regards of Lucan, I admit, I see him in dim lights historically. But then, MJD's fiction so far has stunned and surprised jaded ole heretic me, why not redeem Lucan-surprise me again, he does!
As for Ai-rights and comparing them to NAACP, yer right I don't recognize them--I may have been born in Africa, but I've never been a member.
And Czar, if we can't make comparisons to every day life and politics as a reference for logical inclusion of argument, we infringe upon the basis of our own rights of (a) free speech, & (b) our perceptions of reality. George has his, you, yours, an on the opposite side of the fence two out of three times here, is me!

Enjoyed it GAB. Czar,

TNE-HIC at large,
Liam Devlin,
acolyte of the Fortress of evil,
Home of T20,
somewhere in Rainey Bogge/Saurus/Vilis/Spinward Marches
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
And Czar, if we can't make comparisons to every day life and politics as a reference for logical inclusion of argument, we infringe upon the basis of our own rights of (a) free speech, & (b) our perceptions of reality.
Of course. This is just informal chit-chat. All I'm sayin' is, I hope it's not laid on too thick in the book. I find heavy-handed social commentary intrusive. Subtle and well-done social commentary is, of course, another thing entirely.
Originally posted by IronCzar:
I tend to agree on the subject of the Regency - I think it's more likely that it might mutate into something else, possible something smaller, than simple disintigrate. I'd rather see a Regency beset by internal problems and refusing to recognize the 4I's legitimacy, since it sees itself as the only true inheritor of the values of the I.
Quite agree. The Regency can grow, but various parts, (Darrians, Aslani, Sword Worlds,etc) could decide to go thier own way.

Originally posted by IronCzar:
Regarding Lucan, do we actually know what redeeming thing he did at the very end? I had thought this was still under wraps. I'm leery on this as well, though, if done well, it could be cool.
Nothing is known about Lucan after 1130. This is one of the things MJD is developing. IIRC there might be some hints in some of the online stories.
Originally posted by IronCzar:
Of course. This is just informal chit-chat. All I'm sayin' is, I hope it's not laid on too thick in the book. I find heavy-handed social commentary intrusive. Subtle and well-done social commentary is, of course, another thing entirely.[/QUOTE]

I imagine not. George & I do get a bit "heavy-batter" armed at times. I apologize if the content of this post seemed too heavy-handed in modernity's foibles.
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Sorry to rock yer boat both of you, but I'm pro-TNE (first), having made the transistion CT-MT-TNE (although with a few tears, I admit), and now am gearing up to go T20 with it.
Oh I knew that already with previous topics and the vast amount knowledge you have on the era, both canon and semi-canon fandom. ;)

Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
As for Ai-rights and comparing them to NAACP, yer right I don't recognize them--I may have been born in Africa, but I've never been a member.
Stop the Presses! You're really from Africa?
You learn something new each day. :cool:
Originally posted by George Boyett:
Oh I knew that already with previous topics and the vast amount knowledge you have on the era, both canon and semi-canon fandom. ;)
Semi-canon, aha, the tie turns! He admits it (might/ may) have SOME legitmacy! (satisfied grin). Fandom? Guilty! And yer point is???;)
[/QUOTE]Stop the Presses! You're really from Africa?
You learn something new each day. :cool:
yeppurs, and a mighty fine embassy tour it was fer Ma and Da. ;) Damned hot though, the Sahara; They filmed Black Hawk Down 13 km from my birth place.
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Semi-canon, aha, the tie turns! He admits it (might/ may) have SOME legitmacy! (satisfied grin). Fandom? Guilty! And yer point is???;)
Not legitmacy, but more well known varients and writeup on TNE. You just have a good working knowledge of what has been written. It doesn't mean of it is canon.

Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
yeppurs, and a mighty fine embassy tour it was fer Ma and Da. ;) Damned hot though, the Sahara; They filmed Black Hawk Down 13 km from my birth place.
So you were an embassy brat?

I had a friend in college that was in a similar situation. Her father was a field/consulate agent for "this, that, and every" Intel agency in the US govt. Thier last posting was in Iran at the time of the Shah's fall. :cool:
Originally posted by George Boyett:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Liam Devlin:

Not legitmacy, but more well known varients and writeup on TNE. You just have a good working knowledge of what has been written. It doesn't mean of it is canon.
"I think therefore it is...". Ah ye had me believin there a minute GAB. But it passed.;)

Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
yeppurs, and a mighty fine embassy tour it was fer Ma and Da. ;) Damned hot though, the Sahara; They filmed Black Hawk Down 13 km from my birth place.
So you were an embassy brat?

And a Navy Brat the rest of the time afterwards.
I had a friend in college that was in a similar situation. Her father was a field/consulate agent for "this, that, and every" Intel agency in the US govt. Thier last posting was in Iran at the time of the Shah's fall. :cool: </font>[/QUOTE]_________________________________________________
We have enjoyed a freindly relationship with he Kingdom of Morrocco since the inception of the United States, they being one of the few African nations to recognize us back then. The late Kng Abdullah ascended the throne a year before my birth. The current King, his son was born the same year as I, 1962.
But then so was Micheal Jackson, big deal!