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Using D20 modern for T20: Some Miscellenia


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Allegiances: Allegiances are an optional system in D20 Modern which allows the character mark themselves as part of a larger group or dedicated to a higher idea. You may have up to three allegiances. If you find someone with the same allegiance, you gain a +2 on all charisma checks in interactions.

T20M uses Allegiances for more things. Many of the Social hero's talents and some of the class abilities of social based classes rely upon having an allegiance. Some of the starting backgrounds (or prior history) will also give you an allegiance. You are not required to have any allegiances, but T20M assumes you will have at least one.

Reputation: Reputation is a character ability, given as a bonus, which determine how well known the character is within the world. The GM can make a reputation check to see if an NPC recognizes the character and has heard of their exploits. If so, the character may add their reputation bonus to some charisma based skills if the NPC has heard good things. If the stories are negative, the reputation becomes a penalty.

T20M expands some on the use of reputation, particularly for social and charismatic heroes and some advanced classes.

Wealth: Wealth is an abstract system of tracking a character buying power. Rather than keeping track of exact list of equipment, credits, cash, loan sources, and so on. Characters get a wealth bonus, which is used to make wealth checks to buy needed things. The bonus goes up when the character is given money, sells things, or as a reward. The bonus goes down as the character purchases equipment normally beyond their means, stretching their finances and hampering their purchasing power.

T20M uses the Wealth system with few changes.

Action Points: Action points are a D20 Modern mechanic to give the characters an extra boost of luck and activate some talents and class features. T20M does not use Action Points.

Ordinaries: The T20M rules assume there is no such thing as ordinaries, mooks, or red-shirts. All of the people in the Traveller universe have full access to all of the classes, skill, feats, talents, and class abilities as the characters. Heroes in Traveller are defined by what they do, not based upon what they have.