One that I have used in the past is Heltesagaerne (The Hero Sagas), my own almost-but-not-quite finished rules set.Other than licensed versions of Traveller, what rules systems would you/have you used to play a game you'd think of as being distinctly Traveller?
Perhaps Thousand Suns, or Burning Wheel ?
Other than licensed versions of Traveller, what rules systems would you/have you used to play a game you'd think of as being distinctly Traveller?
Are you looking for complete rule systems, or what other systems we use in conjunction with Traveller. I do not use the Traveller personal combat system.
I was thinking more along the lines of "I use Savage Worlds/BRP/Thousand Suns" to play Traveller than just replacing parts of it.
I like Traveller, Classic/Starter/The Traveller Book, and have not found anything to replace it in general. I just do not like the combat system.
I too like the CT/Starter/TTB and am currently looking at combat system options: out of curiosity, what did you replace the combat system with?
Burning Empire. (I have it, but haven't yet played it.) Based on the Burning Wheel engine and with a story from a graphic novel, the designer references Traveller as an influence in the foreword.
I'm curious why you'd use anything other than the basic rules to run a game in the OTU.
In my case it's because I find the Traveller rules inadequate to my needs. That is especially the case with the basic rules, which are much to coarse-grained for me. Two six-siders just don't provide adequate decision space IMO.I'm curious why you'd use anything other than the basic rules to run a game in the OTU.
I use the system from Don Featherstone's book, Skirmish Wargaming. It does need to be modified to handle animals though. With respect to humans and human-size targets, it works nicely in my view. For modifiers, I go with every skill level in a weapon increases the hit probability by 10%. One die roll takes care of everything, once any modifiers are added or subtracted.
To run Traveller games I have used:
T2k v1
Space Opera
Burning Wheel/Burning Empire
Savage Worlds
... converting MgT armor values to dice (as opposed to static AV's; similar to BRP's variable armor variant).
Yes, all in the 3I, or my ATU/proto version of it at leastAll in the 3I? The only other system I tried was pre-Fusion Cyberpunk, but it lost a lot of the Traveller-y feel. CT, MT, TNE, T4, all had benefits. But T5 is just top banana!