SOC-14 1K
1) Did you use Striker for your Traveller RPG play? If you did,I did you use the turn structure from Striker or Traveller?
2) Did you use Striker for larger battles and skirmishes? How did it play for you?
3) I assume that there will be some misalignment of mixing Striker with the Book 3 Animal Encounters damage system. (I might be wrong about this. I haven't thought through very much, but I want to check.) As a refresher here the rules:
4) Are there any "off the rack" vehicles and gear? Or do you really need to build everything scratch?
1) Did you use Striker for your Traveller RPG play? If you did,I did you use the turn structure from Striker or Traveller?
2) Did you use Striker for larger battles and skirmishes? How did it play for you?
3) I assume that there will be some misalignment of mixing Striker with the Book 3 Animal Encounters damage system. (I might be wrong about this. I haven't thought through very much, but I want to check.) As a refresher here the rules:
Did anyone do any kind of work meshing these two systems together?Animal Hits: The hits column indicates the number of hits an animal can take, expressed as a dice throw. When an animal has received wounds equalling or exceeding the first dice throw, the animal is considered to be unconsious. When it has received wounds equalling or exceeding its total hits, it is dead. If an animal receives wounds equal to twice its hits, it is destroyed, and has lost any food or pelt value.
For example, an animal listed on the animal size and weaponry table as taking 2D/2D hits would have two dice rolled twice: the first result would be the number of hits required to render the animal unconscious. The second two dice throw would indicate the additional hits required to kill the animal. If more than twice this combined value is achieved, the animal is completely destroyed.
4) Are there any "off the rack" vehicles and gear? Or do you really need to build everything scratch?
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