So, I did some simulations. Simple solar system sim with ships flitting about. And got some interesting results.
Given the planet Earth and a 1G (10 m/s^2) starship in orbit around said planet, and the mad race to 100D (1,200,000,000m, given a 12,000Kkm Earth diameter), which way is the fastest?
The planet is traveling "due south" at 30km/s, the ship adopts that as its initial velocity. The ship started at a 10,000km orbit.
I tried three directions. I tried due north (opposite the planet), south (with the planet), and west.
Know which way was fastest?
Wanna know by how much?
[SPOILER="Look see!"]8 seconds. Is that the most disappointing spoiler you've ever seen?[/SPOILER]
Going north and south were identical.
West was 15606 seconds, North and South was 15614 seconds.
Raw time for the distance (no gravity) is 15491s.
It was surprising that both North and South were the same, but going North you have to overcome the initial vector in the opposite direction, and going South you get it as a boost "for free".
So, for leaving a planet, and wanting to get to 100D, it doesn't seem too much matter which direction you go.
Arriving? More complicated problem. Dunno yet.
What this does say is a 1G drive is crazy powerful.