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Vahalla Class Frigate

Nomenclature: VHA-1100
Common Name: Vahalla
Manufacturer: Standard Production Model
Classification: Frigate
Crew: 6 officers and 18 enlisted
Drives: 2 Standard Thrusters
Additional Craft: 1 20 ton Launch and 4 escape pods
Armament: 4 fixed Laser Cannons, 2 Bar Arrays, 4 QF Torpedo Launchers, 48 CSM and 4 hull mounted dual Laser Turrets.
Defense: Electronic Warfare Suite, 24 Electronic Countermeasures, Armor Plating, and Force Shield Generator.

Displacement full loaded, tons: 1532
Length, Feet [meters]: 394.7 [120.3]
Beam, Feet [meters]: 146.0 [44.5]
Speed: 5 Gs. 1 light year per day
Range: 19.1 days

Recognition Features:

 General Shape: The design features a flatten arrowhead section at the bow, while the stern forms a ‘T’ shape.
 Side profile: Bow is ovaliod in shape which extents back to about the midship area. Stern section is dominated by box like fuel tanks, fuel scoop and engine nacelles are center lined of the fuel tanks. Port and Starboard airlock are visible on the upper half of the main body. Bar Array are center lined of main body towards the rear. Remote turrets are located towards the rear of the main hull dorsal and ventral side.
 Forward Profile: Ovaloid shape of main body clearly visible, Fuel tanks extend above and below the main hull, nacelles are visible port and starboard side. Viewport is visble on the nose of the craft from this angle. Dorsal and Ventral turrets visible.
 Aft Profile: Fuel tanks extend above and below the main hull and nacelles are visible port and starboard side. Ovaloid shape of main body visible from this angle.
 Dorsal Profile: At the bow, the bridge’s viewport is visible along with two hatches for the escape pods. Amidships, the Bar Arrays and upper remote turrets are clearly visible. Just aft of the turrets are two more escape pod hatches. Aft section forms a ‘T’ shape with fuel tanks and nacelles clear visible. Exhaust ports for plasma are seen near the rear of this section.
 Ventral Profile: Towards the bow, the hatch for the ship’s launch is center lined and clearly visible. Amidships, the Bar Arrays and lower remote turrets are clearly visible. Just aft of the turrets are two more escape pod hatches. Aft section forms a ‘T’ shape with fuel tanks and nacelles clear visible.

Armament and equipment:

 48 Bearcat CSM at the fuel tank mount.

 2 forward facing Quick Fire (QF) torpedo launchers mounted in the bow carrying 9 torpedoes each.
 2 aft facing QF torpedo launchers mounted in the aft carrying 9 torpedoes each.

 4 forward facing laser cannons mounted in the bow.
 2 bar arrays mounted on the centerline of port and starboard sides of the main hull.
 4 Remotely operated Dual Laser turrets.

 24 standard ECM Decoys mounted at the fuel tank mount.

 1 Navigational Scanner mounted in the bow.
 4 Tactical Scanners, 2 mounted forward and aft
 1 Passive Sensor Array.
 2 side-scan Sensor Arrays.
 6 recon drones

 1 SR 20 ton Launch for ferrying of personal and supplies.
 4 Escape pods.

Several navies have opted to make the follow modifications:
 Replace the Laser Cannons for Paw Cannons
 Bar Arrays replaced with Manned Turrets.
 Replace Bearcat CSM with 24 Short range Missiles.
 Nacelles are removed and tanks modified to Gazelle designed nacelles.
 Launch is replaced with 2 standard production model 10 ton Fighter.

The Vahalla was built in the early years of the Alliance. Over time upgrades and design changes have allow the Vahalla to progress into the modern era.

Designed as Assault ships the majority of its weapons are facing forward allow the ship to concentrate it fire on its target. The large fuel tanks gave the vessel a longer range than most vessels of that time period. Armor was sufficient to engage larger capital ships with a good possibility of survival. Earlier designs lacked Anti-fighter suppression capabilities and if the nacelles were damaged mobility was severely hammered. Normally this would have doomed the ship for the scrap pile but the advent of Shield Generates extended it life and made it a formidable foe.

The Vaughan-Hagen Aerospace Corporation (VHA) has continually upgraded the design and many of these Frigates are sold to planetary governments and small coalitions for use in their navies. VHA has responded quickly to any design flaws and change naval tactics giving the corporation an A1 rating as far as most militaries are concerned.

As stated earlier, the large fuel tanks and only having two engines have decreased it combat effectiveness over time. Even with the addition of laser turrets for anti-fighter suppression, the large fuel tanks hamper target engagement at the stern of the ship. Bar Arrays are effected in much the same manner by the engine nacelles. The large tanks and nacelles provide enemy gunners with an easy target from the side.

Combat Effectiveness:
The advent of shield technology has given the Vahalla it edge. The tactic of charging head long into an enemy fleet and deploying it Cluster Submunitions (CSM) in its center has turned the tide of battle more times than can be counted. The ship is also notorious for punching its way through blockades and for its scouting duties. Thou showing its age it still has some life in it.

Several planetary governments operate the Vahalla within their systems as part of their patrol force. The Alliance Colonization Bureau operates these vessels in border areas mainly because of its extended range. The Alliance Navy has stopped using this ship in favor of the Broadsword. VHA is phasing out the design for the new Valkyrie class.
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I'm using High Guard Shipyard for the Ship Card. Problem is I need to treat the fixed laser cannons as a single battery and the bow and stern Quick Fire Torpedo Launchers as 2 individual batterys. I don't know who to write up the USP to reflex this.

Can someone help me?
Ship: Vahalla
Class: Warship
Type: Frigate
Architect: Rigel Stardin
Tech Level: 14

FF-A614432-600000-40000-0 MCr 984.560 1.25 KTons
Bat Bear 1 Crew: 24
Bat 1 TL: 14

Cargo: 30.000 Fuel: 550.000 EP: 50.000 Agility: 1 Shipboard Security Detail: 1 Pulse Lasers
Craft: 1 x 20T Launch, 4 x 4T Escape Pod
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops
Backups: 1 x Factor 1 Power Plant

Architects Fee: MCr 9.282 Cost in Quantity: MCr 798.928

Detailed Description

1,250.000 tons standard, 17,500.000 cubic meters, Flattened Sphere Configuration

11 Officers, 13 Ratings

Jump-1, 4G Manuever, Power plant-4, 50.000 EP, Agility 1
1 Power plant-1 Backup

Bridge, Model/3 Computer

4 Hardpoints

4 Dual Pulse Laser Turrets organised into 1 Battery (Factor-4)

Armoured Hull (Factor-6)

1 20.000 ton Launch (Crew of 2, Cost of MCr 18.000), 4 4.000 ton Escape Pods (Crew of 0, Cost of MCr 9.600)

550.000 Tons Fuel (4 parsecs jump and 28 days endurance)
On Board Fuel Scoops, No Fuel Purification Plant

24.0 Staterooms, 30.000 Tons Cargo, 11.000 Tons of Waste Space

2 Side scan Sensorss (8.000 tons, Crew 0, 0.750 Energy Point, Cost MCr 9.600),
1 Gym (4.000 tons, Crew 0, 0.010 Energy Point, Cost MCr 0.480),
1 Laundry (4.000 tons, Crew 0, 0.010 Energy Point, Cost MCr 0.480),
4 CSMs (6.000 tons, Crew 0, 0.500 Energy Point, Cost MCr 3.600),
4 Fixed Laser Cannonss (6.000 tons, Crew 0, 4.000 Energy Points, Cost MCr 14.400),
4 QF Torpedo Launchers (6.000 tons, Crew 0, 0.380 Energy Point, Cost MCr 14.400),
2 Bar Arrays (8.000 tons, Crew 0, 2.000 Energy Points, Cost MCr 4.800),
4 ECM Decoyss (2.000 tons, Crew 0, 0.500 Energy Point, Cost MCr 1.200)

MCr 937.442 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 9.282),
MCr 742.528 in Quantity, plus MCr 56.400 of Carried Craft

124 Weeks Singly, 99 Weeks in Quantity


.....This is what I have so far....
I'm using High Guard Shipyard for the Ship Card. Problem is I need to treat the fixed laser cannons as a single battery and the bow and stern Quick Fire Torpedo Launchers as 2 individual batterys. I don't know who to write up the USP to reflect this.

Can someone help me?

That's a common complaint with the USP format. You're locked into a limited weapon arrangement. For exampel, if you have Missile Turrets you can't also have Missile Bays (and vice versa) since all your missiles are factored at a single strength (factor) and how many batteries at that strength because there is only one slot in the USP for missiles (and each other weapon type).

Short of reworking the weapons (eliminating other examples; or making them all the same effect and noting the limited fire arcs maybe) I think about all you can do (if you still want to make it USP compatible) is make a note in the Comments section.

I suppose maybe you could add a partial USP line as an alternative. One for the standard weapons as part of the main USP and then below that another partial line filling in the special weapon batteries.
Or, you can list the USP in MegaTraveller format, which allows for one strength each for spinal, bay, and turret batteries... Note that MT format uses the same exact meanings for all the codes, it just lays out very differently (and not so compactly).