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Vargr Eyesight

Is Vargr eyesight limited to blue-green like dogs or blue-green-red like humans?

I know it is canon that Vargr eyesight differs from human, and explains some of their somewhat garish taste in clothing colors, but I do not remember if it is the same as wolves or not. I would guess that it is NOT blue-green-red, or at least that it is more subdued than human.

BTW, here is a helpful webpage on the topic in general:
Not necessarily. Vargr are engineered from dogs/wolves which are bichromatic while humans are trichromatic and reptiles/birds are tetra chromatic. (Inc. UV) All from the same planet. So with two factors of variability, any answer could be right.
Another thought: If Vargr do not see red, how does that affect them in Imperial space, or how does it affect Imperial technological design in regions where Vargr are common? Red is often used on monitors to signal danger or a problem in equipment whose design is influenced by Terran/Solomani standards.
Inferred red
for some reason I saw that as initially infurred red, thinking about Vargr....(and having adopted way too many fur animals over the years!)

anyway, back to this discussion, where I learned a new word: tetra chromatic (was already aware birds saw wavelengths we can't but did not know the name - thanks!
I don't know if it's Star Trek Cannon, but there was a novel where it is discovered that Klingons can't see into the red spectrum and have Amber Alert instead of Red Alert in emergencies.

I just did a quick search, and can't find the book it was in. I did find some posts on the subject in Reddit that talk about Klingons seeing further into the red and don't see much into the green spectrum due to their sun & atmospheric conditions of their home planet.

I would guess that Vargr in Imperial space, especially on military ships or bases, would have lighting in a spectrum they could see denoting the Green, Yellow, and Red that are seen by humans in emergencies.
Another thought: If Vargr do not see red, how does that affect them in Imperial space, or how does it affect Imperial technological design in regions where Vargr are common? Red is often used on monitors to signal danger or a problem in equipment whose design is influenced by Terran/Solomani standards.
Most warning signs and such have more than one means for someone to read them. Stop signs use color, shape, and words for example. If a Vargr couldn't see the color red, he could still see the shape, symbols, words, etc., on the sign that convey the meaning.

On a military ship, I'd think that there aren't blaring, flashing lights to warn of danger so much as signs and in cases like calling the crew to quarters for combat, audio. Maybe something not so annoying as a siren but rather say a drumbeat or whistle calls with verbal announcements.
Assuming that culturally, or instinctively, the Vargr don't identify another colour as danger.

For them, red may just mean faster.
Red yellow and green were not foregone conclusions, but a standard agreed on to make signs and stoplights consistent. Originally stop signs were usually yellow in the US.
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