varger you just had to do it, didnt you!you had to run to the principaland the teacher and snitch!
on top of that they are nobles! whats a working man to do?you realy let me down, i am crushed! we were having such fun! you and i were a great team togather!the Entire World Traveller community was laughing with us or at us. either way they were reading our trash!! a lot of folks were saying "now what are these two idiots doing now!!
i have no idea if anyone liked out trash, but who cares it was fun. any way its gotta stop! i had a
visitor or a vision i dont know witch - let me explain further - here goes.
there i was at 0130 in the middle of startown in a dive called Poxies Place dringing spiced fire ale and chasing it with Cha Cha whisky and watching the floor show, wow what a combination!!
guess what happened?? INSIDE the bar and olny over MY table, giant dark clouds formed, there was loud rolling thunder and great claps of flashing booming lightning and rain!! and then a a great face formed inside the clouds - wow he looked ugly AND pissed off!!and then he spoke, he said trader jim (i froze he knew my name) trader jim!!cut out the crap, be nice to the little vargr
puppy, after all he has 4 stars to your 2, and he will be a noble one day! and irember somthung about unsociable penaltys mentioned by some one last week!! then while he was laughing he threw down a lightning bolt and blew my chaair apart and i fell on my ass he also said "the HUNTER has spoken" then his laughter faded away in the nite!!
boy did that place empty out fast!!! so thats it i offer a second truce - by the way whats a "HUNTER" ?? excuse some of the spelling spiced
ale does that some times to me.