Depends on how canon and by-the-rules legal you want to be
Thrust in Traveller, MT specifically, if you take SOM (Starship Operator's Manual) as a given, is generally directed thrust. That is (most if not all) your thrust is in one direction. So if you put a 1G plate on your belly it won't add to the thrust of the 2G plates on the aft.
...a few things might work.
First, I'm pretty sure MT included the idea of lifters, which negate some 99% of the local gravity. Not quite the same as your 1G of thrust but effectively very close to it.
Second, you could make it a tail lander and keep all your thrust in the aft.
Third, the same directed thrust rules in SOM allow overpowering the thrust for short periods to permit landing. From memory a 1G thrust ship (aft) can overpower by 4x to create 1G thrust down for long enough to land. Normally the off-axis thrust is 25% at 90 degrees (so your 3G ship would have 3/4G thrust down available all the time anyway, which is almost your 1G. You could easily use it to counter the gravity of a size 6 or smaller world for as long as your fuel holds out.
Fourth you could get creative and make the thrusters true vectored thrust by putting them on gimbles and just pointing them the way you want. The problem with that is there are no rules to cover it so you have to make them up.
There's always a but. In this case it looks like your looking for a way around the rules that say an unstreamlined ship can't land (at least not in atmosphere). If that is your intention you'll have a lot more rules to work around anyway so just make it so and ignore the rules that would be in the way. Nobody will break down your door and take your Traveller game away from you...
...they may however grief you to no end here on the forum